Take a look at the current BEST smartphones Games.

in esteem •  7 years ago 

Play video games? Then why would you have to play with the new load and then play on the PC? Or you can buy a gaming console at the cost of thousands of taka when you can play HD games from your favorite games on your smartphone. Yes, today I took up techtunes with some of the current trending mobile games. Just 5 years ago, we had to rely on computer or gaming consoles to play high definition games. But now smartphones are getting bigger RAM like RAM, high speed processor and original hardware gpu for playing games. Therefore, the smart platform for smartphones is the perfect platform for people who currently play video games for timepass or choose video games for entertainment. And today's tune to some of the best video games of the smartphone gaming platform. Most of the games mentioned in this tune are free-to-play games, But there are some paid games among them. So let's see if you do not see the current best trending games for your Android or iOS smart device:

From the console to the smartphone

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Earlier, only separate video games were built for smartphones. These games were made for smartphones only. But now the games for the computer and gaming consoles are slowly running the smartphone world. Yes childhood resident Evil 4 superhit game but now you can play on your smartphone. The game has come to the smartphone perfectly. On the other hand, Dead Space Games series will now allow you to play on your smartphone. Fortnite game, however, is currently trending on smartphone console games. Fortnite is a multiplayer battalion royal game where you can take a gaming experience with the computer or the console on the Internet with other players around the world. And now you can play the Fortnite game on the smartphone, and it's still free! And with the Fortnite version of the computer, this smartphone version has been porting almost as well. Currently you can play the game on iOS devices, but at the end of this year (2018) the game is also going to come in the Android platform. Another game of the same type is PUBG. Although you can not play with desktop players in this game's smartphone version, like the desktop version of the game, the mobile version has been portable as well. The PUBG game now allows you to play on both Android and iOS smartphones platform. On the other hand, the mobile version of the Minecraft game is quite similar to the Xbox One version. You can also try this game once. It is worth noting that these games of the console are very high definition graphic games and so these games mobile version to play on your smartphone you want a good quality smartphone device. From the console to the mobile gaming sector that

. Fortnite (iOS)

. PUBG (iOS, Android)

. Minecraft (iOS, Android)

. Don't Starve (iOS, Android)

. Bastion ( iOS )

. Hotline Miami (Android)

Casual Hits

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Many of these casual kind of mobile games may look boring. Because these games are actually built for timepass only. But at the same time, those casual games are not associated with serious gaming or want to make headlights for 10 or 20 minutes of playing in a busy life. And it is worth mentioning that the number of these casual games is relatively high in the mobile gaming world. And in the Casual Games, the name that does not tell at the beginning is Angry Birds. Angry Birds Classic and Candy Crush Saga game can be played in two hours, but the fun will not be reduced. And you do not need a smart phone type to play these casual games. In almost all types of configurations, these types of games will be run on the smartphone. I've listed some casual games in trending below, but I think most of you have already played these games:

. Candy Crush Saga (iOS, Android)

. Angry Birds Classic (iOS, Android)

. Candy Crush Soda Saga (iOS, Android)

. Candy Crush Jelly Saga (iOS, Android)

. Angry Birds Go (iOS, Android)

. Angry Birds Friends (iOS, Android)

Puzzle Games

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If you prefer to play a little harder game than simple casual games on your smartphone, then you can play these puzzle games. If you play them, you can practice the brain. Needless to say now that the smartphone puzzle game has improved greatly. Just like the Room Game You can solve various object vicious puzzles in this game and the game is quite fun. And with the correct solution of these puzzles, you can get out of the closed room. Already about 4 versions of the game have been released for mobile. And if you want to play storylined puzzle games you can play Old Man's Journey game. Presently the puzzle games that have trends in the world are given with their links:

. The Room (iOS, Android)

. Monument Valley (iOS, Android)

. Fez (iOS)

. Old Man's Journey (iOS, Android)

