Academic paper publishing using Steem platform

in academia •  8 years ago  (edited)

This is a Korean to English translation of a post by @signalandnoise

I. Introduction

Lots of writings are posted here in Steem. Sometimes I question myself if all these are really valuable. Especially when I read my own postings... I feel they are so awful. Just to cool myself down, I have thought about "What is valuable posting?". Let's imagine Einstein posted The Special Theory of Relativity here at Steem and the posting was actively debated in its thread. How much do you estimate for the posting? And how much for the blockchain that contains those kind of postings and debates? I came up with an idea that Steem could replace the academic paper publishing platform.

II. Bad System Model

These days academic publishing industry became problematic. Professors and graduate students submit their papers to obtain performance reviews or degrees. Editors(who don't get paid for this) ask industry experts(who don't get paid for this) to review the paper. Sometimes bad reviewers steal some ideas from the given paper and write new paper, while postponing completion of the review. This is painful for the original writer, yet there is nothing he or she can do. After several reviews, the editor become convinced that the article meet certain standard, it will be published. However, the copyright is transferred to the journal publisher. Anyone who wants to read it have to pay higher price than general books, which goes to the publisher instead of the original writer.

III. Proposed Scheme

Please read this out. "Want to Change Academic Publishing? Just Say No"
Reading through, what you may have been taking as for granted about scholar will turn out to be absurd.

So why not try this: If academic work is to be commodified and turned into a source of profit for shareholders and for the 1 percent of the publishing world, then we should give up our archaic notions of unpaid craft labor and insist on professional compensation for our expertise, just as doctors, lawyers, and accountants do.

To me, "Just Use Steem" sounds better than "Just Say No". Of course, there are development works to be done, effort to put.
Something like "". I am just describing what I imagine.

1. The author: Submit paper.

  • By posting own paper on blockchain, originality can be proved.
  • Outstanding paper to be rewarded by Steem system.
  • Reviewers' comments can improve original paper.
  • Being published by editor, the authorship can proven.
  • Whenever cited as a reference, receive 'citation count' increment accompanied by 'citation reward'

2. The Reviewer: Review paper.

  • Review a paper. If approved by editor, receive 'review count' accompanied by 'review reward'
  • If the paper is published, participation as a reviewer can be proven.

3. The Editor: Edit paper.

  • Editor position should be filled by election. Review reward, citation reward and reputation will be considered to - win.
  • Editor should measure a paper, check plagiarism and decide whether to publish or not.
  • Choose reviewer comments and request author to consider accepting.
  • For papers without any remarkable reviews, find reviewer from relevant expert pool.
  • If the paper is published, participation as a publisher can be proven.

4. Publish

  • Published articles will be exposed on main page. Then you've got a degree!
  • Published articles are tagged. eg) tag: IEEE, subtag: Transactions on Information Theory
  • A Journal's reputation will be measured by citation, accept ratio(published articles / submitted articles)

IV. Conclusion

This is a proposal for a Steem Web Application. I believe no one can blame on upvote begging behavior from ivory towers, since history proved this is how science and technology develop. I just want a system where the poor graduate students can be protected, motivated and focus on their research topics, instead of publishers' fat profit taking.

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PEvO is already working on scholarly publishing on Steem. Here is where you can get their whitepaper:

I am also working on this problem, but from a different angle. Here is a post by me:

We are on the same wavelength and it might be beneficial to collaborate or network together.

I couldn't really find these posts myself. I will read them with excitement! Thanks.

One of my friends recommended this amazing piece of content on academic paper publishing using Steem platform. I really like your superb writing style. Keep posting such kind of more post with us.

Nice @morning. i mentioned about the issues in a post here too

#pevo is already working on such a platform and we have a chat channel with some steemians already discussing.
If you are interested, you are more than welcome to join us. And also the koreans :-)

With appropriate advice, we can get everything in life. This positive post on academic paper is also motivated so many people including students who are also searching for nursing dissertation writing services from experts of Elite Assignment. That’s why I would like to recommend this post to them. Keep sharing such kind of more post with us.

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

This looks very similar to a journal from my field, the Journal of High Energy Physics (JHEP).

  • This journal has a very good reputation and high impact factor.
  • The journal is free and anyone can download any published article for free.
  • Moreover, the referees are paid (I do not know for the editors).

The complicated point with the above proposal is to have a decent pool of reviewers (that must be well-recognized experts in their field). And the peer-review system must be the one deciding about the quality of the papers (and not the users).

Moreover, although we do not need anymore printed copies of the scientific papers, we do need a search engine. In my field we have Inspire ( that is connected to the arxiv ( where all preprints can be found for free (even those published in journals that must be bought). Researchers are submitting their papers there before submitting them to the journals.

@lemouth indeed, if anything, we would like your precious inputs for #pevo, would like to invite you to #pevo. Would you be interested?

Thanks a lot for the invitation. That is very kind of you. I am always available to discuss ideas, provide ideas, describe my own experience, etc. (so the answer to your invitation is a yes). However, if you would like me to get involved more deeply, I would like to wait and see how things evolve.

Note that from a more personal standpoint, I see for the moment Steemit as a place where I could contribute to scientific divulgation :)

I would submit my self as a potential reviewer for any biological related steemit publications.

If you want to pursue maximum efficiency why not take the platform your building and redirect it to academia as a whole?

Living under this new information technological age, incorporate the full utilization of the internet to pursue for more knowledge. I've freed myself and been learning more than I could ever have done from under Academia.

Academia interjects corporatist values; the capitalization of your intellectual knowledge and the alienation of the intellect. The Administrator class of Academia has devised a bureaucratic structure so lethargically emphatic that you literally can die if you don't play along.

And in the end the highly financialized beuracratic educational system has accredit your diploma. Because without the diploma how else are you going to participate in the States twisted beuracratic game and keep perpetuating the madness? Over and over again.

Escape I say and run to cyberspace...and learn because knowledge is free..

As a young student or researcher, you may have noticed that there are many academic papers written and released. I prefer to check this water blasting auckland and get more new ways for roof cleaning materials. The answer is easy but by using Steem platform. Steem is digital currency that allows you to publish things like articles, videos, images and more on the blockchain. It is fast, secure, and accessible without any third-party intervention. I will present you 5 compelling reasons as to why you should consider publishing your research using this technology.