Whales: You Have Some Flagging to Do

in abuse •  7 years ago 

I've already used up a bunch of my voting strength today flagging comments from @checkthisout which you can see here. Seems @grumpycat has no issue with taking as much of the rewards pool as possible without providing much value. That's quite sad. In many ways, it's just short-term thinking.

I've talked about this stuff at length before:

How many whales with a lot of Steem Power out there are long-term thinkers and are willing to sacrifice some curation rewards and voting strength in order to downvote this noise?

@rewardpoolrape and @eatsrewards are doing the same thing which appear to be @berniesanders projects, but it seems they are doing it to try and raise awareness about the problem. Either way, it clearly is an issue and until the community has consensus on how to deal with it on a blockchain level, the flag is all we have.

Whales: You Have Work To Do.

Flag this noise and demonstrate that you do care about the rewards pool and how it's distributed.

Sucks to have to do a post on this, but it's important. How we respond to these challenges will determine the future value of this platform.

To be clear: if you don't have much Steem Power, this post isn't directed at you. Those who have the most to lose here are the most responsible for protecting it.

Luke Stokes is a father, husband, business owner, programmer, STEEM witness, and voluntaryist who wants to help create a world we all want to live in. Visit UnderstandingBlockchainFreedom.com

I'm a Witness! Please vote for @lukestokes.mhth

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  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Yes it is clearly abusive they don't even take time to write anything valuable even if i advocate to vote for ourselves 33% of our voting power, i disagree with their behaviour.
I am sure they are reading your post so please take into consideration the fact that you don't have to go short term full exploitative strategy, your funds are locked for 13 weeks minimum, you have to help the platform adoption rate to grow aswell, i am sure you don't want the adoption rate to fall and steem price with it while you wait for your weekly powerdown in panic dump mode.
If SBD price increase is organic you will have time to profit from it, simply vote for youselves 33% of your voting power ( 3 vote a day) and vote for contents creators to help adoption growth.
I also advice you to help new steemit users with a warm welcome, happy users do free advertising for the platform.

If SBD price is a short term PnD then you will not have a lot of time to profit anyway it doesn't represent a good ROI% compared to your stack.

Think long term guys!


  ·  7 years ago (edited)

You bernie aka Justin is the biggest conman on steemit. You found a flaw in protoshares mining. Which is bitshares now. And you also found a flaw while mining steemit when it was pow with botnets. Rabbit. You became a whale cheating. Then you use your power to bully and censor steemit minnows. Destroying ppls steemit accounts by flagging them. Some ppl live on steemit income and they have no food to eat.

Now your the one RAPING the reward pool as we speak with grumpycat. on steemit. Your days are numbered kid.

He takes after his hero. You should definitely be suspect of anyone who supports Bernie Sanders in the crypto community. Bernie wants state control of everything. I mean helllllloooooo.

Wise but also obvious words my friend.

@berniesanders Steemit will be a lot better without you and your bots.

someone needs to tell @berniesanders mother and father!

  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment

I bet this picture is sooo accurate! What a joke he is.

Too many soy lattes turned @berniesanders into an overwieght blubbering hysterical mess!😂

All that estrogen has turned her into an emotional snowflake, having massive hissy fits on steemit! Shrunken testicles and growing manboobs! Poor comrade @BernieSanders and her booring Steemit posts!

  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment
  ·  7 years ago (edited)

I’m uneducated but I’m already a multimillionaire and yes I can do something. I’m doing it right now as we speak.

you spelt dirty bourgeoisie wrong

  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment

"I’m not dirty as I gained my wealth honestly. "

impossible under capitalism. All profit is unpaid wages.

  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment
  ·  7 years ago (edited)

I’m not whining I’m taking action. Im standing up for all the little minnows.
You destroyed my account after I worked on hard on it for a week. I have been advising billionaire investors in Silicon Valley on bitshares, eos and steem. They saw you wrecking havoc and have decided not to invest in steem. I have begged them to not give up on steem.
You are the sole reason why this platform cannot go up to the next level. Your a drug runner and punk.
I will not give up on this platform and the ppl in it. I will not give up on dans ideas and dreams for this platform. I will make it my duty to route you out.

I grew up all my life be bullied. And I learned early in life that you cannot talk your way out with a bully. You have to defend yourself and punch that bully in the face. You think your tough. Tell me a place and time. I would love to bare knuckle box for real. Your are scum. You are a bully.

You have wealth. You have power.
Change your ways you Back off. I back off very simple. Kid

"I grew up all my life be bullied. And I learned early in life that you cannot talk your way out with a bully. You have to defend yourself and punch that bully in the face."


It's actually sage advice. The only way to take down a bully is to show them what it's like to be bullied and scared. Most bullies are actually low self-esteemed losers.

  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment

you can't even define communism can you

What part of my comment went over your head?

Here is a clue from before the masses were in a position to be dumbed down by controlling their sources of information,...

  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment
  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment

you can't even define communism can you

  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment
  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Come on man say it, "You have 12 hours" "I have the means", show your digital muscles!

The answer to your first question: NONE

My first question:

How many whales with a lot of Steem Power out there are long-term thinkers and are willing to sacrifice some curation rewards and voting strength in order to downvote this noise?

And yet these comments are now $0 because of whale flags:

How often do you admit when you're wrong?

Luke can you talk a little about whales using their stack to censor Utopian contributions and posts critical of them?

Pretty much my whole account has been killed off by rancho and haejin.

Not just me. https://steemit.com/berniesanders/@jaredcwillis/berniesanders-vs-haejin-481-shill-accounts-a-blockchain-investigation

was zeroed out by rancho. I can show more if you would like.

It's tit-for-tat. Both sides need to grow the fuck up.

Actually, grumpycat was doing this to prove a point. That's why I kept silent despite seeing this come up.

What is all this drama about? Is it worth destroying Steem over? Is it just because a popular persona is getting votes due to YouTube/Crypto fame?

Oh how noble of you... 😒👀

You didn't answer my question.

Your constant hyperbole ("NONE"), irrationality, false statements, and drama is childish and annoying. But hey, you seem to be enjoying yourself and that's what matters to you most, right?

You're saying "no one cares" and then when people demonstrate they do care you joke about it and continue to make the situation worse.

Do you really think your actions are improving or harming the future value of your investment in STEEM?

