in abuse •  7 years ago  (edited)

Hello girls and guys! Feeling quite annoyed and pissed off at the moment. I just been down-voted by randowhale on my recent post of chicken tefteli ( a russian meatball dish)! I didn't do anything wrong, there is no logic, or reason behind this. But it really upset me. I mean what is that for? I am working my ass off and I am creating  content and lessons for Steemit, supporting all the new paltforms that are trying to make Steemit better. Then being down voted for no reason, makes me feel annoyed and angry. 

Am i wrong to feel this way? Why have I been downvoted? and seriously what the fuck. Not impressed. I am not doing anything wrong, I help to bring more people to the platform and im growing it and working with promo steem and all the other platforms like dtube, dlive, smartsteem. Seriously just feel super pissed right now. Its not about the money - its about the principle! Give me a reason why I am being punished! Just feels unfair to me. If I did something wrong, fair enough, but I havent. 

Fuck and I have even paid randowhale before to test it out ages ago, because I thought it was great support system for content creators. 

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Restating for emphasis.

and seriously what the fuck. Not impressed.

And it was a -$20 downvote!


The fighting around here is now absurd, this truly underscores that. Sorry you've been caught in the crossfire.

The lesson here is that when there's a war in the streets collateral damage becomes commonplace. How can we end this childish nonsense?

I was SO EXCITED to notice that this post has been revived!


@kpine, I see you just started posting and your first post was incredibly supportive of the community. I'm excited to see more of your work, you are a good soul.

He is the best whale we have on steemit. I really can’t describe how much he inspires me and motivates me!

yeah i know! its just like for what reason. i dont know, i am talking to loads of people, and it seems a lot of them been abused in this cross fire. Its up to CEO to shut these poeple down, only they can do that! btw how did you do that thingy where it shows the amount next to each person who voted? thats so cool!

Its up to CEO to shut these poeple down, only they can do that!

Sorry, but that wont happen.

Steemit is designed as a community governance platform. Steem Inc. Hasn't an never Will get directly involved in shutting down anyone.

As @ned already states somewhere, as long as the user brings is traffic to the site, he doesnt Care what people write/vote/flag.

For vote valued check
It is a pretty good Tool.

Yeah, steemworld is pretty cool and made my Handy Steem Links list.

It's my feeling that only software solutions can deal with the reward rape issue; so long as such a fork could get Witness approval.

Funny story, someone else posted a picture showing vote values and I reacted the same as you, "Where can I get this!?" and it took me awhile to figure it out.

The answer is SteemPlus which you can easily install as a Chrome extension and is also available in Firefox and Opera but you'll need to look at How to install here if you use those browsers.

ooh nice thanks so much! will download it now!

Welcome to the club... But... How did you restore your reputation ???

Hey @antihaejin, I support a lot of what Bernie does on this platform even if he doesn't always express himself with tact. He's supporting our struggle against Haejin which Done has decided to oppose.

I caught a few downvotes from Done. Zeroed out a couple spam fighting comments and an unrelated meme.

Even many minnows (like myself) and plankton have put our rep on the line to oppose Haejin's manipulation and are willing to ride all the way to zero if necessary. If we gotta go out, damned if we're not going to go out fighting for what we believe in. Thankfully we have some rockstar whales and dolphins fighting by our side.

@alllasyummyfood may not have stepped back to see the wider struggle as it is not merely a feud between Bernie and Done or Haejin. No, this struggle encompasses more than that. This is a statement against those with power that hope to abuse the platform. We are demonstrating that, if you decide to try to turn Steem into your own personal piggyback bank through devious means, there will be consequences. The self policing mechanism was designed into the platform and now it is time we use it.

The blatant greed and manipulation at the top is likely one of the biggest barriers for entry in this platform spare the issues that people have creating an account. We can't just sweep it under the rug. It's time to clean house.

I would like to apologise that you were downvoted, @allasyummyfood. I hope you can see past that and hopefully see the merit in what we are trying to do collectively. We could sure use help from people like you. Doesn't need to be flags. Upvoting a few casualties would go a long way and build morale. This struggle may very well be pivotal to the future of Steem.

Thanks for the--dare I say--heartfelt response here @anthonyadavisii, I truly appreciate that. I also recognize the great strides against haejin your group has made and I do appreciate that.

It's time to clean house.

I appreciate that as well, but my issue is, if I show up at a bar late at night, it's fair to expect some vulgarity and aggression. If I'm cooking desserts in the kitchen, I don't expect to see that kind of behavior there.

