in aceh •  last year  (edited)

Aceh utara - Selasa 5 september 2023, kembali dilanda banjir

Ratusan Warga di Desa Madan, Kecamatan Samudera, Kabupaten Aceh Utara, dikabarkan mulai mendirikan posko pengungsian di Meunasah (tempat ibadah) dan dapur umum dampak dari air banjir merendam rumah Mereka. ketinggian air di perkirakan mencapai 40 centimeter hingga 60 centimeter

Aceh Utara - Tuesday, September 5, 2023, is once again hit by flooding.

Hundreds of residents in the village of Madan, Samudera District, Aceh Utara Regency, are reported to have started setting up evacuation posts at the Meunasah (place of worship) and communal kitchens due to the floodwaters inundating their homes. The water level is estimated to reach 40 to 60 centimeters.

Adapun Jumlah warga yang mengungsi saat ini sebanyak 370 jiwa dari jumlah penduduk 170 KK di Desa Madan, Kecamatan Samudera, Aceh Utara."

"The number of residents currently displaced is 370 people out of a total of 170 households in Madan Village, Samudera District, North Aceh,"

Banjir tersebut diakibatkan Ada tanggul jebol di Desa Tanjong Awe. Sementara tanggul di Desa Tanjong Hagu, dan Tanjong Rengkan sedang ada perbaikan tanggul. Sehingga air dari sungai masuk ke permukiman warga.

"The flood was caused by a breached embankment in Tanjong Awe Village. Meanwhile, repairs are underway for the embankments in Tanjong Hagu and Tanjong Rengkan villages, allowing river water to enter residential areas."

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