in abuse •  7 years ago  (edited)

Yesterday, @smartsteem received a 1 Million Steempower Delegation from @thejohalfiles.

We are extremely grateful for this and vowed to use this POWER to support GREAT CONTENT.

Now - there are some people, who think they are smart and try to abuse our system by creating Posts with EXTREMELY LOW QUALITY - which are then bought votes for.


Smartsteem.com is the first voting-services with a detailed whitelist-system. This system however, is currently only partially active for @smartmarket (our Vote-Selling Market). Most of these Votes are for whitelisted-users only, but some are for everyone.

There might come a time where we will offer all of our services, ONLY to whitelisted-users. But we still want to allow Steemians who might not know about smartsteem yet, to use our bid-bot and our market.

However: From now on - we are NOT TOLERATING SPAMMERS that are trying to profit from @smartsteem or @smartmarket.


While everyone has their own opinion on great content - there is one thing most of us can agree on:


We understand that not every post can be a masterwork - but creating such low Quality-Posts in a timeframe of 1 hour - is NOT OK.

And then - this also happens:


Researching about abuse-cases and then doing the action of actually blacklisting them and refunding, takes time.

And time is valuable - which could be spend much better on actually improving SmartSteem.

That's why we decided to create a NO-REFUNDS rule for extreme cases (as above).

Now, if someone creates LOW-QUALITY POSTS but is not spamming us - we will refund the person and then blacklist him / her.


What is ABUSE?

1.) Plagiarism
2.) Technical Analysis without any details
3.) Pictures and Videos with a title and nothing else
4.) Memes copied form the internet

What counts as extreme-case?

Multiple Posts per Day with multiple transfers to @smartsteem or @smartmarket.


So much Power is currently in the hands of smartsteem and we won't allow people to profit by abusing the system.

We understand that there is a need for promotion on Steemit & Co. - that's why we offer our services.


Authors get paid when people like you upvote their post.
If you enjoyed what you read here, create your account today and start earning FREE STEEM!
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That's amazing. I hope you guys will be doing incredible works with it .

Thanks, very good post !!!!

Awesome Work!

Keep it up!!!


What is your favorite Hardware Wallet?

Ledger Wallet protects your bitcoins

It's a nice plateform I have tried their vote buy but still don't get I did not get the 2x yet as promised

Hi there, did you notice the refund?:

This happens when we can not upvote you with the expected rate, since there may be not enough voters at the moment.

It’s great to see an honest bot! I’m fairly new to Steem and searched for weeks before I even used one and came across yours, this is the only one I use so far , I like how you can just buy the votes as I don’t think I could really compete in the bids yet and plus I can’t really figure out how the bid votes work, I can’t believe there’s isnt any good videos even on YouTube or d tube explaining bid bots , maybe there is and haven’t found them but I have searched for the last month and haven’t found one , there are a lot of videos talking about bots and their results with different bots but there isn’t any videos explaining exactly how the bid bots work and what you are bidding/competing on etc

Thanks a lot for your meaningful comment Justin, I made this post more than a month ago but I think is still quite timeless on that matter. I could try later on to do a youtube and d-tube one, but it takes ages, I am waiting a friend to organize us on that matter. It will require some investment for proper lights and a lot of time.


Also there is another one about SmartSteem I made before joining the team, so far I use 90% of the time the SmartMarket and no other bot, just a little of MB, but only for comments.


In case you have so far not enrolled to sell your votes, use this referred link below.

Awesome I’ll look into it !

so how does this work?
you just cast it however you want to whoever you want?
do you bother reading the posts as well?
do you cast more % of ups on a day old posts than a 2 day old posts?
how are you different from the others?
I just tried you and am not happy

edit : what happened to you won't be casting much on effort less posts?
you upvoted so many posts that fall on those ABUSES you enumerated there
just in case you don't know I checked
FYI and no offense your Steemworld account is very much visible to everyone

sample 1
sample 2
sample 3
and that last one tsk tsk tsk
should I go on?

comment upped for visibility

Hey @englishtchrivy,

thank you for providing cases which are eligable for blacklisiting.

@smartsteem as a bid-bot is currently open to everyone (except blacklisted) but this might change in the future. @smartmarket however works with a whitelist system.

are the one managing @smartsteem?
if not then this reply is just pointless
cause then they'd just keep upvoting those won't they?

How about a bit more respect?

I'm the creator, founder and developer of smartsteem.

But you would have known that if you would have taken a single look at smartsteem.com/team

I apologize for sounding hostile but believe I wrote that "no offense" didn't I ?

plus you can't really expect me to know everything right nor to read all of your info?
that's why I asked

so why the sensitivity of flagging?
did my comment fall on abuse which deserves flagging?
I don't think it's a spam or plagiarism and I hope you're not just hiding it

we're adults aren't we?
am 40 and Im sure you're above 18 so can we both handle a straightforward comment / questions?

EDIT : plus I clearly asked if you're the creator
how is that disrespectful?

and why flag the first comment?
and 44%?
to make it vanish really?

I would understand if you flagged the second comment
but you flagged the first one

I don't think it's fair so upped my comments for visibility
I asked a very relevant question on that first comment
I feel like you're doing me injustice for flagging it 44% just to hide it

I've removed the flag from the top comment and flagged your insult.

