Ten of Cups, A Card A Day, May 10,2018

in acardaday β€’Β  6 years agoΒ  (edited)

May 10, 2018

Ten of Cups


Balance the masculine and feminine energies in the eternal dance of self exploration. Dig deep into yourself in the aspects of communication, belief, happiness, and intuition. Embrace both aspects of your deepened state of inner being. Accept the fact that you are loved and that you are worthy of self love as well as external love.


  1. I am worthy of unconditional love.
  2. My pain is irrelevant so long as I am loved.
  3. I am loved.
  4. I am forever balanced.
  5. My inner balance creates balance for those around me.
  6. All that I do creates balance and harmony in both masculine and feminine aspects of my inner being.

This has been another 1 card Tarot reading from #theshadowscapestarot~Lady Reijya.


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