This token is totally based on cadano ecosystem and what exactly the adx is doing and why i'm thinking it's going to the moon or it's a 100x coin so why i'm thinking like that so first of all if you look at this adx platform

interface it's look pretty cool and you can see right now you can buy a cell also you can see your balance swap exchange also liquidity and pool so many things just simply like uni swap and basically you can see how you
can swap the you know adx with ethereum even on other token as well just because of the providing other features just like ada or ethereum because the using a bridge if the cadano smart contract has been launched in future so the
adx playing a big role in the cadano ecosystem so how we gonna take a profit first of all we need to understand what exactly so this is the adx pro and how you're going to add the liquidity so they're going to provide this type of
interface where you can add the liquid 10 is for a team token and if you look at the liquidity for 10 percent for liquidity and 15 percent for is taking and also you can see the 25 percent treasury private sale and the last one is 40 for public distribution
which is quite good and if you look at the roadmap of this project and you can see brand awareness campaign uh you know brand awareness campaign they already run it down of the smart contract rollout smart they they already
say that like they roll out the cadaver smart contract in 2021 quarter three and they also said that they launched the adx liquidity which helped to gain a more if you add liquidity so you will get rewards 8x80x swap so this
is a common feature we see in every single swap but they providing adx swap feature they integrate with the h i o hk erc20 bridge so that means you can access the ethereum blockchain or also access the cadano blockchain using this ihk arc 20 bridge so this is quite adx also partnership with the carrier
wallet so you can store adx in the gyro wallets which is quite good because if you're looking for exchange or if you're looking for wallet so wallet is here you can store your adx token in a giver wallet radix pro also work with
this company stock kissed and they also they said that like what exactly the company is doing right now you can see the market sentiment and monitoring the platform they're providing an interface to the companies so they can find the real trending stock and which
help to improve the trading skills is company providing a data service to the so many companies so the use case of this project is keep rising up i guess so this is one of the best um you know thing they are doing in this market
which is quite good because really people need this kind of services so the use cases keep rising up and uh they already did the same
thing or you can see ranking late they're using ai system for this dollar processing which is quite good so this is all about adx related information.