And yes - I'm able to handle a discussion but I won't tolerate dis-respectfulness. I have enough to do and finding the time to answer to questions and then getting shutdown - not acceptable.

Thank you for providing this service👍

Hey I had sent a transfer for first time and it was sent back right away. Thank you for the speed! I just wanted to see if I had made a mistake or if there was an issue with my post ? It’s my Vlog and a video of myself so I assume there wasn’t but just checking. Thank you for taking the time👍 Cheers

I love your way of thinking, and I love the fact that Johal @thejohalfiles supports it in such manner :-)

You just got an 100% upvote from me for your post, which means a lot (rather in an ideological than in a monetary sense ;-)) since I'm usually not the biggest bid bot supporter. Still your concept is in tune with the times and will be exemplary for your competitors.

All the best!

I agree too. With the power that smartsteem now has, it has a great responsibility to refuse to allow spammers to abuse it. The bots should be used for people who are pushing out great content. I am proud to be a part of the smartsteem community. I use the service which is great and I am going to be delegating. Thank you smartsteem for A1 quality service and commitment to end spamming.

Why doest it reply?

Thank you marly! I love the fact as well :)

And yes - I appreciate your support - a lot!

Well if you have Marlys seal of approval then it's all good for me!

Best get myself some content on the blockchain quick (but not too quick!)

Haha, I don't think you would ever be able to publish a spammy post, even if you wanted :-))


Thank you!

How's your Snow Time going? Board or Skis?

Awesome! Thanks for asking :-)
Am skiing. After a heavy snowboard accident a couple of years ago I decided to stick with what I know better :-P
Pics & videos coming soon...

1 or 2 bots are fine...not multiple where 100s of sbds and whales are voting for a mediocre post it's embarrassing.
You missed the snow Asher😁😁

I can only imagine :-)
My pleasure!

Hi. I wanted to know what time to expect returns for delegating steem power on smartsteem. I did it yesterday and was just wondering. Also I applied to be whitelisted nearly a month ago and have gotten no response. Thanks.

well the whitelisting is a manual process and we are going through them as fast as we can without losing quality and then the delegations pay out when you have over 0,5 sbd revenue

Oh how nice! So you are also part of the @smartsteem team @felander?
Lauter gute Leute hier am Start, sehr schön!! :-) Ich werde noch zum Bid Bot Anhänger, wenn ich nicht aufpasse... :-) Ha!

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

hey @surfermarly, I have been using his service for a while and I like the fact that I can choose to only sell my votes to whitelisted people. And this is just a way to avoid abuse on the platform and make sure that spammers and copypasters are not able to take to much advantage

Agreed - I think @smartsteem seems to be trying to do the whole 'support the community with a bot' thing the right way. I've submitted my channel for whitelisting and joined the voting community for 'good-content' only.

Hoping for big things from this project 👍

I just dropped by to say: I'm proud to use Smartsteem! I support you in fighting spam. Steemians should understand that Steemit is not ordinary social media and far from that. They shouldn't do what they do here. Not here. I hope those spammers will eventually get the message and exit the system.


So I sent 3 sbd for this post and still I d’identità receive any upvote from your side

wow ..
master @prashant you are the best, I am very admired and very interested in every post you, you have a very extraordinary talent.
with that talent could be you who will make all mankind awe, and fascinated with the intelligence, the greatness you have master @prashant
hopefully with the talent and excellence you have can be learned by all humans around the world.
please help upvote my posting.

Yes, Smartsteem is rocking!
This is great :)

I am really happy for you :)

Hi smartsteem me send 5.01 sbd you are not upvoted my post plz check this and refund me https://steemit.com/photography/@alisanadeem/information-about-coconut

master @ahtasham12 you are the best, I am very admired and very interested in every post you, you have a very extraordinary talent.
with that talent could be you who will make all mankind awe, and fascinated with the intelligence, the greatness you have master @ahtasham12.
hopefully with the talent and excellence you have can be learned by all humans around the world.
please help upvote my posting.

Fighting spam will improve Steemit. Most people think that they can earn money without effort, posting some pointless things. We all should fight against it. Bring good content to improve Steemit. Good job.

That's exactly the point, @cicbar!

No spam is tolerated in Steemit!

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Great more SP for paid upvoting bots....
This will be the downfall of Steem. There is just too much SP delegated too paid upvoting bots. That's why paid votes generate auto profit and allow abuse in the first place.
The whales keep delegating because it is basically money printing for them.

You are a wolf in a sheep skin @therealwolf. Telling others that you want to prevent abuse when you are actually enabling it with your service.
How about creating something useful with your coding skills like a new app on Steem. Everyone can create a voting bot...
Voting bots like yours don't bring any new users and only harm the system.

hey @zombee,

thanks for the feedback. I understand your concerns, but ..

Most people, don't have an account with over 500K SP that they can use, to promote their posts - like you. (Even if you believed that the cause would justify the action)

So they need an alternative. And while other services offer something similar, we are the first and most transparent which has a whitelist. (smartsteem.com/users/whitelist)

And this whitelist is the best way to prevent abuse from happening.

Will it remove abuse? No. Since we can only do so much and we can't look into what kind of future posts the user will create.

But we are actively blacklisting users who are producing SPAM-content.

Also - calling smartsteem.com simply a votingbot - is an understatement. We have @smartsteem, as bid-bot and @smartmarket which has over 2000 Vote-Sellers.

