We should be proud of the efforts of the Monisa Foundation led by Drs. Badlisyah supported by Regency Government of East Aceh that will dig back the legitimacy of history of Perlak Islam kingdom as continuation of seminar tahuan 80's. One of the historical sites studied is the gravestone in the tomb of Sultan Ala ad Din Said Maulana Abdul Aziz Shah contained in the complex of Bandar Khalifah, which is touted as the first Sulthan Islamic empire Perlak Tomb excavation led by Deddy Satria, an alumnus of Archeology UGM, did not produce results as dictated, that the gravestone of the tomb of Sultan Maulana Said Abdul Azis Shah is believed to have a writing that explains the name of who has a meal and years of death. At the tombstone are only sculptures that are somewhat similar to the form of Arabic letters.
According to Deddy Satria the form of gravestone in the tomb of Sultan Maulana Abdul Aziz Syah that we dug there is a resemblance to the tombstones contained in the tomb complex of the kings of Samudera Pasai, where such tombstone is estimated production between the 14th and 15th century AD. It means that the gravestone in the tomb of Sultan Ala ad Din Said Maulana Abdul Aziz Shah in Bandar Khlalifah Perlak Complex is not the oldest gravestone in Aceh, because according to Deddy Satria archaeologist such tombstones are also found in the tomb complex of kings in the Ocean Pasai Aceh Utara.
Archaeological findings are certainly a bit of rent from what has been the conclusion of the seminar on the History of Entry and the rise of Islam in the archipelago in 1980, which states Perlak is the center of the oldest Islamic kingdom in the archipelago with Sultan Sultan Ala Ad Din Said Maulana Abdul Aziz Shah. Because of the similarity of gravestone Sultan Maulana Abdul Aziz Shah with tombstone contained in the tomb complex of the kings of Samudera Pasai. So clearly Perlak as the oldest Islamic kingdom is doubtful.
Well, now just chase the book of Idharul Haq, which previously used as a source of history. This book will unfold the truth. So the foundation of Monisa also guided us to Matang Rubek (about 28 kilometers south of Panton Pumpkin City) to reach Tgk. Abdul Samad (Kek Adu) who once showed me the book of Idharul Haq 20 years ago at his grandson's house in Sukajadi Village, Central Aceh. For 30 minutes we made it to Pesanten, the temple of Kek Adu was grateful.
We immediately met one of the santri expressed our desire to meet the leader of the Pesantren. Because in our congregation who led the pesantren is Tgk. Abdul Samad aka Kek Adu who once showed me the book of Idharul Haq 20 years ago in Suka So Aceh Tengah Village. But after meeting the leader of the Pesantren, told us that he (Kek Kek Adu), has long passed away. Information about the death of Tgk Abdul Samad at the same time diminishes our hope in recovering the traces of Idharul Haq which was shown by Tgk Abdul Samad when he was alive and met me 20 years ago in Suka So Aceh Tengah Village.
Dismantle the family documents
The book of Idharul Haq is the key to the history of the truth of the Perlak Kingdom of Islam. So early April 2009 then, I went back to meet the grandson of the deceased Kek Adu or Tgk Abdul Samad who lived in Suka So Aceh Tengah Village. Long story short I was disappointed again because once I got home that I was headed in So Suka Village, it turns out the grandson of the deceased from Kek Adu named Mitra no longer live in the house that I have lived 20 years ago. The house has been given to his son. While Mitra itself (grandson of Kek Adu) has long moved to the city Takengen.
Alhamdulillah, the address I got and we met again with grandson Kek Kek Adu. But after submitting the intention to get the book of Idharul Haq, it turns out according to Mitra, that many of his grandfather's books taken in Lhokseumawe, and the book is not entrusted to the family. "Like the history books of the Lingge empire, there used to be the same grandfather. And specifically the book of Idharul Haq he does not know whether it is in the documents that have been stored family in Isak Aceh Tengah, or the book has been given to his friend in Lhokseumawe during his life, "said Mitra. Where is the book of Idharul Haq?