Top 5 Reasons the Law of Attraction Doesn’t Work For You

in acquirethethingsyouwant •  5 years ago  (edited)

I do believe by now that most people have at least heard about the Law of Attraction. This law is about attracting into your life what you want. This can take many forms, such as:

  • A loving relationship

  • A thriving business

  • A happy home

  • A balanced life

  • Etc…

I’ve spoken with many people who think that all they need to do is think about what they desire continuously and it will magically come into their life one day. They honestly believe there is no work that needs to be done on their end of the equation. They are sadly mistaken. The Law of Attraction works only for those who are willing to do their part.

Here are the Top 5 Reasons the Law of Attraction Doesn’t Work for You.

(1) You believe in the Law of Attraction, kind of…

You can’t “kind of” believe in the Law of Attraction. You have to know beyond a shadow of doubt that the Law of Attraction absolutely does work. It’s always working. It might not be attracting to you what you really desire. That’s on you, not the Law of Attraction. If you are living a life you hate, you are the problem. Keep reading…

(2) You repeatedly think about what you don’t want….

You may have a long list of goals, dreams and desires. If you’re not laser focused on those things AND doing what you can to achieve them, your thoughts are betraying you.

What's the first thing you think every morning? If you’re waking and immediately thinking about how today is going to be terrible, then a terrible day is what you will attract to you.

(3) You have no idea what affirmative cues are….

You’re patiently waiting for me to tell you what affirmative cues are, aren’t you? Admit it…you have no idea, do you?

Affirmative cues shift you immediately from a negative mindset to a positive one. There are two types of affirmative cues: memory-based and activity-based.

When using a memory-based affirmative cue, you take yourself back to a memory where you were the happiest you’ve ever been. Everything was perfect in your world. Recall this moment with full detail, including how you felt during this particular moment. Reliving this moment when things aren’t “picture perfect” will flip you from the negative feels to positive ones in an instant.

When using the activity-based affirmative cue, you actually start doing something. Choose something that leaves you feeling happy, even for a short period time. For me, it’s singing. I love to sing. I feel very alive when I’m singing. Other possible activities include: painting, dancing, writing/reading poetry, or even driving around the city or along a tree-lined country road. Do this activity whenever you discover that your mind is dwelling on something negative. Use your activity-based affirmative cue to remove you from the negative and bring you to the positive.

(4) You are clear in what you desire while also doubting it will happen…

You have that ultimate dream, goal or desire. You know it could achieve it and yet something keeps you from doing so. This is where the doubting comes into play. Somewhere within you there is the slightest hint of unworthiness or fear of success that keeps you from achieving your dream, goal or desire. The Law of Attraction requires that you not only know that you absolutely can achieve it - and that you completely believe that you have already achieved it.

The Law of Attraction has been working to bring to you what you desire and you have been actively - and unknowingly - refusing to receive what has been brought to you.

(5) You haven’t yet learned how to handle emotional events…

Living on the emotional roller coaster is a sure fire way of making sure the Law of Attraction never works for you. Learn how to see the positive in all circumstances and you’re well on your way to receiving what you desire. This doesn’t mean that you’ll never experience the hard emotional moments.

It does mean that you’ll recover from them faster than you have in the past because you’ll understand you can’t change what happened. Because you can’t change what happened, there’s no need to dwell on what happened. It happened and it’s time to move forward and see the possibilities that lie ahead of you.

Those are the top 5 Reasons the Law of Attraction doesn’t work for you and guess what? It’s not 100% necessary for you to know all the ins and outs of this universal law in order for it to work in your life.

"Regardless of your religious beliefs (whether you believe you're going up..or down...) the Law of Attraction is inate. It is built into us and our environment. It's a matter of Mastering your Plan and Following through with it. It is White Lite Magic. " - Sinfully Vin

Read more about Angela and Pin Us to Remember the 5 Reasons and How to Manifest What you Desire.
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**Law of Attraction** - Remain Positive - Focus on What you Want - Bounce Back From Fails - Never Give Up - Envision the *New

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