Anyways - I hope that you will see the value in it someday.

Sounds like a plan, although I fear some innocent people will get hit with collateral damage. At least its a start.


We will research every profile thoroughly - as things are often subjective and to make sure that only abusers get blacklisted. If someone creates a low quality posts maybe once or twice a week and only upvotes it once a week with 1 SBD - then that is ok.

But for abusers who create 4 posts a day with copy-paste content and send 10 transfers per day to smartsteem - NOT OK.

Hi @therealwolf wishing you a great day. Just lookin for info about whitelisted members? Is there an advantage and if yes How to go about to become one.

hey @darsico,

Whitelisted members have the privilege to have access to more vote-sellers than regular users. This is also based on the received score (between 1 and 3).

In the future we might also make smartsteem whitelisted-only which would pretty much eliminate most of the basic-abuse problems. But for that - the whitelist has to grow a bit more :)

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

this is a great idea! Gee i hope i can get in what are the requirements to be whitelisted? My articles are not always a book but i can assure you i have the longest running Truth or Dare game by anyone anywhere ever, i have also asked the Guinness Book of World records to take a look LOL:))) It's been going on since 7/15/2017 or 7 months. And still going strong .
To your success @darsico

Feel free to look at a post I made over smart steem. I talked mostly about smart market but touched a little bit on the white list part of smart steem. Hope it's informative enough for you. Here is the post: https://steemit.com/smartmarket/@logank013/why-smart-market-is-the-best-upvote-bot-around

I salute the movement. It will be tough to find a preset filter as to where to draw the line because scammers will always filter down just below the set standard and skim what they can. "4 post per day, 10 transfers"... scammers will say oh ok 3 post and 9 transfers then. I'm not saying that you do not have a plan for that, truce. On the super bright side, even if you scale them down even a little bit then every amount saved counts. I'm all for this. I will have a scope to help rescue the innocent as always. Ultimate truce.

@truce You are right and that's why this has to be done manually. Similar as how reviews for smartsteem's whitelist have to be done manually (we have currently 5 Moderators) and all of this takes time. So that's why there is the NO-REFUND policiy for extreme abusers.


This is truly needed.
But... to be honest, bots are not profitable...

You end up losing money everytime...
Why using them? for visibility, ok, but theres no ROI in investing in bots...

Anyways, i migth be wrong, am i?
Cheers, and help to erradicate the damn SPAM

hey @decomoescibir,

you are partially right. Bid-bots are often not profitable. @smartmarket however is profitable and at least neutral. The biggest plus in any case, is however the visibility.

Votes shouldn't be bought for the profit, but to gain new readers and followers for your blog.

Thanks so much for your reply. Ill defintlly look into it, specially if you say its profitable...
Good luck!

That’s awesome! We need more people who run these other bots to take more responsibility also to curb the nonsense out there. Great job guys!

hey @stackin!

thanks for your comment - we try our best! :)

And also big thanks for using smartsteem & smartmarket and for being a vote-seller.

Really appreciate the support!

This is really great project, we dont need this spam and low quality shit in here, glad you are trying to sort this out. Im always using your service, currently pending 8 days now.

hey @greddyforce, thank you for the feedback and we are working on it!

Hello @smartsteem and @therealwolf ! Great, great project you have here! I am absolutely in love with it!

I am afraid I do not know how else I can get in touch with you to ask what I'm about to ask, so I'll give it a shot here.

I want to start a 6-month experiment with the SmartSteem platform, as a supporter who sells his voting power, and keeping a track of the rewards I get back from doing so, the amount of SteemPower that my account grows by everyday through posting on the platform, etc.

Here comes the question tho, would I be able to use the content you have shared with us, such as the .gif at the end of the post or the logos? Share your guides and your updates on my blog posts? I know we're on a decentralized blogging platform, but I thought I should ask first.

Thanks a lot! Looking forward to your reply and hopefully it will be a positive one! :)

hey @lifewithcrypto,

the gif at the end is very new and actually made for you, the users - so you can share your referral link easier (and in a better style).

And of course you can share our posts :)

Thank you so much! I really appreciate the quick reply and the .gif you made, along with all the rest of the content! Not to mention the platform itself.

I will be posting my everyday update in the #smartsteem tag, so if you ever happen to drop by, please let me know what you think, share your feedback as I would really appreciate it. It will be a daily update of my 6-month experiment, as I plan to start rolling out some serious content to go along with it on my blog.

hello @smartsteem
i had send total 8 SBD but didn't receive any upvote yet!
kindly @upvote or @refund

Hello stock-market,

you have been blacklisted due to:

  • excessive Spamming of low-quality posts
  • excessive copy and paste. Posts are all pretty much the same.
  • abuse of voting-bots

We are not refunding Spammers who are trying to abuse the system.

don't try to make new system everyday.
a day 4 post is not forbidden in @steemit!
and i had not collected my analysis from google or stolen
from other's person!
this is my won creative post!
im sharing technical analysis so that people's can learn
something as how to analysis market movement!and
for making technical analysis you can't write so much...

but before adding blacklist anyone you should let them know
what kind of post is allow for your bot.

you should learn something from other's bot as if anyone send money for upvote
more than one or two post they don't accept bit and refund and
write a message - this round is over try next round!

than no one will send money more than one post!

Hello stock-market,

we are sorry that you feel that way.