I do see that Done has upvoted this post, which helps, but it is still filtered into oblivion because of the massive downvote.


Here's what I suggest. Work your network to push this post back above $0, even just a few cents, but enough that it isn't filtered out anymore.

I can imagine no better olive branch to extend than to undo the damage we see right here. That gesture would give credibility to every word you say here.

Absent that, they are just words.

You're welcome.

You may have noticed my upvote conspicuously missing from this post and there is a reason for that.

In terms of restoring others from downvotes, we have found it more better to upvote other non-negative posts/comments than try to restore a post deep in the hole.

For that reason, I had opted to upvote another post soon after writing my comment and will encourage others to do the same.

That actually makes perfect sense.

What I was aiming for was visible evidence of your coordinated upvoting. Maybe your group could pick one post and upvote that measurably and post back here?

Sorry, that feels a little demanding, which isn't my intent. Just suggesting ways to make a visible impact to show your true intentions.

Thanks for engaging and sharing your thoughts.


I did let the folks in Discord know but it looks like a number of others have come to her aid to include a couple scammers / reward manipulators of note.

Bernie's methodology may be questionable at times but I also question the character and sensibility of those who have chosen to stay neutral in this struggle. They think this issue won't eventually break through their precious little bubbles but it will in time provided those with the gumption to do something about it now fail or give up.

It grieves me, indeed it does, and hence I would prefer hereafter reserving my support to those that are willing to sacrifice for the greater good even at the expense of their profit.

A number of those with power on this platform are sitting on their thumbs but could likely have ended this thing long ago. I don't suspect there is going to be another opportunity like this. Once the greed takes the hill so to speak, there won't be much we can do except fall in line under the new order. I don't want that future.

Perhaps, Bernie is frustrated at the lack of action as much as I am. It's sad. It really is. It kind of makes me sick because, if we are successful, then they will reap from our labors. Hopefully, if that day comes, they will at least thank us for what we have done to secure their and everyone's profit that is willing to sweat for it.

You can blame @done for coming after my voters. Sorry, not sorry!

Pardon my ignorance, but what does she have to do with it?

@done came after your voters so @randowhale comes after @allasyummyfood?

Where do you fit in?

I am trying to stay out of all this but I honestly don't understand all the issues... Especially with someone that seemingly has nothing to do with it.

Hi, as far as I know, it's enough you might have just upvoted or commented somewhere "wrong". The person behind randowhale is having a fight with another whale user and some users get flagged even though they don't deserve it.

But the best way to react might be just ignoring it, at least if it was only once. Just on a long run it's just a single flag in a road of success :)

yeah i saw it all over trending page every day, but then he himself posts stupid stupid. I will ignore it! i never even got into that drama and I dont go around commenting on fights. thanks for such strong kind words!! :)) steem on!

I'm sorry to hear about this @allasyummyfood. I wrote an open letter to rando because of a similar issue.

He has not responded to it, I think all things considered; I may simply go ahead and remove my 300sp delegation from rando, and put that steem elsewhere with a Steemian who is less malicious than he.

I have a theory that maybe he is down-voting successful posts with his unsold steem power, so that the rewards will go back to the pool, and make his post payouts more valuable.

It's like the exact reverse of 'reward pool rape' he's raping rewards before his posts payout to make the pool bigger, so he gets paid out just a little bit more than he would have.

did you give him 300 sp delegation? yeah i think its best to remove it, as he is abusuing the platform. You are better off delegating that to @smartsteem who are ethical and who will use your power in the best ways to support the best content!! oh i dont even know about this reverse side pool thing, sounds like they are really trying to cheat the system!

Yep, that's exactly what I did.
Thx for the tip about @smartsteem,
I think I'll give them a try!

He flagged this post too.
I would remove any delegation I was giving someone if I found them pull this BS.
I am sure with 2 seconds of thought you could find worthier people to support!
Youarehope and MSP just two off the top of my head... ;-)
But it is your decision.

Agreed, I'm probably going to delegate it to @smartsteem when the SP comes back in 7 days. I just gotta do a little searching and make sure they don't flag content beyond spam, and plagiarism.

@smartsteem, @smartmarket is the most honest and fair upvote system. It stands heads and shoulders above the rest!

Here's my guess as to why you were downvoted. Not saying it's justified, just a guess.

