Appreciating volunteers around the world, since 1985, the United Nations has designated 5 December as International Volunteer Day.
Volunteer day is intended for organizations to promote the meaning and contribution of the environment and society, and invite people to volunteer.

This commemoration also aims to appreciate local and international volunteers.
On this day the volunteers and their organizations have the opportunity to share experiences as well as knowledge, promote their work and celebrate their efforts as volunteers.
And through online volunteer services, the United Nations encourages the world community to volunteer. And there are about fifty thousand volunteers that the United Nations has engaged to work in various aspects of the work. Either in their own country, or in other developing countries.
And this year International Volunteer Day is celebrated with the theme "The World is Changing, Are You ? Volunteer !"
So, if we talk about volunteers, we have to volunteer. Of course there are many ways to volunteer, right? Can be seen directly, or indirectly.
This is a figure named Alex Keys. She is a speech therapy volunteer, originally from Australia. And he was 12 months in Bali, to be precise at the YPK Bali NGO, to help children with disabilities there.
Okay, so she's helping the kids with speech therapy. Apart from that, from Bali, he also contributed in London, but he said he prefers Bali.
Today is a good moment for us to start appreciating the soil, or soil fertility.
So, what if a friend of Steemian did in connection with today, what would you like to volunteer for?
If I want to volunteer for how to encourage people to live healthy. I will go around, I will blusukan everywhere, I will tell you which foods are healthy, where to exercise, proper rest for quality.
Well, maybe you can start volunteering too, helping people solve their financial problems.
Source of information click Wikipedia
By @midiagam