Mountains of the Acacus of the Libyan Desert

in acacus •  8 years ago 

Acacus Mountains or Tdrart Acacus is a rocky mountain located in the southwest of Libya in what was known as the "Fezzan" and within the Sahara, and the nearest city to the ancient languages.

Acacus has a variety of landscapes, from colorful sandy wind to rock arches and huge stones to valleys.

One of the most important sites in the region arc "Avazagar" and the arc of "Thal Khulja".

Although the region is one of the most arid regions of the Sahara Desert, it has some plants such as the Kalotropis.

Colored drawings on the rock in the caves Acacus in Libya shows animals and humans, show a dramatic change in the nature of the region as it will become clear on.

The area is famous for its ancient caves and is rich in sculptures and paintings on the rock.

It declared by UNESCO as a World Heritage in 1985 because of the importance of these paintings and sculptures which date back to some 21,000 years, which reflect the culture and the nature of the changes in the region.

And leave you with these paintings and sculptures of animals such as giraffes and elephants and ostriches and camels and also a group of people and horses, men depicting different life Moadh old man images.

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Nice and beautiful post.. Thanks for sharing it.