Living in Abundance: Misery Loves Company

in abundance •  4 years ago 


Living in abundance is very difficult task to accomplish.

It requires:

  • Gratitude
  • Generating surplus value
  • Taking what we need, giving what we can.
  • Positive Thinking
  • Generosity
  • Trust

Easier said than done.

It's easy to fall into scarcity traps because scarcity is everywhere. The entire economy is run on scarcity, be it artificial or otherwise. That's a big hurdle to climb if we want to live in healthy abundance.


Don't hobble me, bro!

We cheer when men in power positions get canceled for sexual misconduct (often founded on heresay, credible and otherwise). We laugh when rappers and other celebrities fall out of the limelight and go broke because they have terrible money management skills. We scoff at Texas when the entire state freezes over.


This is an obviously unhealthy mindset that most people don't even stop to think about: they just do it because it feels good when the people around us are suffering. The reason? Because we are suffering, and if we have to suffer, so do they! Everything is a competition when we employ scarcity mindset. If you lose... somehow my mental gymnastics will trick me into thinking I won. Avoid this thinking at all costs.


Zero-sum thinking is toxic.

It's obviously difficult to live in abundance when we don't have abundance. The world is littered with scarcity. However, even those with the resources to live in abundance often never do. It's pretty much impossible to become a billionaire while living in abundance. The only way to accomplish such a thing is to step on millions of people at the bottom of the pyramid. That requires an extremely competitive scarcity mindset that gets optimized to maximum capacity.

Our economy rewards scarcity.

Those who are willing to do anything to get ahead often do just that. The competitive systems we've built have gotten us this far, but they will get us no farther. The future is one of abundance.



Our economy can not scale without decentralization and abundance of money. As it stands now, the profits from automation get propelled to the top of the pyramid. This creates a top-heavy ridiculous system that is bound to fail. We see the hints of this in the current political climate: Universal Basic Income is being talked about as a necessity. Unprecedented stimulus checks are regarded as no big deal. This bandaid on a festering wound will reveal itself soon enough.

We've created so much abundance technology but the distribution of that wealth is scarce. Crypto fixes this. We can now create communities that automate the drudgery away and redistribute that wealth fairly back to the community itself. This is a system that the legacy economy will not be able to copy, no matter how hard they try. It runs counter to everything they know, and venture capitalists and legacy economists will be scratching their heads for an entire generation wondering how this all works.


It's impossible to live in abundance without actually having abundance, but we can always fake it till we make it. I have a very generous friend who lives paycheck to paycheck and is always providing value to his friends and family. Some people's brains get that dopamine hit from helping others, and other's feel the needs to tighten the belt and help themselves above all else. Which person do we want to be?

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

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