If you'd unblock me in Rocket.Chat we could discuss this more. If you're just a troll, don't bother, but if you actually want to make things better around here, let's discuss it like adults and develop solutions instead of just whining all the time like some insecure attention seeker.

You’re a pretentious douche and not someone I care to speak with, have I not made this clear in the past?

P.S. - good try here....

So just a troll then. Got it.

Yes, because I don’t want to talk to a douchebag who thinks he knows better than everyone else I’m a troll. I can live with that.

I don't think I know better than everyone else. If my communication style comes across that way, then that's my problem, one I have been working on improving.

The very reason I want to talk to you is because I don't know everything and I don't understand you. All I have to go on here is the things you say and do and to me, you seem irrational and close-minded. You've flagged this OP even though it's a decline payout and it's raising awareness about an issue you claim to care about. How does that make sense to you? I don't know, unless you're just trolling.

You've labeled me to your satisfaction and appear unwilling to change or even consider how we might work together for the mutual benefit of this community and our STEEM investment value. You have more experience and historical knowledge than I do about this community and bitshares before that. You seem to have enemies, frustrations, and concerns. Why not do an interview with me and together we can explain your valid concerns to those who will listen? If you want change around here, couldn't that be a good a approach to reach those who just get turned off by many of the things you've done so far?

Granted, some people love you and your style, but you can't reach everyone that way. Some people like my approach and disagree with your "pretentious douchebag" label. If you're willing to admit you don't know everything, why not consider working with me instead of against me? We could do a "The Pretentious Douchebag Interviews a Good Whale" post. It could be a huge hit. If you're genuinely concerned about the rewards pool we could even post it with a decline payout and see if we can get the highest ranking decline payout ever. :)

  ·  6 years ago (edited)Reveal Comment

He’s just trolling you no use in arguing. Good catch on the blatant farming though!

I'm not arguing, I'm just exposing his troll behavior for those who still support him. If he really cared about STEEM, why not have a discussion with me, a top ten witness? Seems to me, he doesn't care but loves trolling.

He definitely loves trolling. I’m hoping it’ll die down if we ignore it.

It hasn't died down for the year and a half I've been here. He just continues doing even more outrageous things to get attention, including draining the reward pool while complaining about people draining the reward pool and running a shady upvote bot while complaining about upvote bots.

No doubt...I've been on Steemit just a little bit Luke and I'm stunned at how unproffesional, childish and downright toxic this guys is...i understand his frustration, but he's going about it the wrong way..he is being abusive and uncontrollable..if i was a dev or moderator i would have deleted his account immediately because of the rude language, threats and bullying...there should be a no tolerance rule here with regards to abuse...if you're not happy with the way the rewards pool is being spent , then talk to the developers or admin, but don't threaten or take away something that someone earned fairly with which the platform is designed..it really could have been handled way better..this whole incident with haejin really poisoned my views of this place...even people i respect have teamed up with this idiot without even considering what has been done as far as treating each other with respect and kindness...i haven't contributed a lot , but i was really excited about the potential for Steemit..maybe that's why the coin hasn't done anything...i've read on numerous platforms that people have left because of the toxic nature and structure of this place..i know it's in beta and kinks will get worked out, but this is just disgusting..cheers friend

20 upvotes? What happened to the rest of your bots?

Sorry... just 13 are upvotes

  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment

I'm taking $25 to $30 away from each comment, we need more help! It's a huge sacrifice considering the cost of SBD, but every bit helps.

Fight for your home lands, y'all!

Well done guys keep up the good fight against spam!

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

I actually think that right now it's better to join the self voters than to counter them.

The broken SBD peg with Steem Dollars at $8 means that currently the rewards are provided 22% by the stakeholding community and 78% by SBD speculators. That extra 350% purchasing power can be directed towards removing Steem from the market, which would raise the price of Steem due to the law of supply and demand. Raising the price of Steem would be good for all stakeholders, and in particular it would increase the supply of SBD, resulting in SBD returning to normal and all of our votes issuing more SBD per Steem.

There is a risk that the self voting taboo would be broken entirely and not just temporarily, but those who do this will end up with more voting power to police self voting in the future when there is no peg that needs fixing.

Some good points here to digest.

Interesting perspective, but why is a high SBD value such an issue? And how do you know those cashing out SBD are buying STEEM? Clearly they don't care about the long-term welfare of this platform, so they are more than likely buying some shitcoin that is mooning this week. I'd be surprised if they are buying STEEM. If they wanted to help the STEEM price, they'd prevent this drama and protect the network instead of create it. Stunts like this keep investors away who might otherwise really like STEEM.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

SBD is supposed to be a stable token to facilitate commerce. That may not be prioritized by Steemit Inc any more, but it's still worth pursuing.

And how do you know those cashing out SBD are buying STEEM?

I don't, but whether they are or not, every stakeholder has the power to direct this excess purchasing power towards removing liquid Steem from the market. This would be the SBD peg in action. While the SBD peg is broken, it makes more sense to do this and to raise the price of Steem via constrained supply, than to try and plug the leak of selfish voting.

Once the peg is fixed those who purchased SP this way will have more power to police when the money is coming primarily from the community again instead of SBD speculators.

I am usually one of the ones who downvotes self voters. You can look through my history, I have regularly burned my voting power down to near 0% on downvoting self voters alone. However right now trying to police self voters is a bit like enforcing a ration during a bounty.

Every sale is somebody else's buy.
Who is buying it on the open market?
Isnt a low price, followed by a pump, in their best interests?

I reported this account earlier, it's really frustrating there is really nothing that can be done. No one wants to sacrifice their stake, and no one should have to sacrifice their rewards to police Steemit. Steemcleaners doesn't have the resources or tools to scale with the abuse.

There are a lot of these type of things going on, every time I find another I get more jaded about the whole thing.

I think we have to do more than report it. We have to flag it.

If we really care about STEEM, then our actions (not our reports or our words) will reflect that. We'll sacrifice some curation rewards and some rewards we would have liked to see authors we support receive because we care about the long-term value potential here.

It's not someone else's job.

It's our job.

I think that one of the problems is that minnows are afraid that downvoting this crap will make them a target, so they prefer to have somebody to report it to instead. Somebody with the firepower to stand up and hold their ground.

I have more resources than the average newcomer, but I still hesitate to declare war on any account with more firepower than me. On the other hand, I don't hesitate to provide coaching and the occasional flag when it's a smaller account.