  1. This content was not original to only. You 1st posted on Youtube and then reposted here as well. He may have noticed the references of youtube features mentioned and this was his queue to flag. All of this to say, maybe he sees this as "double dipping" or something.
  2. Maybe he doesn't like competition and saw you were promoting "Smart Steem."
  3. He simply doesn't like delicious Russian Meatballs. But that's just crazy-talk...who wouldn't like that??? Damn, getting hungry.
  4. Maybe for all the reasons
  5. Or maybe he's just crazy.

@truth-be-told, did you make that meme?

Yep!!! I used IMGFlip: Memgenerator

If you like, enter it into my
for a chance to win!
Very nice meme btw!

thanks for that analysis, yeah maybe one of those reasons.


Now, I do, because you make stupid fucking comments like this. Enjoy having every post and comment that hasn't paid out yet KILLED. It's coming.

Don't put much energy or effort into it... Just notice it sister and lett it go.. Dont lett negative people have infect on you .. Then them win.. And you dobt want that.. You doing so much great work for this platform and suciety.. If it comes one jealous guy or asshole once in a while trying to put you down... Judt take it as a BIG inspiration to work even harder and a big motivation! To go one...
You know who's the queen of steemit! Right? 👑😎 happy Monday... He might got his period or didn't get layed by his gf.... Loool. It have probably nothing to do with you or your success! Only the half picture..

hahah you are soo funny and really the best here !! i love all those images you create of me ! they make me laugh!! thanks so much!! ;)

The rumor is, that Rando is also Bernie. I'm not sure if that is true, but it might provide some more insight into the pattern of reckless flagging of legitimate content. I removed my delegation from him today, and in 7 days i'll delegate to a service that doesn't flag genuine content.

yes that was a good decision! I have already created a two new videos that you should use and delegate your power to @smartsteem as they only upvote good content that needs to be white listed and you will get better return on your delegation!

Please, dont use the "he Hates woman" card, because It is not true.

Randonwhale sometimes have some weird reasons sometimes to flag, but this is not about gender. Its about the platform.

No, i am not associated with him, but i have been watching his movements for some time, and definetly no gender hate involved.

You can always check everyone actions on the blockchain, and If you check randonwhale actions, you Will see his flags is distributed among lots of different persons(mostly scammers btw, not your case)

  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment

Please don't distort things.
I never said he was a "champion of women's issues". Please read again.

Because of this comment, I am now going to kill every single post and comment you have within the 7 day limit.

I am really sorry about this. I can only relate to how you feel right now. I watched the video, i saw that post, nothing was off about it. Could they have an issue with your payout or something? I am still finding it hard to get. Really sorry. Hope it didn't affect your payout too much and your rep?

thank you! no there is no payout issues, its not about the payout it was more that it was abusive and unfair.

Definitely. It leaves a bad taste especially knowing you did nothing wrong. I am really sorry dear. You always have my support.

Hey I want to say I feel you pain. There are some bad and hateful characters on here. Don't let them get you down.
I heard about your post from @freezepeach. They helped me as well.

Think of this as a publicity stunt

It will make you have more followers and teach the people that love you and the haters what you are made of.

I am working my ass off and I am creating content and lessons for Steemit, supporting all the new paltforms that are trying to make Steemit better.

I help to bring more people to the platform and im growing it and working with promo steem and all the other platforms like dtube, dlive, smartsteem.

You're also making a lot of money, and may I ask, why do you never upvote all your loyal fans who comment ? And why you never comment on their posts ? You're just part of a whale circle all looking out for each other....your content is good, but only as good as hundreds of other people on here who dont get your publicity or rewards......You play the system better than anyone. Don't be suprised if it bites back once in a while.

Yeah, I see what you're saying. But she's not doing anything technically "wrong" buy not upvoting her fans and showing gratitude. It may look like she's being ungrateful, selfish and self-centered, but if that bothers you, then unsubscribe. I wouldn't go out of my way to show hate.

I'm not showing hate at all. I'm passing a fair and polite comment based upon what I see. If people publically speak, then commentators may agree or disagree. I commented upon the fact the lady extolled her own virtues in regard to the community and I disagreed based on what I see. Thats all. She produces good content and nice food. I watch her videos and don't upvote simply because she has plenty of upvotes from her autovoting whale fan club. This community should be around sharing and its not. That's sad. No hate, just comment and dislike but shown in hopefully a respectful manner!

Not saying your "The Hater." I'm saying Randowhale was showing hate by downvoting.

