Accounting mechanism

in accounting •  4 years ago 

Everyone looks at it and thinks this is wrong. Anyway, in the end it is not A, B, C to keep accounts but D, E, F to keep accounts, why bother to calculate random numbers? We don't want to wait! Simply appoint a few people to keep the account for us. If there is time to calculate the random number, it is better to give us a few more blocks.

I believe that the old irons can understand why DPoS is faster than POW because there is no need to "calculate numbers".

However, this raises another question. Who will appoint the bookkeeper? There is no center in the blockchain, and no one makes decisions. Then everyone will vote together. Whoever has more votes will be the bookkeeper. Putting this bookkeeper into EOS is what we often call the super node, and the process of selecting the bookkeeper is also what we often call the super node election.

Speaking of which, the veterans already have a general understanding of DPoS. But there is still a problem, how to ensure that the information recorded by the bookkeeper is correct? Who will make this confirmation?

It is determined by other bookkeepers.

In the original EOS DPoS mechanism, the selected bookkeepers (super nodes) will account and generate blocks one by one in a random order, and the block generation speed is every 3 seconds. When the bookkeeper records the block, it also checks and confirms the block produced by the previous bookkeeper to ensure that the previous bookkeeper is not messy.

When a block has received 14 confirmations (2/3 of the bookkeeper), the transaction contained in this block can be regarded as an irreversible state, which is the final completion state of the transaction. This process takes 45 seconds.

Compared with Bitcoin producing a block in 10 minutes, it takes 6 confirmations to reach the irreversible state, and Ethereum produces a block in 15 seconds, 36 confirmations to reach the irreversible state, EOS is fast, right?

However, BM is not satisfied.

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This is awesome...special thanks for sharing this..