Wake the eff up!

in 3rdeye •  7 years ago 

Screenshot_20171206-170259.pngRunning in every direction avoiding my passions, my truth, and my heart led my body to smack me right dab in the forehead to wake the fuck up!
We live in a society where we are intimidated to be our most authentic selves. I love DNA, economics, blockchain, cryptocurrency, CELLS, learning anything and all things quantum. I hate small talk, gossip, and banks... Trying to figure out who I am in a materialistic world made me feel weird. I was soo uncomfortable with who I am because no one could hold a conversation with me made me feel isolated. Am I the weird one or are they? Like who doesn't love crypto? And what do you mean you have never heard of blockchain??? Anyways, I became so consumed with trying to figure out my life while ignoring my higher purpose. I started career chasing. The more consumed I became in every new venture that was for the sake of money, the more my body physically started hurting, I was on edge, unhappy, it was as if my soul was crying out to me. I knew in my heart I have a major purpose on this Earth to create a major change. I kept shutting my heart down. I was scared of my truth. I was scared of shaking things up. I was scared of the power I knew I would have to find within to step into my position to fulfill my life purpose. I ignored myself until my third eye forced me to stop and wake the fuck up! When you literally have your third eye look like its coming out of your head you really open your eyes to what is happening... I stopped pretending. I stopped pleasing everyone else, grew a backbone pushed the fear aside and started following my heart. I am learning daily how my passions and purpose align. I am a creator. We are all creators and we all have a major purpose to fulfill , collectively. I am excited to be on this journey in this community where I feel free to be my most authentic self and I encourage each and every one of you to as well. The time is now ♡

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