Role Playing Games

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Do you love to play role-playing games on mobile? So many of the apps in the mobile app store will find these types of games. Sadly, these games are more expensive than other mobile games. However, it should be kept in mind that these games have been brought directly from the direct gaming console to some of the graphical changes made to mobile phones. On the other hand, there are opposite incidents. For example, the PC gaming platform Steam Joe Do not Starve has been priced at 15 USD but the game's version of iOS is worth 5 US dollars. On the other hand, you will find many of the popular Final Fantasy mobile games. Square Enix Company has many games in the final fantasy series pots for mobile devices. Among them are the Final Fantasy VII game. The game is currently available as a full high definition remake in the PlayStation 4 game console; And at the same price you will get the mobile version of the game. The trending mobile role playing games are given below with the link; And yes, to play these games you need a 2GB RAM smartphone:

* Final Fantasy VII (iOS, Android)

* Dragon Quest (iOS, Android)

* Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic (iOS, Android)

Arcade games

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Before the high definition games of computers, these games are known as market matsu. But at the time the Arcade games are lost from the big platform, yet these games are still on the small screen in the mobile. And you will find many more of these mobile games in mobile app stores. In addition to the complete new arcade games, you will also get the store in the previous era Arcade games. For example, Bandai Namco, Atari, Midway Games, Sega etc. are some of the company's various Golden Games such as Galaga Wars, Ms. Some of the games on Pac-Man, Missile Command, have been updated by updating the graphics for the mobile and re-releasing, but you will also get many games as a direct port. However, it is important to note that the Direct Potsing games of this arcade game are mostly paid games, so the chance of playing in the frames is very low. The trending arcade mobile games are now given with the link below:

.Crossy Road (iOS, Android)

. Ridiculous Fishing (iOS, Android)

. Robot Unicorn Attack (iOS, Android)

. Galaga Wars (iOS, Android)

. Ms. Pac-Man (iOS, Android)

. Atari's Greatest Hits (iOS, Android)


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The Nintendo console games have many rear and this game is not available for the mobile phones of this console. The console's popular hit games, Mario Galaxy or Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild, you can not play on mobile anymore. However, some of the company's games are currently available on the smartphone. Among them, FIre Emblem Heros, Super Mario Run games are worth mentioning. Listed below are the links of trending Nintendo Mobile Games:

. Fire Emblem Heroes (iOS, Android)

. Super Mario Run (iOS, Android)

. Animal Crossing Pocket Camp (iOS, Android)

Indie Games

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Smartphone app stores are currently full of indie-style games. As with the classic genre giant Games Legend of Grimrock, there are many more games in Zumbi-style, Last Day on Earth, Math-style Threes !, RPG-style You Must Build a Boat, Text-style A Dark Room, and many more. Most of these games were made by the makers for entertainment, but later the games took the tops of popularity and took the AAA rating to the list of games. Currently Trending Indie Games are:

. Legend of Grimrock (iOS)

. Last Day on Earth (iOS, Android),

. Threes! (iOS, Android)

. You Must Build a Boat (iOS, Android)

. A Dark Room (iOS, Android)


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Ehhem! The game is very easy to play on the mobile, as the game is very easy to play and it is always connected to the net, because these games are used to cut data electrically. So many people love to play these multiplayer games in computer or game consoles. Again, the number of players on the opposite side is not less. Do not waste the data, whether the smartphone is hot, but the multiplayer games are different than lying on the floor! Fortnite and PUBG can be technically brought to this multiplayer category but at the beginning of the tune, I did not give the console games category games for two. All mobile multiplayer games that are currently marketable or trending are given below:

. Clash Royale (iOS, Android)

. Hearthstone (iOS, Android)


Top games are all trending games. This means that today (July 018) these games are playing more than the world's mobile gamers. So maybe there are not many popular or older games on the list. So do not be too upset. You can get more from me when you play a gaming as a gamble. Apart from this list, you can see my personal favorite games playing a few:

Marvel Contest of Champions

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This is my most favorite game on the list of mobile multiplayer games. There are almost all the heroes and villains in the new old world of Marvel World. Game is a fighting game. This means that in the childhood King Of Fighters can also explain the game as Marvel version of the game. Download the game> For iOS version ,> For Android version.

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