Achievement 3 content etiquette@chianugo

in achievement3 •  3 years ago  (edited)


Hello steemians, in this post, I will be talking on content etiquette but before I dive dip into the topic let me refresh our mind on what etiquette is.


“Etiquette in simpler words is defined as good behaviour which distinguishes human beings from animals.
Human Being is a social animal and it is really important for him to behave in an appropriate way. Etiquette refers to behaving in a socially responsible way” by prachi Juneja [source]

There are different types of etiquette and this is because human involve themselves daily with different activities. There is etiquette in ever thing we do examples of etiquettes or things we do that require etiquette include

  • School/academic etiquette
  • Church etiquette
  • Toilet etiquette
  • Kitchen etiquette
  • Football etiquette e t c.



Plagiarism in a simple term or in a lay man language per say is an academic theft. Here, the victim does not steal school books or a students pen or pencil rather, he or she steals someone else’s content or write up without proper referencing or giving credit to the original creator of that idea, article or even pictures.


Plagiarism could be caused due to some factors which includes all but not restricted to the bellow causes;


People plagiarize as a result of laziness, they can not actually think beyond a particular topic that was given to them to write on.
This could be resolved with proper self determination and proper time management.


some persons are not actually creative when it comes to writing contents, they only depend on what others write and cannot express themselves further on their own.
This could be resolved by reading extensively books that will build and sharpen your mind to thing beyond your horizon.


some persons are victims of low self esteem hence they believe they can’t create good contents on their own.
Reading good books and believing in oneself can also resolve this problem.

There are different types of plagiarism they are:


In this type of plagiarism, the plagiarizer copies another persons work completely without changing any word nor referencing the piece of work correctly. This is also called Copying verbatim another persons work.


source based plagiarism is a plagiarism with incorrect links attached to them or incorrectly referencing another persons work.


Funny enough, someone can be guilty of plagiarizing his or her own work if he or she does not reference correctly the old work where a certain idea he is using on his new work is gotten from.


The only way to avoid plagiarism is to cite your work. Citation entails the writer telling us where he got ideas that are not originally his, this involves the use of quotation marks(“) on ideas or sentences that are not his own original idea and also attaching a link immediately after the idea. The link can help readers who want to go into detail reading on that particular idea being sourced by just click in on the link provided next to the idea. Below is an example of citation;

Democracy is a system of government where by the people elect their leader and can also make their own contribution in the governance of their society "The form of government in which political control is exercised by all the people, either directly or through their elected representatives" [source]"

Democracy is a system of government where by the people elect their leader and can also make their own contribution in the governance of their society

The above is the only original word here. While

"The form of government in which political control is exercised by all the people, either directly or through their elected representatives"

was copied and pasted verbatim that is why it is enclosed in a quotation mark

"I have read and understood the Steemit Etiquette on Steemit Community and will do my best to embrace them"

TO @ngoenyi, @cryptokannon

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