Rajinikanth and Akshay Kumar's film '2.0' is India's mega-budget film. Shankar directed magnum opus starring Rajinikanth, Akshay Kumar, and Amy Jackson, the teaser got released yesterday and which was screened in both 2D and 3D in theaters, and also released on a number of social media platforms and has gone viral already. The Film production almost costs more than 500 crores. 2.0 Teaser was the most expected teaser on this year. Which was still trending in many countries apart from India.
The 90-second teaser wastes no time in getting to the one-liner of the film, What if mobile phones take over the world, literally?. Here is the break down of the Teaser.
Source: Youtube
In the opening, a man was hanged in a telephone tower and many birds were circling the tower, I think it may the starting portion of the film where the man may be Akshay Kumar. This is where he gets his second life and turn into a villain with the help of those birds and the cell phone tower, who knows? maybe.
Source: Youtube
In this image, the phones were observed or taken away by a power which confused the people over there. There is a connection with the last image, in that image Akshay was hanged in a Telephone tower and now phones vanished. So he may become a superpower and takes all the phones.
Source: Youtube
This pic confirms my assumption, The phones were joined together and forms Akshay Kumar face where Vasiharan is staring at him. the phone forms as pixels and forms Akshay face which is quite interesting and innovative to see.
Source: Youtube
In this image, Superstar was standing and staring the sky where millions are mobile phones were flying on the sky, along with our superstar Emy was standing with him, but why she was in a Robot suit. Whether Emy was also a Robot in this film?.
Source: Youtube
This seems to be a meeting where Thalaivar was discussing the problem with the people over there, but there is Emy with him so she might be also a woman in power. And this image confirms that she is not a robot.
Source: Youtube
There they introduce Chitti to solve this problem this problem, till this you can easily guess the movie story, But after this, the trailer got some interesting stuff with it.
Source: Youtube
This might be the secret behind the vanished phones, the phones were formed into a giant bird and try to catch chitty where this scene was full of CG but there is no way to believe that it's a graphic one, it was absolutely real and awesome.
Source: Youtube
Here comes the real hero Chitti 2.0 the upgraded one, I think the chitty can't able to control the Villanism so the Upgraded one was recreated to control it. But where is the villain, where is Akshay ?.
Source: Youtube
Here he is, If you see it the first time you won't believe that it is Akshay, He looks terrific and seems to the one controlling the bird. In Enthiran Chitti have a Gun in his hand itself which was liked by all, likewise, Mr. Richard has something in his hand and that controls everything. His nails, dress and even the eyebrows look weird and he is remembering some Comic villains look.
Source: Youtube
This seems to be the Climax part where it was shot in a football stadium. Here mobiles were combined and form robot-like structure and running towards our Chitti 2.0, This will the nail-biting seen in the film as thousands of robots are running towards Chitti.
Source: Youtube
Wow, this is what we are expecting the killer fight, Chitti destroying the robots in its own swag style. This scene remembers the Enthiran scene, Chitti destroys everyone by saying " Happy Diwali Folks", So this may his Signature move. Watching it in the Small screen creates goosebumps for us imagine how it will be in Big Screen that too in 3D.
Source: Youtube
As usual Thalaivar style Punch but not by words but by saying "Cuckoo" in his own swag style. Even in Enthiran the "Black sheep" dialogue was famous and not only that many dialogues said by Chitti became a trend. Likewise expecting this too. As the Crew didn't announce the release date people were eager to see the film after seeing the trailer.
The trailer has created Many records and still stand First in Trending,
The teaser was released in three languages Tamil, Hindi, and Telugu and it has crossed more than 30 Million views in the youtube in a single day.
Here is the Teaser,
Posted from my blog : http://cinemascape.in/2-0-teaser-takes-us-to-the-hollywood-level-here-is-the-breakdown/