Totally agree on this one. I have down voted some post in YouTube before if I don't like it due to I think their content is bad (I am no expert but that is my opinion). However, as this barely affect the author or myself as I can not be a target, I can practically do what I want (feels right).

Here even if I find a post disturbing, wrong, or rude I am scared of flagging it as he or his followers will down vote what little rewards I can get in this platform.

I and I think most minnows already have a hard time creating content and trying to be active, getting entangled in a Steem war would probably too much...

We need to return to 50/50 author/curators split.
We don't have a stick; so we need a carrot. Upvoting your own low value stuff should be less lucrative than upvoting other people's quality stuff.
Until we pull that trigger, this'll keep happening.

It will never be less profitable to vote for yourself than it is to vote for others when it comes to short sighted people. 50/50 won't change anything unless it is balanced with a counter incentive to vote for large account holders who guarantee curation rewards regardless of quality of content.

The proposed change to donate curation rewards back to the reward pool instead of the author is an interesting one. Every self voter will wait 15 minutes before they self vote increasing the incentive to vote for whales. More than ever, we need to balance these incentives with voting for hidden gems and underdogs.

If the goal of the few large stake-holders is to game the system, that is what they will do no matter how the math is tinkered with.

Those upvotes make me sick.

I might be that hidden gem you spoke of... COIN MAN...


"...increasing the incentive to vote for whales. "

Whew! Good thing we fixed that problem!


If curators get 50% then that means 50% of the rewards pool will go to whales only. Small accounts will have very little chance to ever become dolphins or orcas because the rewards pool will just go to those who already have a ton of Steem Power. Curation rewards are near zero for small accounts.

I'd rather see them get most of the curation rewards by upvoting quality minnows, than see them get most of the posting rewards by upvoting each other.

They wouldn't upvote quality minnows. They would upvote their own sock-puppet accounts with content paid for by fiverr as we saw before. There is no silver bullet to this problem. We all just have to stay vigilant and work to continue improving things.

There is a silver bullet - just no one wants to bite it.

End curation rewards.

Problem solved.

Real simple solution:
1 vote = 1 vote, no matter what
no bots

This has the side benefit of making the whole system simpler and ready for mass adoption, since you can just get rid of Steem Power. While you're at it, might as well get rid of Steem Dollars too, since it has failed as a pegged crypto. bitAssets are the only viable pegged cryptos.

  1. There is no way to avoid bots. Anything a human can do, a bot can do.
  2. 1 vote = 1 vote means you'll have a massive Sybil attack on your hands. The votes being weight by stake is really important. If you don't understand that and how it impacts the game theory dynamics of the system here, then you're talking confidently about something you're not familiar with.
  3. Getting rid of SBD is also not something we can easily do at this point. Talk with some of the core developers and those who have been here for a while to understand why.

I appreciate you raising this issue for discussion and doing it in a civilized way, unlike what has been going on the last couple of weeks. I also appreciate you addressing my comment.
You're right. I don't understand but that is precisely my point. I have been a user for about 8 months and I don't understand how the system works. Sure that's on me but it is not a simple system. If the platform seeks to attain mass adoption, this will be a barrier, as will the fact that if you do not have a strong grasp of how it works and the financial means to act on that, the platform will not deliver on its promise.

I expect that this issue will become worse as the platform gains users. We will see more armies of whale bots feasting on minnows for their own financial gain. The most powerful users will be those who have no interest in advancing the community.

This isn't something I am interested in engaging in. I will continue to visit for some specific content, and I will invest in Steem by buying and selling on exchanges, but the last thing I will ever do is invest in the platform by powering up.

By the way, my comments were intended less as advice for changes to the system than they were pointing out what I see as the problems that will ultimately prevent it from reaching its goals.

"...armies of whale bots feasting on minnows..."

Best metaphor for Steemit yet.


  ·  7 years ago (edited)

And what about limiting the amount of SP votes from whales to one account together with limiting votes from delegated power?

" Anything a human can do, a bot can do."

Dramatically reducing the number of bots is the goal, not perfection. Very expensive effort is required to defeat nominal bottraps. This has been shown widely. Captchas and 2FA are widely used because they largely work.

Also, there are things people do that bots can't. No one on Steemit, to my knowledge, has ever even tried to cut bots.

They're too profitable.

"1 vote = 1 vote means you'll have a massive Sybil attack on your hands."

Sure, if you leave bots in place. Sort of a self-fulfilling prophecy then. Given that ~30% of SP supports the witnesses, and that but 2/3 of the top 20 are needed to fork, that's not a great expense to just buy the VP to own the witnesses.

That's not a Sybil attack. It's a bargain.

What really matters to Steemit is rewards for content. Were the gaming that produces all the distortions through bots and curation rewards obviated, retention might crack 10%.

I bet it's getting worse, instead. I've read estimates as low as 8%. Those algos aren't gonna do a bit of good on a dead platform.

Either the Steem gets more broadly distributed, or nothing will fix retention.

Losing bots, egalitarian voting, or at worst a Huey Long style 3% -300% VP, and ending curation, would leave all the whales their mined stakes, and those stakes might become of lasting value on a platform that kept it's users posting and upvoting.

No one would benefit more from a rising Steem price. Nothing less is going to raise it in the long term.

  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment

Read the real discussions in the github. Develop an understanding of the actual arguments and issues before weighing in. Then when you have something to contribute, its value speaks for itself and you gradually gain traction and respect.

Thank you

Might be worth starting from scratch.
Let me know how you get on.

  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment

I think that HF20 will make authors ineligible for early curation rewards, i.e. self-voting during the initial current 30 minute window (which itself will change to a 15 minite window in HF20).

But they would still be eligible for curation rewards for opting after the window had passed.

They'll just vote after 15 minutes which will encourage everybody to vote for whales to get curation rewards.

Where do you find this info?

@steemitblog is the official source of most new info.

I posted from memory. Not sure where I first read about it, but this post has some more detail:

I think the problem cannot really be solved by flagging (the bigger the abusing accounts the more hopeless it will be to fight against self-voting with flags). Instead of that the system should be improved in a way that self-voting, circle-voting and spamming would be less attractive again. That can be tried for example by ...

  • implementing diminishing returns when upvoting the same accounts (including own ones) again and again.

  • reintroducing the restriction to four full paid posts per day (from some hard forks ago) which was very reasonable.