We have made our stance against SPAM known from Day 1 and that we only support Quality Content. We don't mind a low quality post here and there - we are all only humans.

But you have been abusing the system.

Your posts are sadly not only SPAM, but also copies of actual traders advice

We don't have problems with multiple bids, but with abuse.

And we spend at least 10 minutes on your case alone - which could have been used for a lot better and more useful things.

@smartsteem you are yet to redeem your promise,i made a transfer of 0.900SBD https://steemit.com/poems/@marylene-roy/psychopath-poems-strange-love-article honestly speaking I so much believe in you that you are real and would never play scam please revisit my wall
Thanks for your cooperation

Thank you for your good information.
as our first time mistake,you should conceder ...
kindly-refund @smartsteem
thank you

Don't take it as a loss take it as a way of improving your work if you want to earn here.

this bot is scam,he came here for robbing peoples money.
i had check your post and i have seen you had used small,medium,big every kind of bot but they had no problem about it but problem is this guy came here to robing peoples money.it is a rabish bot i have never seen before...we should be careful from this bot

Finally a plan is in place to stop spam and improve the quality of Steemit content.

If the majority (hopefully) all upvote bots adopt similar practices it will go a long way to bring Steemit to the platform we all hope for. At least this is a better practice than trying to get whales to flag every spam/ low quality post.

Keep up the great work. Steem on!


We are doing our best (plus also @themarkymark is actively working on a blacklisting spammers for the buildawhale bid-bot) but those Spammers seems to come with no end in sight .. :D

I totally agree. It's demotivating seeing your high-quality post you've put a lot of effort in on just few cents and on the other hand those with shitposts and hundreds of dollars. It's nice people care about that and I hope you'll help in the way you mentioned in a post. Thanks for your time and effort.
Have a nice day - @tonac :)

Agree, I have been spending 2-3 hours, going thru material before creating my better posts and then you see people posting memes being way more attention.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Yup, I'm taking notes, listening to people's advices and all things I can. But let's be honest that in some way completes and pleases you. Knowing you put in an effort and time. You're improving yourself surely :)

There is no question about that. I feel my writing has improved. Also it helped my perspective with which I looked at things and how to come up with new articles.

hey @tonac - I understand your feelings. While much of this is subjective - sometimes a meme can be worth a lot of money - but not when it's simply copy, pasted from the web. Sadly, that's what mainstream-media is currently telling people to do - as this earns the most money in the traditional sense (through adsense etc.)

But STEEM (incl Steemit, Busy etc.) is something different - and thus we also have to act different. Originality is the most important part.

It's not difficult to create a script which creates 4 posts every day under the technical analysis scheme about a random altcoin and then makes transfers to bid-bots based on bid apis.

So that's what we, as bot and service-leaders/owners have to be aware of.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Yes, I find myself pretty young and I am young but I undrstand things well, not showing off ^^
I share opinion that it's all on us (Steemit users) to improve this platform as much as we can and to not lose hope. Although this is, at the first place, business and we started this for money we have to find every possible bright side of this, and bring out positive vibes and emit positive vibes. The priority is to give credits for original works, creative and unique articles and I deeply support work of you, whitnesses, and your work for doing the best you can to improve it. Steemit is a really great 'place'

I absolutely agree on everything but one point, however I do not quite have a solution to it as it's a subjective thing for most people.

3.) Pictures and Videos with a title and nothing else

Should not a good photograph or a well made video be enough on it's own?

Quality amateur and pro photographers seldom share details in text on why and where he took the photo or how he took it and least of all technical details. This is the reason why Instagram is so successful as you don't need to write supporting text content.

I understand that while it's not hard to differentiate between good and bad photographs on most cases, it is hard to differentiate between low quality and quality-less photos or spam photos with the sole objective of milking the system.

This is why I said I do not quite have a solution, but this is something which I think will slow the onboarding of good photographers on to Steemit. It's a problem that most similar services do not allow photographs without supporting long text.

The text does not do justice to the purpose of a good photograph which should be able to say what it wants to say without the need for words.


Good point! I somehow knew that this might be intrepreted wrong.

3.) Pictures and Videos with a title and nothing else

This is where human intuition comes into play. When I review people, I can see if someone is copying pictures from the internet or if he has done them himself.

And also how good these pictures are.

Creating 4 pictures a day of anything you see with a simple smartsphone-shot doesn't make you a photographer.

So - the reviews happen on a human level, but this takes time and thats why the no-refund policy was the implemented.

Makes sense. If good photographers are rewarded while weeding the spammers there's nothing like it.

It must be taking a lot of manual effort though, so the no refund policy is a justified word of caution for the spammers.

Extremely staisfied to see such attempts from you . Right step and rightly said " great power brings great responsibilities"

I've been really acquainting myself with all the Smartsteem services and I absolutely love them. The customer support from @therealwolf is always stellar. I think this large delegation is a huge vote of confidence. I think if someone wants to post something quick and easy for their followers it is find but paying to get votes for it is not something that should be tolerated. Smartsteem is a strategic tool to be used wisely.

Thank you @cflclosers - I've seen your profile-image pop-up quite often in the comments. Appreciate your support!

thanks for noticing. I love your service and you've delivered exactly as promised every time. I know what a pain it must be to deal with all of this lol

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Thanks for doing your best to combat spam. I use your service and really like it so far. I applied to be whitelisted. I am also looking into the selling upvote option now. My vote is worth more than a cent now, which is exciting (and sad that im excited about it!) lol!

