I wonder...

in a246812833 •  7 years ago 

How many times I can post shayte posts before someone notices and takes offence...

Lets face it people, this is Steemit... No one plays by the rules, and if you are doing... That is probably why you have made nothing from it...

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I am playing by the rules although I am aware rules can be broken. I am willing to wait and put up some quality posts. I have also tried and tested with some posts that should provoke debate, but alas my follows only top 500, lovely though they are, and no-one takes up the argument. So I'll go on posting and curating according to the rules of my own conscience and have no problem with you doing differently, if you are after the big bucks. Happy Steeming!


This was more of a test post...
Have you seen how these big names got to be big? being completely transparent (Steemit) you can see how others vote, who votes, how much they vote, where the transactions are going and coming from...

Most big names have a wide selection of fake "bot accounts" to boost their posts right off the bat (if you make a post and it gets 100+ upvotes in just a few minutes you instantly find yourself on the trending/hot page and hence people will just up-vote you for a slice of the action).

Some use satellite accounts to boost their gains by botting crap content. imagine you have 20 satellite accounts and one main, you bot the crap out of the other 20 spewing out crap content. lets say each account only makes 1$ each per day (* 20 = 20$ for spewing out crap) you then transfer the $ to your main and power up, or just spend it. Hence dodging all the misuse bots...

P.S. how the hell did you find my post with that tag? :P

Well domcrypto, I have you on my follow list so I assume your post pops up there as I don't consider tags and only puzzle with them when I put up a post of my own, usually wrong! Now and then I will look at my followers list to see who's posting what, just to comment where I find interest. Or I may go to my following list to do the same. I usually open my replies first of all as that is what the community means, responses! It is amazing what some people do to get more power/money, but I am too lowly in the chain to wonder about it and just let them be. Frankly right now I am concentrating on getting my poor sick husband back to health so have less time. If there are guidelines on Steemit to follow, (and there are, as I have both blue and white papers so I can check) and rules that can be broken by those who are smarter than I am, so be it. We live in a world that does this sort of thing. So domcrypto I consider you as a pal as you bothered to reply. Do well, and I am still following you as I believe you have some good posts up there. Happy Steeming! Let's beat the cheats!jv