  • thinking about other ideas like a sigmoid reward curve. Due to it's flat begin it would be far less attractive to upvote posts on which nobody else is voting (self-voting of comments would be less attractive). As it also ends flat, extreme rewards (like with n^2) would be avoided, as well.

  • considering also other ideas like the one of UserAuthority from @scipio.

  • Other ideas appreciated!

There should be an open discussion (and yes, I especially would like to hear more from the witnesses here) about how to solve the self-voting problem.

As @scipio showed mathematically, diminishing returns is easily gamable, just not by people.

@scipio's idea is pretty sound, but isn't a cureall.

Sigmoid rewards curves, diminishing returns, 15 minute curation windows, yada yada yada. All such mitigations for the original problem that making rewards financially manipulable results in financial manipulators capturing almost all of them, are just further complications of a broken mechanism.

End curation rewards. They aren't necessary, and do nothing but present an attack vector. Equalize VP, or nearly so, by some metric. Doesn't really even matter much what the metric, rep, UA, equality, is, what matters is that folks have voices and earnings based on their content.

End bots. It can be at least largely done. Right now there is zero effort to curtail bots. Captchas and 2FA that revealed keys necessary to vote would almost completely eliminate bots - because making bots good enough to defeat those things is expensive.

Steemit needs to be less winner take all, and more community oriented, if it's to become a lasting community.

I know you're sincere, and think often about this, and I do appreciate that.


  ·  7 years ago (edited)
Steemit needs to be less winner take all, and more community oriented, if it's to become a lasting community.

There is some truth in that!

However, also your suggestion of equalizing voting power would have some flaws: by creating many, many new accounts someone could get easily a very big influence one the platform by doing many votes (or flags) with many accounts instead of a few heavy votes ...
I agree that the voting weight of some big stake holders is too high, but investing own money to buy STEEM should still be attractive ...

And concerning the manipulators you are right, there will be always ways to game the system, but I think at least we should make it a little bit more difficult than it is now.

I share your ideas to reduce the influence of bots.

Edit: I should add that in my eyes it is a really big problem that nowadays one can write more than four fully rewarded posts/comments per day. This increases spam (and self-voting of this spam) a lot.

"...by creating many, many new accounts someone could get easily a very big influence one the platform by doing many votes (or flags) with many accounts instead of a few heavy votes ... "

By preventing bots from doing this, the manual labor involved makes it unprofitable.

I reckon it's a moot point, however, as the actual market for Steemit isn't us, or even the whole world, but those 39 accounts that possess most of the Steem in the world. No changes that better distribute Steem seem to be desirable to that group, as a whole.

Bots are their best profit centers, and rewards their dividends. While the White Paper calls for disbursing ~30% of rewards to the hoi polloi, very few rewards inure to accounts that aren't whales.


Folks that are getting $.02 per post just have no dog in the fight. They don't even have a dog.

All the controversy regarding excessive rewards, returning rewards to the pool, self-voting, all of it, simply doesn't affect minnows. It's kinda like idolization of stars. Minnows are living vicariously through the whales, dreaming of ever having any rewards to guard from greedy self-voters.

All the flags on the platform in a month return about 5% of rewards to the pool. 5% of $.02 doesn't even register. None of this matters to minnows in real terms, just like Kardashians' love lives.

Posts like this can keep Steemit safe

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

I believe we share many of the same ideals and views in terms of long term platform health, self voting, rewards pool rape etc. I would like to establish a relationship with you and see if we are on the same track in so far as platform goals, user behavior and common problems. My posts, recent and past can provide you good insight into my thinking.

While I am not as of yet a whale here or a members of extreme influence I'm working my way up the ladder and ask that you not discredit this comment based upon my current reputation. I have considerable experience in other real world areas of expertise.

Thank you for your time.

I think either that @pawsdog's comment is not intended to grab @lukestockes attention. I'm too, devoted small fish as pawsdog is here on Steemit. We believe that majority here must be promoted to bring good content here on this platform. This is the only thing that make this place great.

I scan @lukestockes activity here as a witness for some time and this post convince me even more, that he is one of good whales here on this platform. When I grow enough and my support to him will be of significant value, he will probably get my vote.

Solid post, I hope to agree, have to see how we mesh..

Thank you for your support.

You are the man Luke! More of such influential and devoted Steemians, as you are, is needed here to make this platform really great.

I appreciate you reaching you, but the "look here" image is quite annoying. At this point we need more than just thinking, but actual code suggestions and pull requests. Some of this stuff is really complicated and involves a lot of game theory dynamics. There are no simple solutions or they would have already been implemented.

Where on Github would I find the current pull requests? You may want to check out @aussieninja I believe he has a background in coding. I'm more old school, c++, php, html.. I evolved in the days of dos, static html and drupal module coding. I have also removed the offending image :)..

I have just though of something ( I do occasionally).

I will have to leave you with the very foggy concept, and leave it with you....(as I know zero of the guts of steemit, and you do)

Is there any way there could be a structure for witnesses (or big players - to have to pay for staying in position?
i.e big players would pledge a chunk of their account, and paid to the voters - for their patronage?)

if this could be implemented , would it not make the big people spread the wealth...?

Told you it was foggy, but you see what I mean...?

(if it's total bollox, feel free to say!lol)
(if it's brilliant, I will take the accolades)

The entire structure is based on positive motivation. Witnesses and investors are rewarded for their efforts. If you remove than and reverse it, you'll get people leaving in droves to other projects which will reward their time and effort.

I may be misunderstanding you, but witnesses have to be rewarded in order to pay for the servers and the time to maintain the blockchain.

'it's total bollox' would have been suffice!😂😂😂

Hahaha :)

"The entire structure is based on positive motivation."

That motivation is being hoovered such that it isn't making it to the larger market. I've seen no proposal that might enable that to be done. The upshot from @blocktrades recent proposal is that a modified change along those lines will be undertaken in HF20 - and this will cause greater motivation to vote for whale posts.

Not the fix we need bro.

We need to get ~30% of rewards into the wallets of minnows. It's easy to see how those rewards are being captured such that they never get there.

Whales don't need rewards from the pool as a form of dividend from their investment. There are traditional dividend mechanisms that can suffice, and capital gains is the real reason to invest.

Letting whales dip into the rewards pool for dividends is like letting investors in a broom company walk out the door with the product. In Steemit's case the product is rewards for content.

It's not getting to the sales floor.

