THURSDAY AT FARMS: Cilantro and its Benefits

in farms •  7 years ago 

How to grow cilantro at home

This vegetable theme is fun we can see and know many about all of them, but today I want to talk about cilantro, its smell is strong and very diligent, special for soups. And the most important thing is that it is very easy to cultivate to be able to do it in our own house. We can see how it is grown and some of its benefits and properties.

Cilantro is an aromatic herb that is used to flavor many dishes, most of them of Mexican tradition. Although it resembles parsley, it is surprising that the flavor it brings to the dishes is so intense. Particularly to me it seems that it comes to ruin them, but for tastes are the colors.


If you are an unconditional fan of this plant having it at hand in your garden is very simple. It will be enough if you have a flowerpot or you reserve a place in your garden, since its cultivation is very simple.

You can buy the plant directly or sow it with seeds - these can also be used to flavor your dishes. You will also need universal substrate and natural fertilizer and soil. You have to mix these three components. As a recommendation, keep in mind that if you prefer to plant through seeds, it is better to use a seedbed as it is always better to use the most suitable ones for each purpose. Following with this type of crop the next step that you have to give is to spread the seeds by the earth - without passing - to throw more earth until covering them and pressing lightly. In a few days you will be able to appreciate how they germinate.


The best option is to plant it in rows with a separation between seeds of about 30 cm. As for the depth, they can not be more than 1 cm. since they need light and clarity to sprout -this happens about three weeks after planting.

Outside this plant can last from spring to the end of autumn. The lands in which these plants grow best are calcareous and that have not been fertilized with manure for at least the previous year.


When watering, be careful not to flood the area as it does not survive the abundant water. It requires a lot of lighting and protected areas from the wind.

As I said, it's easy and practical, and it's great for dishes, but in soups I love it in my country we use it mostly for soups and also for some salads.

Advantages of coriander for cooking

To season your dishes, always use the leaves that have a more yellow color because they have a more intense flavor. As a curious detail and that will serve to decorate your dishes will be good to know that their flowers are edible.

The Benefits of Cilantro for Health.


This herb is not only commonly used and an ingredient that in the form of seed is found in many tasty and exotic recipes, it is also a powerful natural cleansing agent. Coriander has been used effectively to remove toxic metals and other toxic agents from the body.

The chemical compounds of coriander adhere to toxic metals, releasing them from tissues, blood and organs. The chemical components of coriander then help to expel these harmful substances from the body.

There is also much literature suggesting that coriander could be one of the best natural chelating agents, particularly for individuals who have been exposed to high levels of mercury. Excess mercury is a common problem that can be the result of metallic dental fillings or excessive consumption of predatory fish. Many people who suffer from excess mercury report that the feeling of disorientation that comes with this intoxication can be greatly reduced by consuming large amounts of cilantro over a long period of time.

Also the rich qualities of coriander oil have a powerful positive effect on the inside of the digestive tract. The oils help the digestive system to produce digestive enzymes, acids and juices. The oil also stimulates digestion through a peristaltic movement.


List of Cilantro Properties and Benefits:

  • Powerful anti-inflammatory properties that can relieve arthritis symptoms
  • Protective agents for bacterial infections such as Salmonella in food
  • Serves to increase HDL (good) cholesterol, and lower LDL (bad) cholesterol
  • Relieves stomach gas, prevents flatulence and is a digestive support in general
  • Away urinary tract infections
  • Helps reduce nausea
  • Reduces temperamental hormonal changes related to menstruation
  • It has been shown to reduce menstrual cramps
  • Add fiber to the digestive tract
  • A source of iron, magnesium, and helps fight anemia
  • Relieves diarrhea, especially if it is caused by microbial or fungal infections
  • Serves to promote healthy liver function
  • Reduces minor inflammation
  • Strong antioxidant properties
  • Disinfects and helps detoxify the body
  • Stimulates the endocrine glands
  • Serves to secrete insulin and reduces blood sugar
  • Funge as an antiseptic and a natural anti-fungal for skin disorders such as fungal infections and eczema
  • It contains properties to boost the immune system
  • It serves as an expectorant
  • Relieves conjunctivitis, as well as aging of the eyes, macular degeneration and other stress factors in the eyes


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