May 22,2018

in a •  7 years ago 

Father, It seems there is another school shooting, in Panama City Florida this time. I am so sorry for the children that die because our nation has failed to make laws to protect them. Laws that would put prayer back in school, and let teachers talk to their students about morality and the Bible. Truly we are living in the time when “good is called evil and evil is called good”. We have ceased as a nation to value human life, while we put bumper stickers on our cars about saving wild animals and protecting all animals from cruelty. How cruel is it to kill an unborn child? Father forgive us. Please turn our nation from darkness to light. Forgive us for not wanting to hold You in our knowledge. Please grant us repentance. Expose the sins of our leaders, those who would write and pass ungodly laws. I ask in the precious name of Jesus.

My Bet, these things grieve my heart. The human heart is desperately wicked. No one knows how wicked it can be, but I do. That is why I sent My Son, Jesus, to take on the flesh of sin and yet not himself sin. In His sinless body He alone was qualified to die for the sins of every human. A great price He paid. Yet He was despised and forsaken. He was spat upon and beaten. Even though the people could see the miracles He did, they rejected Him. Even though He rose from the dead after three days, only a relatively small number believed. But that number has grown, and it continues to grow. My Bet, you believe, though you have never physically seen Him. That is the power of the gospel. Many more will believe. He is coming again. He will set up His kingdom ON EARTH. He will REIGN ON EARTH. How glorious that will be. Rejoice, My Bet, it was worth the price.

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