Now you said something interesting to me:

This community should be around sharing and its not.

What should be shared? Good content or the reward pool?

I ask because it's a curious thing. Are we supposed to behave the same or differently in Steemit vs Facebook?

On Facebook, if I post something, I don't normally go out and upvote all my commentator's comments. Granted, I totally do here on Steemit. I figure, I have 100% SP to spread, why not upvote all my commentators...but that's just me.

I think we do, I also upvote anyone who takes the time and interest in anything I've written by passing comment. It doesnt hurt you personally so why not do it? The problem I see at these higher levels is they all have mates on here from the early days and stick within that circle just taking care of each other. Thats a general observation and doesn't apply to all... This is very different to FB theres money at stake and all the good, and bad that it brings !

@nathen007 I am so tired of people like you. Please unfollow me if you are so jealous of success. I do comment a lot and I do vote my loyal fans, you are definitely not one of them. I use all my votes on good content accounts that are voted automatically by smart steem and I have given them my permission, here is the picture of all the new people that are producing amazing content and I have voted for :
Screen Shot 2018-03-12 at 09.40.06.png

Screen Shot 2018-03-12 at 09.40.17.png

Its 11 pages long and these are in the last week or so! What I do with my votes and my comments is my choice and this is a decentralised platform. Just because in your opinion I should be doing something else, doesn't make it right or wrong. You do what you need to do and what you consider is good and I will do what I wanna do. So stop putting your nose into other peoples businesses and spreading hate. Go to facebook for that! Steemit originally was created for other reasons.

@thruth-be-told I appreciate your comments, but please dont call me names - I am not self centred and selfish. I worked my ass off and I deserve what I make, if people actually like @nathen007 spent less time hating and complaining and writing hate messages , they might have had more time producing good content or making "friends" on this platform! Like you said really well unsubscribe if you dont like my content or what I do, nobody is asking you to stay here. Have a good day!

Do you know what 'hate; actually means ? I dont 'hate' anything. I dislike things and there is huge difference. As you correctly pointed out, this is a decentralised community and thus it is my business as much as it is yours. If you don't want comments, don't post.

I worked my ass off and I deserve what I make

Many people work their ass off and make nothing like you do but at least do it with humility and gratitude. I see nothing but self appreciation and an inflated ego from your offerings. If you can't accept the rough with the smooth and accept you can't please all of the people all of the time then you're in the wrong job. How about you mute me if you don't want to see my comments ?

muting you now! goodbye!

Whoever downvoted is also not doing anything technically wrong.

Anyone can flag anyone as they please.

not really, there are rules why you flag someone.

  1. Plagirism
  2. Abuse

That is it, you dont flag anyone else because you decided to. This platform wasnt created like that! Plus every time you flag you lose your power.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Also, disagreement on rewards and spam.

Btw, these are some Common reason to flag,and they are at best guidelines, not rules.

The others reasons are: whatever you want.

This is How the system works, and yes, this platform is created exactly like that.

The Lost of voting power to flag is where the game theory mentioned on the whitepaper.

If everyone Just flag everyone, everyone loses.
If everyone only upvote everyone, scammers and spammers Win.
If most of flags are well used, its a positive sum for the community as a whole.

You shouldn't be so pissed of about the flag. It is part of the system, and It didnt hurt your rewards in general. You are still getting more rewards than most of others users Will ever get (1.074,31 token rewards for the next 7 days at the time of this writting), so, no big damages.

And also, as a big player (23k SP) think you should be more Active in giving around some flags to posts here and there that don't add Any value to the community.

The problem is that when big players like you complain that much about a one time flag, you set the example that "flags are inherently bad" to your followers, wich Will encourage them to never use their flags, even on low value contents.

Dont't be mad If you get some flags from time to time. It Will happen, but If your content is good (wich in your case, most of it is good), the upvotes Will override the eventual flag that you will probably recieve from time to time.

What we all need is to not take the flags as a personal offense, but as a part of the system, and use them when we think we have to.

PS: i really like your food. Too bad my cooking skills aren't at that level.

i dont care about the money with flag, its not nice but that wasnt my point. read my post. Flagging for no reason is abuse. And i found out the reason why i was flagged. Not because of me or my content, but because bernie sanders went after a guy who voted for me twice. and said he will downvote every single person who he voted for. So i was just part of that game like many other users. You only have been on steemit since november 2017... flagging was created for spamming and plagirism and abuse. but not for whatever reason. I have flagged plagirism and spamming many times. But i dont want to go and waste my time looking for things to flag, i focus on positive things and spend my time creating. But ultimately you can do that if you want and flag around , its your choice.


