Green leaf source for pharmaceutical compounds

in a •  4 years ago 

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This is an international green leaf company with a mission to help people suffering from Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) by researching, creating, and producing targeted green leaf health solutions. Know more here.

Psil-o-cybin, found in a unique species of mushrooms, is the latest plant-based organic compound researchers are proving to be powerfully effective in therapies for treating PTSD, opioid addictions, alcoholism and chronic depression/anxiety disorders. The company uses an evidence-informed scientific approach to make this mission possible through cutting-edge pharmaceutical research and development, plant-based production, and the development of therapeutic products.

In fact, the FDA could be only months away from a breakthrough announcement that puts psil-o-cybin on the approved formularies list for the treatment of serious mental disorders. Check disclaimer on profile and landing page.

#Thursdayvibes #Health #PTSD

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How long could psilocybin stay in our body?

Psych-e-delics could potentially accelerate the mainstream medical applications.

The industry uses special could be using mushrooms for its products.

Psilocybin could help me with my anxiety

This might potentially be beneficial in the prevention of bladder disease disorders

These other companies could possibly respond to market trend.

Wow! I might recommend this to my friend who is suffering from depression.

It could possibly help the brain to overcome fear and promote the development of neurons leading to the regeneration of brain cells.

This might possibly proven medical benefits in particular formulations!

Psilocybin could possibly develop everyone's creativity

Depression is among one of the most researched indications for Psilocybin therapy. It appears that Psilocybin might possibly have some efficacy as an alternative agent to manage mental health conditions.

Psilocybin could have a potential to treat other substance use disorders, including alcohol and cocaine addiction.

A single dose of psilocybin could substantially improve quality of life and decreased depression and anxiety in people with life-threatening cancer diagnoses.

Psychedelics could help reduce cancer cells!