No Homers is No ALX's lol + Movie AXL is about ME ackza, the unclomable krystAllah son of ALLAN and last name WILL I AM s sssss snake spirit BIRD spirit DOg and CAT spirit, Fyrstikke- i meanCHARIZARD i Choose YOU

in ackza •  6 years ago 

If you need a free trial of Ackza's Life Coach program for Crypto email me at [email protected] or text 619 500 3748 + Vote for @fyrst-witness on

Sell a Booster WITNESS vote for 200 Steem and get 10% Commission or 20 Steem! come to to learn more. Signup under me at Binance here and....

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How do you sell a booster wintness vote? What does it mean?

Well if you are wanting to be a witness and you want to boost your clout and rise on teh witness ranking here you can buy the Steempower weighted vote of @booster which i think is around a couple million or so steempower when you combine all of @fyrstikken 's stuff :D heh

You never had a friend like @fyrstikken and @inertia and @disregardfiat and @jesta