About Guevara

in aceh •  7 years ago 



Che Guevara was born in Argentina, Cuba, in the year one thousand nine hundred and twenty-eight. He is a Marxist revolutionary. He held many positions and functions in his life. He worked as a doctor, writer and commander of many guerrilla wars. He was a military commander and an important figure in the Cuban Revolution. One of the world's most famous figures.

Guevara Tours

 Guevara studied medicine at the University of Buenos Aires and graduated from it in 1953. He traveled to all Latin American countries, accompanied by his friend and colleague Alberto Granado. His journey was by motorcycle, and just one year before his graduation from medical school. In the formation and refinement of his character, his sense of the unity of South America, and the suffering and persecution imposed by the imperialists on the poor and simple farms of Latin origin, and a radical change in his ideas and principles, when he saw poverty and injustice with his own eyes

The life of Guevara is practical

 When a major revolution took place in Cuba, Guevara played a major role at this stage, where he carried out many important and important tasks in the new government that was formed after the Cuban Revolution. His most important work was to review the cases of appeals, To the people who committed war crimes during the revolution, and to enact laws on agrarian reform, when he was the Minister of Industry, and was later appointed President of the National Bank. He was given an important position as Chief Executive of the Cuban Armed Forces and the world was clever and diplomatic. The The Cuban culture, by doing all this, has made him a key player in the training of the militia forces that have fought the invasion of the Bay of Pigs, in addition to all the positions and jobs he has done in his life. Where he wrote his diary, wrote a booklet about guerrilla warfare in the world, and has a famous author in all South American countries, entitled The Journey of a Youngster on a Motorcycle, one of the most read books and sales of Guevara's fans.

The death of Guevara

In 1965, Guevara left Cuba and moved to other places in order to incite people to carry out many revolutions, which began in the Congo, but was a failed attempt and attempted another in Bolivia. This attempt was the inevitable end of Guevara, By the CIA, with the help of Bolivian forces, and sentenced to death.

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