The only way it's going to is if the whales dipping into it are deprived of it. End curation rewards. Kill bots. Captchas work all over the web, and 2FA works better. Make VP more egalitarian, so that people are included, rather than excluded, from participation right from the word go.

These things would demonstrably get rewards to content authors, and end a lot of the financial manipulation that is killing Steemit user retention.

Your comment got me thinking about a solution which I call "steeminators" which I just posted here. It attempts to solve a lot of the problems you've had to deal with regarding flagging such as the time and money you had to spend flagging undesirable comments.

"Look Here" You are demanding attention for what? a post which is completely off topic and clogging up the comment section! Don't complain if you'll get downvoted.

Edit : He's now edited the post to make it more on topic

And you are? I was actually sent here by another user promoting this user and asking me to delegate SP to him as he is a good witness. I read his post above, which discusses his platform ideals and goals. I commented accordingly, on topic, and offered him a chance to network. Not sure what your are not reading or where the aggression comes from. If I get flagged for reaching out, then I guess I would know not vote him as a witness. Worry about yourself and the rest will take care of itself. :)

It wasn't on topic before you edited it ;)
And it wasn't the first time I saw you comment with an eye grabbing image and an off topic post just to promote your blog to whales. But good luck, no biggie.

I appreciate you trying to "police" comments on my blog, but please, leave that to me.

Upvote! What a wise move!

you don't own the comment section. it's annoying for us readers to have to scroll through dozens of spammy or off topic comments.
if I see spammers I'm gonna call them out! they're wasting my attention.
anyway now he's edited the post and has some relevance to the topic, before it had none.

No, I don't, and you're clearly free to do as you please. I would have preferred to see it myself.

I did add the word "reward pool rape" to clarify. Perhaps my initial comment was a bit too ambiguous for the average reader prior to that. My apologies.. no hard feelings..

Just sprinkled some 100% flags. Will do more once my VP goes up a bit. There are some 4 day old comments that I can hit when at 100% @ 100%.

Resteeming (everyone else should too).

Thank you Matt. I really appreciate your efforts to help out here.

How can I get involved from a non technical level to better the platform? What groups etc.

Hey, we're all on the same team here. It's the least I can do. Gotta take the longview.

Yeah, this is disgraceful... I wrote to a few people on steemit.chat about this particular cesspool earlier today.

As you say, this is short term greed... somebody "writing themselves $800 checks" with every upvote of non-comment on a sock puppet account. And note how the empty comments are "time stacked" so they can sit there unnoticed till about 13 hours before they are due to pay out... then they get their massive upvotes; lather, rinse, repeat.

I'm still not sure how to address all this at the code level... but I keep coming back to the idea of voting power being a two-factor algorithm. Yes the starting point is your SP, but that's also multiplied by some kind of "trust factor" so somebody who just randomly transfers in 500,000SP to a new account only has maybe... 1/10th? 1/20th? the power of a seasoned and trusted long term member who has a large "web of trust," as voted on by community feedback... a bit like reputation, but also different.

On the other end, people are expected to do what they can to get more cash. The system should be designed to work under all those incentives.

I totally agree with this comment. While sock puppet voting is bad, self-voting does some good things for minnow curators. First, it helps keep them on the Steemit platform with the incentive of making SOMETHING! Second, upvoting one's own comment is a promotion in itself, moving that comment to the forefront. How can anyone expect to ever get ahead when the can't play by the rules currently in place. I have taken the liberty of upvoting myself, mainly because I spend a lot of time creating posts without the benefit of receiving a lot of upvotes. And I do always share my voting power though. I DO NOT self-vote low effort comments though. Steemit is a two way street and until the rules change, it is what it is. I believe that once an account reaches certain thresholds, curation algorithms should change. The $800 self-written check should be a no no!

I choose not to upvote myself. On the other end we should disable it if we don't want people abusing it. I prefer to leave the choice to people, like you did.

I believe that once an account reaches certain thresholds, curation algorithms should change. The $800 self-written check should be a no no!

That is one solution. But we also don't want to forbid investor to join and back the system. We maybe are pushing a certain role to some people that do not want to play that role.

If I may ask, how do you feel when you spend over two hours creating a post and you get two votes? Both from bots? It is disheartening and it has happened to me a lot. If my efforts were better rewarded, then maybe I would not feel the necessity to upvote myself and I could save my voting strength for others. It can go both ways I suppose.

Let's say it's even worst for because what I care the most about is the comments and the interaction. So this is even worst, even though we are paid to comment (my first payout ever was a comment). Upvoting myself doesn't help since the feeling of loneliness won't fade for the $$.
That might be only be me.

Ha, a lengthy post with no Upvotes and NO comments is pure loneliness!

"We maybe are pushing a certain role to some people that do not want to play that role."

Turning investors into curators, for example.


Interesting idea. What if they did something like that, where you have to be on this platform for X period of time, and post X times/get X number of votes, etc. before the "trust factor" increases? They could also tie this to reputation as well. The higher the rep, the higher the percentage you get. For example, 0 rep would bring in 0% of the earnings, 10 rep 25%, 20 rep 50%, 30 rep 75%, and 40+ rep 100%.

The only issue here, would be that people like berniesanders could still mass flag someone to kill their rep, especially if their reputation is already not terribly high. They could also mass vote an account up to boost the rep. It isn't a perfect solution, but it may slow things down.

Furthermore, what about limiting the number of accounts one person can have? I know this would be difficult to do, but they could potentially monitor suspected individuals, put them on probation if an issue is found, and ban/delete their account if they are found to be directly violating the rules in order to scam the platform. If nothing else, this would probably force people like bernie to be more careful and less brazen in his attacks. Perhaps some of the people guilty of doing this would be dumb enough to make it obvious, and get booted.

Just my thoughts, what do you all think?

Reputations scores can only be adjusted by people with higher reputation scores. That means low rep accounts can raise or lower higher reputation accounts.

Ok, I knew you had to have higher reputation to lower someone else's with a flag. You are saying it works the same for raising it? Only higher reputations upvoting you can raise your own?

As far as I understand, lower reputations can't raise the reputation of higher accounts.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

In the post of @arcange, he shows that there are two rules to reputation:

// Rule #1: Must have non-negative reputation to affect another user's reputation
// Rule #2: If you are downvoting another user, you must have more reputation than them to impact their reputation

Rule #1 implies, that if you are upvoting a post of somebody with a higher reputation than you have, this has an effect as long as you have a positive reputation, with the impact depending on a) your reputation and b) your voting power. If this wasn't the case:

  1. How could anybody at the inception of Steemit get a reputation higher than 25 (as all start with this value)?
  2. How could someone with the highest reputation increase his reputation at all?

