Introducing Week 1 of Steemit Quiz 2025 and the 3 rounds that we'll be kicking off with.
It is great to see so much interest with the idea of running a weekly quiz here on Steemit and to see so many people interested in joining.
Within the 200+ comments, some teams were formed and whilst I think I've captured most of the teams created, it would be really helpful if you could please:
📝 State your team name and team members in the comments below
For those that haven't been able to join a team, you are welcome to play along and if you wish to join or create a team at a later date, your points will be combined for the total, annual score. Of course, you can continue to go solo and try to beat the best of them.
Everybody is invited to answer the questions, whether you're a super serious quiz master or just wanting to have a bit of fun!
If you've stumbled across this post and don't know what I'm talking about, please visit my original post -
❓ Steemit Quiz 2025
Summary of the key points:
Each week, on a Sunday (UK Time), I will announce the Rounds for the forthcoming week. Each week, there will be 3 Rounds of 10 Questions.
The questions will appear in the comments of Sunday's Announcement Post at random intervals.
For each question, each team member is entitled to 1 attempt at the answer. DO NOT EDIT YOUR ANSWER!
In total, the prize pool could be in the region of $1,500 over the course of the quiz.
Please read the full post for the underlying details.
❓ Week 1's Rounds
Within the comments below, I've created 3 Rounds and within each Round, I'll share 10 Questions which will appear sporadically.
I originally suggested that I would ask the questions over Monday to Saturday but I'd like to leave Saturday free to allow users to try and answer any remaining questions.
Therefore, all of the questions will be added between Monday and Friday. (I won't try to be clever with this, I'll go sequentially from Round 1, Question 1 through to Round 3, Question 10.)
Once I start to collate the scores on the following Sunday, I'll put a padlock sign (🔒) to indicate that no further answers will be accepted for any unanswered questions.
Be sure to reply to the question comment with your answer. Any answers placed elsewhere won't be registered.
So this week's Rounds are:
Round 1 - 🗽 Famous Landmarks 🗿
Round 2 - 🔗 Linking The United States of America 
Round 3 - 🎶 Musical Dinosaurs 🦕
If anything is unclear, please ask any questions and have any discussions in the comments below. Please keep the comments outside of the "Rounds" though.