Hey Emily - thank you for the nice feedback!

I'm glad that you find value in it. Your application might take a bit longer due to the many requests - but we are on it!

@smartsteem can you please remove me from your blacklist? Or how can I remove from blacklist?

master @zakia you are the best, I am very admired and very interested in every post you, you have a very extraordinary talent.
with that talent could be you who will make all mankind awe, and fascinated with the intelligence, the greatness you have master @zakia.
hopefully with the talent and excellence you have can be learned by all humans around the world.
please help upvote my posting.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

I'm in support of this, spammers need to read this so they can stop it ...some people can't seat down and write, all they do is to go online and copy, some even use it to win contest..smiles
What is bad is bad, plagiarism must stop

That is awesome!
After reading more about your service I think I might make a full guide in English about it.
The only certain thing I know is that I'm using and will use your service even more.
keep it up! and great by him for delegating.

hey @yairdd - thank you for your feedback and your initiative. There are already quite some guides out there - for example this one: https://steemit.com/smartsteem/@ilyastarar/understanding-smartsteem-how-to-use-smartsteem-a-vote-selling-buying-service-you-can-benefit-from-and-other-investment

Or our recent post at @smartsteem.

I hope you are the now 300- VS - the spam army. Let this be your moto.

I have written a few posts moaning about this, lol I say "moaning" in the nicest possible way, but really it gets a bit tedious when you spend hours and days and sometimes even months setting up a post and you write your heart out, and then you get 2 cents, if even that. Then you scout scroll about and find post that make no sense have no content no pictures no video no effort and they earn $100's. I usually take out my tissues after seeing that and cry myself to sleep.

But alas seems we may have a super hero at hand to save the day. thank you for great initiative and best of luck evening the playing field by rooting out the weeds.

stay blessed

Hey @michaeljn,

I know what you mean! Let me quote what I wrote earlier:

While much of this is subjective - sometimes a meme can be worth a lot of money - but not when it's simply copy, pasted from the web. Sadly, that's what mainstream-media is currently telling people to do - as this earns the most money in the traditional sense (through adsense etc.)

But STEEM (incl Steemit, Busy etc.) is something different - and thus we also have to act different. Originality is the most important part.

It's not difficult to create a script which creates 4 posts every day under the technical analysis scheme about a random altcoin and then makes transfers to bid-bots based on bid apis.

So that's what we, as bot and service-leaders/owners have to be aware of.

Thank you, great points and thank you for taking the bull by the horns somewhat, I guess someone has to do it.

I however will continue con my quest for decent content and pursuit of my own expression, regardless of the reward, if you happen to wonder by, a tip of the hat would be greatly appreciated.

stay blessed

PS. Sometime when discouraged, I slide into a feeble attempt, but i realise now that I should not succumb to meritocracy, and try to maintain a relatively, at the least, good standard. :-)

sir i am really sorry please cancel the blacklist sir next time not use in low quality post

You are kicking ass! You are a mad genius and really strive to build this platform. Hell Yeah! You bust your ass everyday and for that I am grateful.
I believe you will continue with your awesomeness and not let money steal away your solidity.

Don't be scared folks, buy a vote from @smartsteem!

One of the many reasons I love smartsteem. I actually wrote a post on it a few days ago. Can't wait for my case to be reviewed. Was on page 50 a week or so ago and am on page 31 now for pending. Only a few weeks away from review at this rate. Keep it up guys!

Thank you @logank013! And we are doing our best with the review-process!

That is awesome getting so much support from @thejohalfiles. It is really great to see smartsteem grow. Quality content needs as much support as possible. Keep up the good work guys.

Thank you @spectrumecons for being a supporter and vote-seller from the very beginning. I really appreciate that!

This is 100% Great!!

I currently use your service and love it, it is great that you are looking at stopping spam being upvoted.

Can I ask a question - How many times can you submit a post in a 3-day window?

I have sent Steem before and refunded and submitted again later, just want to double check as wouldnt want to be on a naughty list :-)

Keep up the great work!!

Thank you for the feedback @furn01!

You can send as many transfers as you like, but please not 10 in 1 minute. :)

I sent you 1 SBD yesterday but I didn't get upvote. Yesterday I comment you for refund but you didn't reply me. What happend??

I sent you 20SBD.
But I did not get a vote.
I want a refund, please

hello dear smartsteem sir, 5 hours ago i am 1+3 =4sbd sent your account but you miss upvote please check your memo and refund me ... my memo https://steemit.com/nightselfi/@smsulaiman/6hktq

I support this. Smartsteem is credible that it is the only bot (so far as I know) that would upvote quality content. Great job.

Thank you monajam!

Hi @therealwolf ,
I sent you a message on discord. Would you kindly reply?

Although I'm not a huge fan of upvote bots, you are to be highly commended for your conscientiousness. Puts you well above others running bots, to be sure. Also speaks highly of you that you got this delegation from @thejohalfiles.

Thank you @denmarkguy,

we are doing our best and indeed - smartsteem.com is a lot more than a simple bid-bot :)

I may be a nobody, but I have grown to love this platform so this 'nobody' will say something. It seems to me if you want to empower quality content, you would find quality content and upvote it. Under the current model you empower the content of those that purchase your upvote. Keep in mind that content that reaches the trending/hot page is content that has the potential to give STEEM its value.