Wow... I had no clue about all this going on... COIN MAN...


I keep coming back to the idea of voting power being a two-factor algorithm

#utopian-io has a prototype of User Authority that is underway. Once they have some results and data exploring those results, they will probably make some pull requests for laying the groundwork in HF 21. Lead developer was @scipio, but I don't see any updates on this in the last month, so I don't know the current status. His intro post to the concept is at https://steemit.com/utopian-io/@scipio/userauthority-ua-explanations-applications-and-implications

Man, thanks for bringing this to the public's attention, Luke. This really makes me feel relieved that you're watching over us. Declining the payout is really awesome of you to do. Maybe if this becomes a regular thing, you could do a series that's called "The Luke-out" haha!

The last thing I want to do is police everyone, but I think if we all do our part when the time arises, we can make a difference. Thanks as always for your support, Jed.

nice review of the phenomena, self vote is sad truth due to how hard it is for the content to be seen!

You just upvoted your own virtually worthless comment in a post highlighting upvoting abuse. Incredible.

Yeah, and I even explain why I did it, sad you don't read :)

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

I did read it, that's how I know it was worthless. You are voting your own "content" that is little more than a "good post" type of reply. Can't you see how shady that is??

Everyone has their own ways of changing system ...some use silence ways and some use voilence ways...

Yeah. Someone grants for charity, someone take shotgun and shoot out bastards.


Sadly Bernie did not open rewardpoolrape simply to highlight the problem, but primarily to farm rewards. And he will keep farming rawards even with other accounts.
Otherwise it can't be explained why he censored my post which highlighted the many ways in which self vote is being abused:
He's a nefarious actor and should be dealt accordingly. There's no point even reasoning with him any more.

There is no cause to flag.

@lukestokes voted you as a witness and resteemed

Self Vote Abuse (the self voting of low efort posts and comments) is wide spread.
A solution needs to be found involving Steemit Inc, who are the only ones with enough Steem Power to counter such abuse:
Or something needs to be done at Witness level.

Key-words here being "Low Effort." I agree! But for those who put in hours in creating something of value, there should be no reason why those authors shouldn't be able to gift themselves.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

A decreasing voting impact for the same person could be a possible and simple solution to the problem.

It could be achieved in the same way as voting power decreases. I.e. if you vote for the same person your first vote is at 100% of your current voting power, your seconds is 90% and so on (with the decrease being debatable). Recharging again over time.

Sure, if you're voting on a specific pool of content mostly written by the same people there might be an issue. But with most people writing less than 1-3 posts per week, this should be fine.

Another issue might be comments in a conversation, where the value is added to each post. But considering that normally you'd upvote a comment with less than 100% voting power that shouldn't be an issue, as you could simply increase the voting power to your target level.

This proposal has two advantages:

  1. It's simple.
  2. At the same time, this would prevent the annoying self-upvoting of shitty one-line comments. (Brought here to the extreme, without content at all!!!)

Today I have seen that post too. I am so sorry that things like that are happening to the platform. That is both spam and abuse at the same time. Unfortunately my SP is very low so I can do barely nothing about it, but I will resteem your post for visibility since I know that at least one whale is following me. Thanks for cleaning this place Luke, I respect your efforts!

Doing what little I can, even though i'm on vacation.

I feel bad that you have to do things like cleaning this place when you are in vacation... It seems that here is a though time with huge spam and flag war going on. I am curious to see a post of yours with your opinion about it, but right now please enjoy the rest of your vacation!

I dropped a few 100% flags on them, but thats a lot of SP to fight :(
Much dissapoint, @grumpycat

Hello @ausbitbank,
Thanks For Upvoting My Post (https://steemit.com/travel/@ankursiddha/dharamkot-a-hippie-village-in-the-himalayas-travel-blog)

My name is Ankur Siddha from India. I want to be a part of the steemit community. I am into Blockchain & Crypro-currency field since last 1 year and have been part of many ICO's like Tokenstars, Verime, Budbo, Teky etc to help them in their marketing. I am also on the team of Upcoming ICO's Zohem, Flying Money & WEcrowd. I came to know about Steemit a few days back and loved it. As I am a traveler & Photographer. I have started uploading my experiences & work here. I also preparing more content from my past and also planning to keep on traveling and adding new content to it.
I am here to request you to curate my content to support me in my mission. I will also be expecting feedbacks & suggestions to improve my skills. I have some following on my other social channels and I am sharing my content with them also. In this little time, I have managed to make 5 of my friends join steemit. Hope to get your support in future. So, I can do well. Willing to so STeemit full time leaving my job and become an important contributor to the community.
There are a few of my recent contribution :

  1. https://steemit.com/photography/@ankursiddha/the-taj-mahal-7-wonders-of-world-ankur-siddha-photography

  2. https://steemit.com/travel/@ankursiddha/orissa-tourism-ankur-siddha-photography-nandan-kanan-botanical-garden-bhubaneswar-orissa-post-1

  3. https://steemit.com/photography/@ankursiddha/humayun-s-tomb-delhi-unesco-world-heritage-centre-new-delhi-monument-1

  4. https://steemit.com/love/@ankursiddha/my-love-what-i-feel-for-you-is-amazing

I tried to flag some posts but my flags are worth almost nothing against those guys... Damn

I can't believe Dan and Ned don't address these issues. It's like they don't really care.
Can you imagine this happening on any other website? No.

FYI Dan is no longer part of steemit inc (since nine months ago...by the way).


Thanks for the update.

Most other websites are centralized. This is the wild west on here. Steam power is just as much a weapon as it is a way to garner profit.

Steem* power :)

Good catch! ;)

Thanks! I don't like when that happens, especially searching Steem on google and getting that "you mean Steam" message :))

"Steam" is a different galaxy.

This is different than every other website. This is a decentralized blockchain platform.

So what is the solution long term? A hard fork and this time put protocol to prevent abuse?

Self-limiting algorithms for the powerful!

This wasn't a call to action for those with low Steem Power.

Thankfully some whales have responded and many of the pending payouts are now $0.

I don't have much SP, so the best I can do is to resteem this post and get the word out there as should other minnows.
Great work, Luke.

