Ending the Opioid Crisis with Cannabis

in activism •  6 years ago 

Happy Weedsday Everyone! I hope everyone is doing well!
So...who knows how bad the Opioid crisis is here in the United States? Throughout the course of my life I've known of many people who have and continue to struggle with drug addiction whether its been heroin, pharmaceutical pain killers, cocaine or some other drug. The struggle is VERY real and in my experience, most do not strive to become drug or pill addicts. However, as badly as a person wants to get clean from it, it is an uphill battle.
This week I would like to introduce a 3 part testimony from a good friend of mine, Tim LaDow of Hemp Helps. His story goes like this:

July 3, 2009 7:00 A:M
I woke up to the same old alarm from my Blackberry in my little Ut, apartment like clockwork, but today was different! After earning an internship in high school training to be a Full Line Automotive Technician, I worked through high school as an intern and was given the opportunity to become a full-time employee when I graduated. I naturally took the position because the people there were well trained professional that were always there to help me if I needed it. But, most of all I loved waking up and being excited to go to work, especially because I had just sold my Buel 250cc baby bike and upgraded the night before to a 97’ Honda CBR 900RR. (Owned it for 10 Hours)
My morning ritual was simple, start coffee, complete hygiene ritual, start my motorcycle (warm it up), come back in to fill my thermos and off to work…

July 12, 2009
My eyes opened and the thing I remember the most once my eyes stopped spinning and the blurriness cleared up, was the white tile ceiling like you would see in a medical office. It only took me about a minute to figure out where I was and as I was trying to put together the how I got there, a face slowly began to slide into view from my right, it was my dad. Yup I knew exactly where I was and apparently, I had been there for a little over a week medically sedated in the ICU. They took me off the breathing machines and began pulling all the tubes from my sides that drained the fluid from both of my punctured lungs and the tubes down my throat and nose that feed me and let me breath to move me to a general room to start healing and monitor me for the next 3 weeks.
according to what I was told on my way to work and the person driving the truck didn’t see me coming, made a left-hand turn in front of me and I T-boned the side of his truck slamming onto the hood. I ended up with a pulverized chin that required Maxofacial reconstruction, an armada of titanium, a king’s portion of pain and a pallet of pain medication.

2009 to about 2011 I was on a rapidly increasing dose of Oxycodone because every time I went to the doctor I was still in pain and he would just up the strength, now this was before people started to catch on that Big Pharma is still selling us legal heroin and honestly, I was young and in too much pain to care. After 2 years of visits (keeping in mind he upped the dose every time) the learned scholar decided, “OK let’s take an x-ray”. The hardware that was put into my wrist was pinching my nerves and catching on the tendons, causing ALL of the pain, and the level of pain killers he had me on at that point was enough to kill a junkie.

Please stay tuned for next publication for parts 2 and 3.

Written by Rena McCain
Follow me at :
FB: Rena McCain
Twitter: @sassikatt24
Instagram: @Ganja_grrl420

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The war on drugs needs to end first... the opioid crisis is the result of terrible economic and social policy!

i agree with you on that!

It's reasonably clear that cannabis is going to be legalized in more states for medicinal use. GW Pharmaceuticals is also expected to receive FDA approval for a cannabis-based drug that treats epileptic seizures in children, which will make the drug available throughout the entire U.S. I think that will open the door for the increased use of cannabis-based medicines thoughout the entire country.

i do not personally advocate any pharm company in my weed. The Pharm industry profits off of DEATH ...please dont forget that

Additionally, why make a fake version that has side effects instead of actually just using the plant? It can grow just about anywhere.

Ofcourse because we can farm strains that can help with certain things unfortunatly i dont tgink it would hwlp with everything

if it makes a healthier body, and only helps with certain things, thats cool ! however , i think it probably helps in more ways than we really know right now.

Yes this is true yes i believe it helps cancer to deal with for example but it couldn't help you if your about dead i dont even think it would help to stand that much pain

I know of stage 4 cancer testimonies that say otherwise.

For cancer yes i know a lot of things can be cured like cancer i just said it cant cure every single thing

Yeah marijuana is one way to solve the opioid crisis but what about microdosing?

what about it exactly? is there a question you are posing?

Very current topic. As a Veteran, I have refused opioids and SSRIs over and over offered by the VA.

Also, I highly recommend a film called Andy Irons: Touched by God. He was a professional surfer world champion who ended up dying essentially from opioid addiction.

Blows my mind that weed is still Federally. When we all know the truth.

The late great comedian Bill Hicks said it best, "Two guys in a fight in a rock concert, are they drunk or stoned?"

The crowd would yell, "Drunk!"

And Bill would say, "Yeah, because we all know the truth!"

I am going to watch the film you recommend. Additionally I do Veteran Outreach here in Houston and could always use a Vets advice.

Yes it's an awesome film. Not sure how Teton is dealing with the release. They had one night that was a multi-theater event. But you'd have to think it will be available as a stream or download soon.

Oh yeah I know from first hand experience. I’ve been addicted to all opioids and eventually worked my way to black tar. Cannabis played a huge role with me kicking that shit. So obviously cannabis is very special to my heart.
You should join a discord channel me and a few other cannasteemians are on. We are trying to brainstorm a cannabis curation trail. Please stop by!


Thank you !!

Nature gives us everything we need yet we are so disconnected from it.

Free weed to everyone!

Legal as lettuce. We have to deal with the censorship and everything else will start to fall into place. Just remember to ask why the prohibition of alcohol required a constitutional amendment? That will tell you the power of the federal government. Our founding fathers were so brilliant.