We are always at a crossroads with STEEM, because there are no rules against the selling of votes - just what the market and the platform's users will allow. It seems evident that my impression of what this platform is does not line up with what it actually is. I am saddened by this development. But I will not be silent to protect my tiny stake and my tiny reputation. It just isn't worth it to me any longer. The vote purchasing that takes place on this platform makes me question the viability of STEEM.

I am guilty of it myself--I bought a vote once. Somebody explained to me that I could do much better making connections with people than purchasing votes. I made a post about it. I spoke about how buying a vote brought a small return to me, and it lined someone else's pocket threefold. My return was tied up in a 13 week power-down, while theirs had the ability to be spent immediately. I wrote about the value in meeting people and making friends.

That is the extent of my personal vote-buying experience. If my experience is lacking and doesn't seem enough to justify me having an opinion, stop reading and flag me. I'll still love this platform for what it can be and fight what it is becoming.

I have come a long way since I joined Steemit in September. I am most proud of the connections I've made. I joined a writing group that changed my life, another group dedicated to bringing a voice to those without one, another group dedicated to helping those in need, and another group where I shared my passion for pinball once a week. I've had pinball posts viewed by hundreds of folks that didn't even know competitive pinball existed. I shared a short story that I am proud of. I learned about other countries, other cultures, and others. I donated STEEM to charities. And I recently I drank a kale shake as part of a pledge I made on this platform to get healthy. These are things I have not done on other platforms, and I am grateful for these things. In order to accomplish these things I put in work.

None of the gains I have achieved have been 'easy' and none of the time I spent feels wasted. @smartsteem I don't believe you when you say you are dedicated to empowering quality content, because I can't figure out a way to line up what your doing with your stated goal. Quality doesn't seem to be involved in this process. "Not spam" is not equal to quality. If my account tanks because I speak my mind, so be it. It is the same in life.

hey sir 13minit ago i am 1+3= 4sbd and memo sent you but you miss upvote...please refund me


Bravo @smartsteem! You’re giving all the content creators a big chance. Unlike any other bid bots, you are unique and you set your own rules and abide to it. This gives motivation to all content creators to strive even more to create good content posts . Cheers to that! 💪🏻💪🏻💪🏻😊

By the way I have a query, i delagates 25Sp days ago though i love the fast profit, i removed the delegation for the meantime yesterday as i only have a very less VP/SP. however until now, the delegated sp wasn’t returned to me. Hope you’ll take action to this. Thank you so much and more power to smartsteem. 😊😊😊

Hey @appleskie,

thank you for the feedback! :)

The delegation sadly takes 7 days to return - this is trough STEEM itself and there is nothing sadly we can do about it.

Thank you for the response @therelwolf. That’s gladly noted by me. More power to smartsteem and its amazing team! I voted you as a witness as well. I appreciate your effort. 😊

good to see whales getting on-board with your service. I’ve been trying to get my account re-evaluated from 2 stars to 3 stars in terms of smart score, what’s the process for that?

hey @ddangerwu,

we will implement a system soon but for now - it has to be manually done. Best way is through our discord:


awesome, already posted in discord. thanks for your time!

This is a great change. I believe that this will be so.

Это отличные изменения. Я считаю, что так будет справедливо.

Please unblock me. Because I used to sale vote on smartsteem.com, I also had 10 references. Please unblock me, I can re sale vote for you again.

This sounds simple and great! Good work DJ

Hello, I delegated 100 SP a few days ago, I just wanted to ask when I can expect any return on this - I had the impression it was supposed to be once a day? Thanks

Hi there, with that amount of SP expect it to happen once a week since the payouts happen from a minimum of 0.5 SBD and up.

Awesome, thanks for the reply!

Feels like a good idea. I wish it was available across more of the votebots out there.

People can make a pretty good payout with nothing but poor quality content and a bunch of bot friends. This is ultimately damaging to the Steemit community.

I believe it will be widely accepted when other bots owner realises they are losing "clients" due to spam abuse. We are a self-regulated community, so for changes to happen there is only needed mass adoption.

But do clients know that their bot percentages are being eaten into by poor quality content?
You'd need some way to highlight the problem and increase awareness.

Maybe have bot tracker pay attention to the length of the posts its voting on as well as reputation as a rough estimate of quality.

Unfort. we have no say on how steembottracker works, you should contact their creator. In any case if you want a security that your vote is casted at a decent creator, use our SmartMarket service to sell your votes for Rank 2 and above users only.

-> @einundnull fights spam!

Spend Steemdelegate , no risk

Copy this :
https://steemconnect.com/sign/delegateVestingShares?delegator=YOURE_NAME&delegatee=einsundnull&vesting_shares=30000 VESTS

Overwrite YOURE_NAME with steemname out of @

hellow smartsteem , i sent you 3 sbd for tree posts but you did not upvote .. it is my own work

... it was poem of my language .. i did not collect it from internet ... please refund .. i added link here ... 1. https://steemit.com/writing/@desh2/6uzvgk

             2. https://steemit.com/poem/@desh2/7vzkzz

             3..  https://steemit.com/poem/@desh2/3fxs5i


You have created low quality posts before that and thus came to the conclusion that your poems were as well.