That’s so disappointing to hear that you’ve been flagged for no reason. It definitely isn’t fist when you are the most active Steemian that I follow and you are clearly trying to support and grow this platform every day.

Easier said than done but just don’t worry too much about it. You have all your loyal followers who will keep supporting you no matter what!

thank you darling, it means a lot! and yeah i know. I will do my best and will try :)

Huh? Well I would not take it too hard Alla. It is a very true adage that you cannot please all the people all the time and if you try you will just drive yourself crazy.

For now just keep in mind that the good outweigh the bad and for what it is worth I upvote you when I can.

Oh and one other thing....


yeah i suppose! thanks so much and i appreciate the cupcake!!

I hate when that kind of shit happens, you don't deserve that girl!

thanks so much!! very kind of you!

Its bound to happen from time to time, keep kicking ass and keep the community informed of bad characters attacking your reward pool. Create a community around your profile and get delegations so people can help you ward of things like this. Muchh love! Food for thought @allasyummyfood

yes I know! and i feel so blessed because I have this community now around me! and feel amazing!!

That's really bad news to hear about the randomwhale and I hope you aren't too pissed off for too long, I really enjoy your hard work here on steemit and Instagram and everyone knows your good at what you do! Karma will bite that whale on the ass one of these days, keep up the good work @allasyummyfood 👍and don't let it get you down for too long xx

yeah i know thanks for kind words!

That is unfair, your posts are great and always worth a read and no illegal activities or content, you should take it up with them as this is not cool. you deserve an answer.

I am now pissed off for you :-(

yeahh i know!! thanks so much! that is what i meant, just give me a bloody reason!

The biggest problem is, steemit representatives are not helping about it, they can downvote whatever they want (for no reason) and get away with it. I understand you very well, please see my related topic as well:

You are aiming at the wrong user here. @steemcleaners together with @cheetah and @spaminator are one of the best Control services se have here on steemit. If It werent for them, we would be flooded pretty quickly with tons of scammers, plagiarist, copy pasters, identity thieves and other shit users trying to kill the system.

They are not perfect, and they miss sometimes. If you contact them directly, and show that for your post wrong, they Will remove the flag.

If you upvoted or commented on the wrong person's post, then Bernie/RandoWhale will vote you down or if he feels you are making too much.

yeah I have been told that and i guess we will see what happens!

Thats so unfair 😡

If someone has an issue they should come and speak, why are they downvoting!! Using their powers in wrong way😕


well its not someone small thats the thing, its a big whale who abuses everyone on this platform and all the women especially! just feel really annoyed!

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

more important; if someone uses his power wrong way, somebody has to stop him!

its a big whale who abuses everyone on this platform and all the women especially! just feel really annoyed!

why have you just reposted her comment ? Are you bot ?

I'm still quite new to Steemit. This sounds beyond poopy. So sorry. I hope things turn around for you.

Sorry, you ought to be upset. But life goes on okay. Take heart dear
You gonna rise up again even beyond expectation

yeah i know!! thanks for the kind words!! much appreciated!

Maybe this is an option if it happens frequently:

Kind regards,

I'm sorry for you! If randowhale does not come up with an explanation for his action, I personally will give up his services. I hope others will follow me!

yeah his services are not good anyway or ethical! Shouldnt use it!

So glad this post got the support it deserved and won over the downvote. You got this, Alla.

There's always going to be those who are jealous of others success. I haven't seen your meatballs post yet but gonna check it out now.


hahha yeah they are great :___

im sorry, it sux.
welcome to steemit life.

Wow... it is like some of these people want this thing to fail...
Sorry for the BS flag. Glad to see this resteemed by freezepeach !!
I'll help w/ my minnow upvote too.

The continous showcase of seniority by the whales on steemit is absurd and becoming stupid.Whales no longe give 50% upvotes..they just upvote their own posts,they dont recognize quality post and they do not encourage newbies.
Steemit is dead tbh,its painful that these ones are gaining from it..i wish i joined earlier.Very annoying

  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment
  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment

Well, if we let these people tell us how to use the platform, they have already won.
There is absolutely nothing wrong with using bots, when you use them to advertise your valuable content. Of course if you only are able to write one single line of flaming and hatred, you should not use bots - but this is not the case with you - only with the abuser...