Thanks for spreading the word. I think it helped as I'm seeing mostly $0 payouts now for the comments that were highlighted.

Some steemians grew too big for their own good and ruin the fun for the rest of us. I convinced 80 people to join Steemit this month from my YT followers. I am planning to teach them how to grow their own rewards as fairly as possible. They won't care if this BS keeps happening.

That is real blatant plundering of the pool. It's not even pretending to be valid content. I'm happy to see any whale flag that to nothing. Ned could do it himself. Others are missing out on earned rewards thanks to this behaviour.

Yep, it's a disgrace. There's always a few that want to ruin everything for the majority.

While this is a particularly egregious case, i think it's worth mentioning the bidbot abuse that's going on with stolen / thin content. I don't think steemcleaners can keep up with a network of 50-100 spammers.

Care to comment, @steamcleaners? Are you being overrun? If so, what can we as a community do to help?

thanks for the info

Way to be on the job

Will definitely be thinking about this !!. Thank you bro for the awareness

Thanks. :)

I agree that there should be level ground field for everyone and no one should have advantage. To be very honest, until there is tight rules no body care about fairplaying. Rules must be refined and tightend.

There is no such thing as a level ground field for everyone anywhere in nature. I'm all about equal opportunities, but we can never effective enforce equal outcomes. Rules alone can't fix this. It requires effort from those who actually care.

I ain't no whale but I'm happy to flag to stuff I consider "Not worth contributing"!
Makes me feel like shit but it's gotta be done!
Thanks for this.

Heheh. Don't worry about it too much. This was specifically a call to action for high SP accounts.

Sure thing. I'm just wondering what smaller account can do to help?

This act is not sharing the view of this platform, if everyone operates at this level then this platform soon will be died.


@lukestokes I would like to make a second comment as well. Right now many people are upvoting posts from @berniesanders, @grumpiecat etc. Why do they believe and eat that shit? Because it’s not clear to them what’s really happening. It wasn’t completely clear to me too in the beginning, because steem is such a complex system. It is completely transparent, but right now you need to be technologically minded to understand it fully.

If someone could make it completely visible and transparent who is taking the rewards for greed, people would react to their posts in a different way. We would need a report every week or even every day, in the form of a post that wouldn’t accept a payout. In the report there could be a list of everyone who is getting a significant amount, and what value they are actually bringing to the community. If it would be detailed but easy to understand, it could make a change.

Maybe you already have considered this but I wanted to express it anyway

thanks for post

I think this issue is really sensitive one that needs to be checkmated. Thank you for raising this up @lukestokes

Wow, such blantent horseshit!

This is probably the lamest form of spam and reward pool rape I've ever seen... They might as well at least leave the oh-so-common "Nice Post" comment on other peoples' posts... But literally making one post and then self commenting endlessly and self upvoting endlessly on that one post....... That's not even trying at all :D

Thanks for pointing this out, Luke! This is some real Sherlock Holmes uncovering here.

"This is some real Sherlock Holmes uncovering here". Going through the blog, I think you just put this line precisely. :)

@lukestokes needs more power to bring cases to limelight.

Thanks goes to @tt-dogg who noticed this was such an issue that they brought it up in an unrelated post of mine to bring it to my attention.

thank you for being a stand up honest witness...if ever your in the sf bay area i woud love to take you and your family out for dinner i voted you for witness and will be promoting to to all my followers sir...sorry your on vacation ...im also on vacation also...

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Can't believe we've found a good witness here. Finally someone worthy of a vote! Thank you @lukestokes for looking out for us minnows who just want to blog in peace and enjoy quality content like that of @haejin 👌 rock on

Happy holidays~ :)

고맙습니다! 행복한 휴일 :)

Thanks for your support.

This is the #1 reason I have not invited any of my friends to Steemit. I love everything about it so far, accept this bickering! Does Bernie not realizing he will kill his source of income by making it unfavorable?

IMO, Bernie is irrational and petty. I've tried to communicate with him to understand his reasoning, but it still escapes me, and he's blocked me on rocket chat so I don't know if I'll have any other further opportunities to understand him.

It is sad to think stuff like this may keep some people away from Steemit. At the same time, this is a real world with real actors, both good and bad. Part of me likes that we're creating a reality here, and we can't just run to mommy or daddy authoritarian to fix things for us.

We have to fix it ourselves.

Very true. So let's get it done, so i can bring my friends. I want all my broke longboard friends to start getting paid for their hard work and content. They have a very positive community compared to skateboarding.

Guardian of Steemit and so much more! Thank you for making this a better place for everyone. This stuff is important and you have the ears of the right people to make changes here. Good for you Luke! Good for all of us! Hope your holidays are going well my friend. I'll be in touch. -Dan

We've had an excellent time so far. I spent the day surfing and hanging out with family. I hope to get a post up about it, but instead I'm commenting on all this drama. Hahah.

I have been seeing a tons of posts pertaining to the same issues laid out on this blog. It is clearly a predicament and actions must be made for the sake of SteemIt and it's community.

AAAhhhhhhh Brother you are an honorable man and really helping this community indeed.

This is an awesome post with awesome results and you declined payout on top of that. If I didn't have you voted for a witness by now I would surely put you on but I saw your character a while back.

Anyone reding this comment please vote for @lukestokes for witness as he has proven ever since I first started following him that he is looking out for this community and helping ensure a sustainable future of thrival for us all.

I support you with my resteem service

Your post has been resteemed to my 3000 followers

Resteem a post for free here

Power Resteem Service - The powerhouse for free resteems, paid resteems, random resteems

I am not a bot. Upvote this comment if you like this service

Thank you for making this post. I'm a baby minnow, plankton poop even, but I value Steemit very much, and I'd love for it to continue to be successful, but there seems to be others that are determined to try and game the system as much as possible, the future of Steemit, and that of the rest of us, be damned!

Congratulations @lukestokes!
Your post was mentioned in the hit parade in the following category:

  • Comments - Ranked 4 with 216 comments

Good posts! Even though I’m a newcomer it puts things into perspective for me. It’s helpful seeing a more mature viewpoint then what is presented in some popular posts. **** we really need more grown-ups on this platform.

On a lighter note, I made a story about my first few weeks on Steem for the new year.
The Story of a little fishie in the ocean of steem.

Much Love and Light, happy 2018

That is a kilama gesao kind of thing.

People will always game a system. It seems like Steem doesn't take that into account.

