Barack Obama Blasts Donald Trump: 'How Hard Can It Be To Say Nazis Are Bad?' | The 11th Hour | MSNBC

in 2018 •  6 years ago 

It did not start with Donald Trump he is a symptom not because he's just capitalizing on bitterness that legislators have been Fanning for years a dread and indignation that's rooted in our past but it's also assume out of the enormous upheavals that have occurred in your brief life-times Democrats have been saying they need him the left has been saying they need to hear from him and so today they did within the 60 -day window until the midterm elections today the last president reappeared and came out swinging in his attack of the current president and what we call the new normal it happened in an hour-long speech at the University of Illinois I deplored spate about Fox News but you never heard me threaten to shut him down or call them adversaries of the people it shouldn't be democratic or republican to say we don't target certain groups of people based on what they look like or how they pray "we il be" Americans we're supposed to stand up to bullies not follow them which we're supposed to stand up to discrimination and we're sure as heck supposed to stand up clearly and unequivocally to Nazi sympathizers how hard can that be saying that Nazis are bad President Obama also offered stinging analysi of what's become of the Republican Party they're undermining our confederations cozying up to Russia what happened to the Republican Party its central organizing principle in foreign policy was the fight against communism and now they're closing up to the former head of the KGB actively blocking legislation that would defend our elections from Russian attack what happened on cue President Trump responded to Obama's speech today during his own statements in Fargo I'm sorry I watched it but I fell asleep I procured he's very good very good for sleeping with us tonight to talk about all of it Lonnie Chen a senior advisor to the National Republican Senatorial Committee also happens to be research fellow at the Hoover Institute and former presidential expedition adviser to both Marco Rubio and Mitt Romney among others and Jonathan Allen veteran journalist and writer currently our own NBC News national political reporter Jonathan you get to go first only because I want to ask you based on your experience he went after Trump by call saw you surprised I was a little surprised generally former chairwomen aren't willing to give up the halo the consequences of being out of office to essentially gamble their popularity the recall of their presidency by getting back into fights with with the current president it's deep uncommon but we live in peculiar hours and as you mentioned before President Obama has been getting a lot of pressure from his left to engage in this fight I think it's important to be noted that Donald Trump won the presidency by beating Hillary Clinton in a lot of districts in waver states that Barack Obama had acquired he has better standing in a lot of those homes than any other Democrat right now so there's a lot of pressure on him to speak up and I think some of the things he said examine he threw it it shouldn't be that hard to say Nazis are bad I'll even take that you know that really brave step and say Nazis are bad I hope I don't get any blowback people criticizing me for making an opinion there but I think we live in sort of profoundly peculiar hours and obviously he felt he wanted to stand up and saying anything now you're gonna ascertain him on the campaign trail it'll be interesting to see two presidents at the same time on the campaign trail because we haven't seen that at least in terms of the most recent president campaigning during while they well the current one is Lonnie we should say something here and that is when forty four get elected forty three did the usual classy president thing and said I'm gonna remain my silence and drop back and enjoy retirement I'm quite sure that forty four in criticizing forty five it was not an easy decision for him what else did you find notable today well it could not have been an easy decision because it was clearly not something it was a break with tradition I supposed the other thing that was interesting was how aggressively President Obama tied what President Trump has done to the Republican Party and this is really an effort to purported squarely at some of these voters that are moderate Republicans or maybe convince' belen dependency the belief being that those individuals are the ones that are going to are going to swing this election in November now the challenge with that conjecture of course is that midterm election electorates traditionally have been base electorates it's about getting out the Republican base of the Democratic basi and this appeal really is something that I envision will energize Democrat yes but also Republicans again of the ideas they can get enough independent supporting perhaps they can win in some of these marginal districts hey there I'm Chris Hayes from MSNBC thanks for watching MSNBC on youtube if you want to 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