boss @therealwolf without any reasons you took my sbd ..you said my poem was well but you did not upvote .. you should refund . i am new steemian . 3 sbd is huge for me .. please refund .. i think you will be successful if you do business honestly with people ...

please refund

i sent you sbd for my high quality post .that is not a plagiarism .. so why do you show other post
it is my work .. so many time i think during writing my poem . how can be possible it be low quality ?????

hellow @smartsteem , i sent you 3 sbd for 3 post but you did not upvote . it was my own and creative work . i already promoted this post by others like postpromoter . but you did not upvote ..please refund ..3 post link i shared here ...it is a tutorial created by me https://steemit.com/steemit/@farhananipa/how-to-open-a-steemit-account.....it is another link my own work and own photography ... https://steemit.com/photography/@farhananipa/a-wonderful-cactus ....it is my own work , bangla poem https://steemit.com/poem/@farhananipa/2suti8. it is not collected from internet so why did not i get upvote? .. please refund

Refunded you - it's difficult without knowing your language to know if it is SPAM. But it would be great if you could more effort into your posts :)

Nice one ....i just register with smartsteem and i wish to learn so much from them

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

This all makes perfect sense to me and I am no techie. I want to try and pass on knowledge in my areas of expertise and in turn learn from others or even just be dazzled by something beautiful, interesting or funny.

Thanks for your support, buddy! @growingpower just upvoted your comment ;)

Hey @therealwolf I transferred 6 SBD's to get an upvote from @smartsteem but unfortunately i didn't get an upvote nor the refund . Please let me know what is the issue here .

Now i got my upvote at the 30th minute . So i guess @smartsteem only votes after 30 minutes not before that . Let me know if i am right .

We are currently testing out a few things. Other services have a minimum required post-age, which however results in refunds - which is not good for both the buyer and the seller.

Yeah Buildwhale have 20 minutes minimum . I hope @smartsteem wont require Minimum post age in future . In my view , I don't think any bot deserves curation reward as bots can't curate . Curation requires analyzing the post and it takes time . A bot already gets paid by the user in sbd . That's why i try to get quick upvotes .

There is a reason why the calculator shows your both the ROI with curation and without.

I like pos you so good

We have seen blacklisted msg from smartsteem.

If you consider it and look at analysis posts, they are with details and valid reasoning and logics.

So, Please consider removing our account from blacklist as we want some visibility to our analysis and using your service.

It is further stated that we will be careful from next time to use smartmarket or smarsteem on valid analysis only. We will not use it on Short Signals posts.

Normally we are posting 1 or 2 posts in a day and this cannot be treated as profit taking thing from smartsteem.

Hoping to have a positive response from your side.


Hello! I don't know if you will see this, but I was blacklisted. I have no idea why, and I even use your service to sell my upvotes. I recently created a vote bot, and have plans on using it to generate income that I use to power up and upvote great content. I don't understand how this happened. I did use my account @monte67 to upvote my recently created bot account, @smartsteembot. I do not understand how I could have possibly been blacklisted, and I think this may be a glitch. Could you please fix it? Thank you, and I hope you guys see this comment @smartsteem!

Hello, I blacklisted you because you are not allowed to use our name and also sell votes via smartsteem.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Okay, I totally understand. What can I do now to get whitelisted? Should I stop selling my votes through smartsteem with the @smartsteembot account? Also, if you guys would like the account, I would happily give you guys the password for free or if you guys would like to buy the account from me that would also work.

wow i think you are a smart person. I like your post
Good post @smartsteem

I recently wrote my 1 month recap on Steemit as an artist... and though my overall impression is positive this is one of my concerns still. I have stumbled upon so much plagiarized content and spam, and It shows as a "desperation for the numbers" to me. I know starting up takes time, but I have to trust that building up meaningfully and something that represents my work is the only way to get a real significant and supporting audience here. So I have to trust that I must build my feed accordingly. I have seen constant claims in the contests of people stealing other´s work as their own, and as a newbie it makes me feel hectic and afraid to share too. It will not deter me from sharing but It is scary. So hoping in time these bad habits are flagged as abuse until they understand It must not be done, if only so they understand it won´t be profitable and have consequences, if all is about the numbers which I think it shouldn´t.

Plagiarism,copy paste are easy solutions.Cheating must be punished and banned from steemit. By the way I agree with this content. I am new and sometimes I found difficult to understand everything in Steemit. Nevertheless with willingness we can see success.

3 hours ago Transfer 4.000 SBD to smartmarket https://steemit.com/kritikanstv0/@ili0braz/pro-lyubov-7523

I agree ..... who cheats should go out for the future of steemit, no one can cheat, remove from steemit for long.

Hello! You have still not removed my blacklist on Smartsteem. Your reason was that I was using my bot account @smartsteembot to sell upvotes through your service, so I removed authorization for that account, yet you still left my main account @monte67 blacklisted. Could you please fix this? Thank you.

and return 6 days

What I regret is a comment that does not match the post. can it be called Spam?

Yes - that is also spam

So amazing. I'll do the work

Nice post


This is truly needed.
I appreciate your support a lot.
great post

scammer bot if upvotes on multiple posts are not allowed then refund my money stop stealing money of steem users in the name of spam

  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment

Nice post

you are doing great job for community

great post

Looks like i'm late to the comments. But I still wanted to let you know that the efforts are appreciated. I see more and more spam - which makes it harder and harder to catch it all. It'll take all of us to keep the platform clean. Anyhow, thanks!