Steem does take that into account. That's why everybody has the opportunity to use upvotes OR downvotes. The idea is that the biggest accounts (the whales) have the biggest incentive to make sure that this type of abuse doesn't pay out, as they have the most to lose if the whole system goes to shit.

@lukestokes made the call to action, and the whales responded by downvoting the content. it continues in a perpetual cycle of whack-a-mole. Vigilance is the eternal price of wealth.

This is exactly how Steem is supposed to work.

I can't believe someone is misusing such a wonderful accountname as grumpycat. :(

I'd help, but my VP is dead.

This is just a call to action for those who have the means to help.

I know. I feel sad for the grumpycat meme.

Well, I resteemed and sent around elsewhere. Hope it helps.

Apparently Bernie Sanders is Randowhale. How much money have you given that account? Time to crash the whale if true

Thank you for taking the time to write , voicing out the issue and raising awareness to other whales .. been following u since I started steemit , your posts are nothing but educational and helpful. Thank you.. I even follow you on Facebook. I hope all of you whales can find a way to solve this issue..

Peace and love guys, 2018 is round the corner.

You're a true hero @lukestokes! Thank you for always having the courage to tell the truth and put all the time in! Much Love!

Thanks Jan. :)

Why is it that the majority who are relevant are not recognised. The irrelevant are great shareholders.

Thanks Luke

Dear @fidelpoet, this is a call to action. You are welcome to flag away these atrocities with your SteemPower, however, if you don't have much, it will not do anything to the mindset of those upvoting placeholder comments.

No Steemian is ever irrelevant. But some actions are simply not very effective without tons of SP.

Thanks with the education sir. I was not aware of the Steem Power Effect.

I'm not sure what you mean the irrelevant being great shareholders. What matters here is Steem Power. That's what the blockchain respects and that's what is needed to flag these spam comments.

Sorry sir about that. I wanted to say some. Saying all of them are irrelevant will be a false opinion, not a true fact.

It's really a great job helping others is greatness God bless you. You are nice


I'm glad you did write about this because I'm curious about what options are out there to try and fix this problem. I'm not a whale, but want to know what I'm getting into before I devote my time or money to this platform. Looking forward to reading the other three articles you posted. Thank you for sharing.

  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment

Curious why @haejin is flagging you here?

Ha ha i have no idea. I've never once interacted with him, flagged him or even talked about him. I only flagged @checkthisout for like $1

  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment

If you have sp then delegate to Luke stokes I have delegated all mine already.

You delegated all your SP to @haejin so he can flag people, not to Luke. Let's be clear, you also have been threatening to dox, beat up/kill people, and flagging people non-stop until your out of VP because they disagreed with @haejin's rewards but didn't in fact flag anyone.

Let's be honest here.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)Reveal Comment

For what?
and how?

  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment

Lol don’t know the answers? Just following the leader blindly spouting bullshit?

  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment
  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment

i never stated i delegated to luke i said i delegated all my sp...

stop twisting my statements...you markymark is the glowing example of a corrupt witness you will be voted out

You didn't say that, but you made it sound that way.

You also ignored the threats of bodily harm, doxing, and the endless flagging as it is a fact.

How am I corrupt? I'd love to hear this.

  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment

By sticking up for bernie that’s how.

I am sticking up for Steemit. For Steemit to survive you can’t have a single user making 150K/week posting a single picture and 2-3 lines of text 10 or more times/day. The price of Steem would go to zero if that became acceptable.

I’m corrupt because of that opinion but your a saint threatening people’s lives and saying you will dox them? Meanwhile dropping hundreds of flags to people who didn’t flag anyone?

You really should look in the mirror.

Now you are flagging my comments with @haejin to hide the facts?

Your sticking up for the biggest con man bernie gaming the system with grumpycat And you support him. You are a corrupt witness. How do you sleep at night ? You and you ilk is the reason investors are leaving steemit as we speak.

  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment

You don't have a damn clue what I do, you just flag and threaten people that don't praise @haejin and have a problem with him taking such a large portion of a reward pool everyone on Steemit shares.

You cry because your idol got flagged, yet you and your groupies have flagged more people in the last week than most of Steemit combined. Not a single one of you have any concept of how Steemit works.

Most of the users that got flagged have little to nothing to do with this whole thing, and only have stated an opinion. The most pathetic use of flagging on Steemit is because you don't like someone's opinion. It is petty, immature, and pathetic.

"I’m gonna vote for you for witness. You are a shining example of what a good witness does."

He got my vote a while back, as well. A perfect example of the type of witnesses that are needed.

Thanks for your support.

You're welcome. It's well deserved. I'd love to see Steemit reach it's full potential, but things are getting a little squirrelly around here. We need for you more powerful guys to jerk a knot in a few tails. lol As soon as I win the lottery, I'm gonna invest about 100 million, takeover Steemit, and then it'll be butterflies and rainbows for everyone! Mandatory harmony and decency. It'll be too late to hate, and no need for greed. :-D

  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment

Same question as @psukicksass - am currently 1/5th through the Elliott Waves book and am working on my own practice charts with mixed success. I am also possibly interested in 1 on 1 coaching!

Ordered my book last night!

Thanks. I'm sorry to see your content (which I personally find valuable) being flagged. I'm also confused why whales like @ranchorelaxo are giving you full upvotes if many in the community disagree with the level of rewards pool you're enjoying when that happens. Maybe you could ask them to scale it back a bit?

Maybe you could do some of your reports with a decline payout to show the community here you value the rewards pool and want to see it equitably distributed, leaving more for those who aren't into cryptocurrency trading?

I don't know. There are no easy solutions and clearly anyone can use their Steem Power however they want, but these flag wars seem to push away a lot of potential users.

I haven't really taken sides in this particular debate but it's clear to me you've made quite a few enemies here and that's sad to see.

hello,haejin .Looking forward to your analysis of BTS

haejin, I wish I could do something to counteract the downvoting, but I am still a nobody. MY little .10 at 100% does nothing. But I fully believe what we put out is what we get back in life. That means you have built up a lot of good coming your way and some others... well let's just say karma can be a %^%&$.

When are you coming back? We miss your tutelage. Are you still offering 1 on 1 coaching? #bernieblows

  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment

so this is the community? I joined christmas eve. looks bad.

You have contributed a more useful view of the issue than you know.


I am well aware of what you describe and have been flagged many times by Bernie and his army. We have history going back almost a year and half.