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in acehmacro •  6 years ago 


Wednesday, 29 August 2018 M / 17 Dzulhijjah 1439 AH


عن أسامة بن زيد قال سمعت رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم يقول يؤتى بالرجل يوم القيامة فيلقى في النار فتندلق أقتاب بطنه فيدور بها كما يدور الحمار بالرحى فيجتمع إليه أهل النار فيقولون يا فلان ما لك ألم تكن تأمر بالمعروف وتنهى عن المنكر فيقول بلى قد كنت آمر بالمعروف ولا آتيه وأنهى عن المنكر وآتيه

From Usamah bin Zaid said: I heard the Messenger of Allah said: "A man was brought on the Day of Judgment and then thrown into hell until his intestines spilled out and swirled like donkeys around the grain mill, then the inhabitants of hell gathered and asked: 'O Phulan! what could that happen to you, would not you first tell another to do good and forbidding? 'He replied:' Yes, I used to tell people to do good but I did not do it and I forbid injustice but I myself do '.

(Muslim HR No: 5305) Status: Sahih Hadith

Hadith content

  1. In the hereafter there are groups of people who were tortured with grievous penalty which when thrown into hell, stomach and intestines gushed spinning with infinite pain.

  2. The person who is bitterly hurt is due to the clever authority of calling for goodness and forbidding evil, but he himself does not practice charity.

  3. Every Muslim is responsible for calling on good and preventing evil.

  4. As a true believer, start doing good and leave all sin and evil before inviting others.

  5. Calling to goodness and preventing immorality but not doing as suggested is the man who is most hated by Allah Subhanahu wata'ala

يأيها ٱلذين ءامنوا لم تقولون ما لا تفعلون 2 كبر مقتا عند ٱلله أن تقولوا ما لا تفعلون 3

(O ye who believe! Why do you talk about what you do not do it! (2) It is most hatred on the side of God, you talk about something you did not do (3)

As-Shaf: 2-3

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