Indeed and thanks. We need of the community support, just by selling your votes to verified users you are doing a lot. Spammers will eventually leave by the effect of joint efforts.

Wow - as a newbie this was certainly illuminating! I continually am learning what to do and not to do on Steem and this helps.

I agree with your position
posts that many bangus abandoned

You are right sir

Nice post. I wanted to know what time I would get returns for delegating to you and also I applied to be whitelisted almost a month ago and I have no update. I was just wondering these things. Also I noticed Johan delegated a ton of steem. That is crazy. I wonder how he got all of that. PEACE!

hey @awesomegames007,

you will receive delegations once a day if your total threshold is over 0.5 SBD / STEEM.


You actually make a loss with smartmarket though right in USD terms? I just 1 SBD and got a $2.22 upvote. In real terms the pay out will be worth $3 and I've just paid $3.56.
I think you should make it a little clearer that people make a loss. 'Receive a upvote worth 2-2.6x' is correct obviously but kind of misleading.

Smartest thing to do! I'm still new here, but in the future I will count with you!
Thank you for all the work you are doing to all of us.



Hello, I transferred 0.50 sbd yesterday two times for my two posts. But the problem is I don't even get some upvotes. Can I refund what I transferred to your account? Thank you, hope you can help me.By the way here's my screenshot.received_434967473606877.jpeg


You should have received your votes - can you check again?

I dont get any upvote sir, I always monitor my post. I think the problem is i don't put http to my link. Thats why my post doesn't upvoted. What do ypu think sir? Is it possible for my sbd to be refunded? The other post below I get my upvotes then they send back the remaining sbd. But the other two no upvote and no sbd back in my account.Screenshot_2018-03-04-09-11-19-13.png

Well said @smartsteem I've only just joined this platform and have come across a few posts which have little to no content, yet they are earning so much SBD, I don't intend to spam and am glad you are taking a stance on this :)

Welcome to Steemit!!! saw your intro-tag post, what a front picture ;) good quality! keep it up.

Glad you liked it @santana33 :)

Hello, I am still amazed by the existence of a platform like Steemit, its work is praiseworthy, and it seems to me that it is only the "tip of the iceberg" because I predict a great future, it seems to me that to diminish the Spam could implement systems to filter to the new ones, like me, like:

  • That there are different types of users, including the "recommended" ones, who will enter on the advice of those who are already there and know that they are not spammers.

  • Different levels, such as a pyramid in which you climb, until you reach the top, and only those who are not spammers are at the top.

  • Penalties for spammers, such as fines or others.

Thanks for creating Steemit.

Thank you for attempting clamp down on spam. It's quite a pain to go through the "new" section sometimes because there's really a lot of extreme low-quality posts. Appreciate the work put into improving the platform. :)

sir i have a big mistake, i didn't see your message i sent 1 and 1 sbd in my 2 post 3 hours ago and didn't get an upvote, sir next time i send 3 sbd please sir refund my sbd, please, my post.

thankyou for welcoming, and who follow me and upvote i do desame.
new here


I post good quality memes, to entertain The Whole Community, check my timeline!!!

I post good quality memes, to entertain The Whole Community, check my timeline!!!

how do you order to visit in each of my posts?
please explain me so i can do it.
Thanks @smartsteem :)

Nice question sister.

Sir@smarseem me send 1 sbd 11 hours ago missed my upvote check plz refund me https://steemit.com/photography/@alisanadeem/delicious-dessert

  ·  7 years ago (edited)


i had deligated 21 steem, but it didnot show in the list. when i asked in your other two times, you didnot reply. so i removed the deligation. but it still shows deligated.. plz reply.. also as per the calculator, i didnot recieve any returns. @smartsteem @therealwolf

This is not so easy..there are more and more new Steemit user have different personality and some try to fake their identity in the introduce yourself tag but who are already in the Steemit for a long term they may have something fishy on a quick big earning...I may not have all the quality as describe and will learn as fast as I can to have a better understanding about this platform...Thanks useful content to read.

Spam happens because people want to make a lot of money in a short amount of time. The sad thing is that it is actually more common among whales

that’s awesome. good plan ...

I think its time other whales with much power in their hands also take responsibility. The steemit community is slowly becomming a dumping ground for all sorts of trash with the sole aim of making profit. As a result, lots of quality contents get dwarfed in the process. I do understand that it is not meant to be a fair for all situation, but there is tryimg to cheat the system, and then there is extreme idiocy.

I loved reading this, i also feel steemit inc can improve in certain ways too (spamming included). I made a post of it sometime yesterday here... https://steemit.com/steemit/@seesladen/3-ways-steemit-can-and-should-be-improved

It woukd be awesome if you help spread the word too. With great power, comes great responsibility.

theres alot of spamers lately adding me eventho from i start steemit. i wish it has a system where i can do report so the acc will be ban and terminate forever. i really hope so.

very good news @smartsteem
however, for memes copied from internet and properly cited with some narratives for me does not constitute spam.
based on your analysis of spam, you do not accept posts from dmania i guess.

am excited for this news as i checked and now your steem power is above 1.4m which means many of my requests will not be rejected due to low steem power. do you still do instant upvotes or what is the timeline?

Very good

Thank @smartsteem. I trust you about vote.
We believe smartsteem always share beware information about spam. So we will be carefull about spam and scam