ADSactly Tech News - Social Networks and Silicon Valley's Dirty Little Software Design Secret

in addiction •  7 years ago 

ADSactly Tech News - Social Networks and Silicon Valley's Dirty Little Software Design Secret

Image Source: The Guardian

  • Silicon Valley is keen to exploit the brain chemical credited with keeping us tapping on apps and social media.

  • The capacity for ‘persuasive technology’ to influence behaviour is only just becoming understood.

I remember growing up in a world without social networks...

A world where you had to actually go to parties or join after school clubs to meet girls...

The closest thing I had to a social network in high school were IRC chatrooms and the party line (an archaic system where you called in and were able to conference call with different people and strike up interesting conversations that could lead to dates if you were smooth on the phone.)

In this article I'd like to go into more detail about the dark side of social networks, particularly their main aim... To control you, your mind and your behavior or at bare minimum, maintain your attention. There is a lot of research coming out about the dark side of social networks and the work being developed in silicon valley in general.

If you are wondering what I'm talking about, take the recent news in which Sean Parker, the 38-year-old founding president of Facebook admitted that the social network was founded not to unite us, but to distract us.

How could this be... When I read about this, I thought it sounded a bit paranoid but it turns out there is a lot of merit in this notion.

“The thought process was: ‘How do we consume as much of your time and conscious attention as possible?’” he said at an event in Philadelphia in November.

He went on to say that Facebook’s architects managed to crack the code and found a way to exploit a “vulnerability in human psychology”, explained Parker, who resigned from the company in 2005.

What vulnerability was he talking about? Well apparently, when someone likes or comments on a post or photograph, he said, “we… give you a little dopamine hit”. This means that there is a sinister tool at work being utilized by Facebook they are biochemical manipulators with a vast empire spanning Web 2.0 built upon a molecule called dopamine.

Image Source: Pexels

So what Sean Parker was really saying is that they've turned all their customers into drug addicts motivated on getting their next dopamine hit. I'm really afraid that this is the sad reality of social networks, when 2 + 2 seem to add up I've got to give an idea like this merit and research it further at bare minimum.

Dopamine, discovered in 1957, is one of 20 or so major neurotransmitters, a fleet of chemicals that, like bicycle couriers weaving through traffic, carry urgent messages between neurons, nerves and other cells in the body. These neurotransmitters ensure our hearts keep beating, our lungs keep breathing and, in dopamine’s case, that we know to get a glass of water when we feel thirsty, or attempt to procreate so that our genes may survive our death.

In the 1950s, dopamine was thought to be largely associated with physical movement after a study showed that Parkinsonism (a group of neurological disorders whose symptoms include tremors, slow movement and stiffness) was caused by dopamine deficiency. In the 1980s, that assumption changed following a series of experiments on rats by Wolfram Schultz, now a professor of neuroscience at Cambridge University, which showed that, inside the midbrain, dopamine relates to the reward we receive for an action. Dopamine, it seemed, was to do with desire, ambition, addiction and sex drive.

In practicality, at the heart of dopamine is the effect it causes on a person, when dopamine is released we feel rewarded for an action. It brings a happy and productive feeling that encourages us and motivates us to push even further. In a world where a repost or a like is akin to a quick fix, likes are motivation for many.

Schultz and his fellow researchers placed pieces of apple behind a screen and immediately saw a major dopamine response when the rat bit into the food. This dopamine process, which is common in all insects and mammals, is, Schultz tells me, at the basis of learning: it anticipates a reward to an action and, if the reward is met, enables the behaviour to become a habit, or, if there’s a discrepancy, to be adapted. (That dishwasher tablet might look like a delicious sweet, but the first fizzing bite will also be the last.) Whether dopamine produces a pleasurable sensation is unclear, says Schultz. But this has not dented its reputation as the miracle bestower of happiness.

At the center of social network design which is very much akin to game design is the UX (user experience). You want your customers using your product or service often, regularly or if you've really done well on an everyday basis. You want your platform to become part of their life and its use a personal habit of your customer. But what brings them back for more... Could it be the dopamine?

“We found a signal in the brain that explains our most profound behaviours, in which every one of us is engaged constantly,” says Shultz. “I can see why the public has become interested.”

Image Source: Pexels

If you still aren't convinced how about a few more examples to prove my point then?

The British clinical psychologist Vaughan Bell once described dopamine as “the Kim Kardashian of molecules”. I think what he meant by saying this is that it is both addictive and desirable. People always keep coming back for more!

“Even a year or two before the scene about persuasive tech grew up, dopamine was a molecule that had a certain edge and sexiness to it in the cultural zeitgeist,” says Ramsay Brown, 28-year-old cofounder of Dopamine Labs, a startup attempting to increase the rate at which people use running, diet or gaming apps.

“It is the sex, drugs and rock’n’roll molecule. While there are many important and fascinating questions that sit at the base of this molecule, when you say ‘dopamine’, people’s ears prick up in a way they don’t when you say ‘encephalin’ or ‘glutamate’. It’s the known fun transmitter,” Brown says.

Here's another example from an article written in 2017 entitled “How evil is tech?”. In the article, the New York Times columnist David Brooks wrote: “Tech companies understand what causes dopamine surges in the brain and they lace their products with ‘hijacking techniques’ that lure us in and create ‘compulsion loops’.”

The more I learn about this industry the more evil and sinister is truly does look. What happened to the family unit? I've heard countless stories as of late of people sitting down at the dinner table and not even sharing a single word at their meal too busy with social interaction while they sit glued to their smartphones shovelling food in their mouth which they don't even bother to enjoy much.

I studied behaviorist methodology in a post graduate course focused around teaching a few years back. Some of the most impressive research papers I read during my studies were written by the American psychologist BF Skinner who is most famously known for uncovering the best way to reinforce a learned behaviour in rats. The trick was in rewarding them on a random schedule.

“When a gambler feels favoured by luck, dopamine is released,” says Natasha Schüll, a professor at New York University and author of Addiction By Design: Machine Gambling in Las Vegas.

Many feel this is the cornerstone of Facebook’s jaw dropping success: people are constantly checking the site because we never know when the delicious ting of social affirmation may sound.

Image Source: Pexels

As people dig into this topic more it seems that so-called “persuasive technology," a label which could be applied to major social networks like Facebook, Twitter and Instagram, really do have the power to influence behaviour and this fact is only just becoming understood now.

Clearly, harnessing the power of the dopamine system to alter habits is effective, just look at the success that Facebook has had in growing their network! It may not even be going too far to consider that regular social network users could even be compared to drug addicts and smokers.

Every habit-forming drug, from amphetamines to cocaine, from nicotine to alcohol, affects the dopamine system by dispersing many times more dopamine than usual. The use of these drugs overruns the neural pathways connecting the reward circuit to the prefrontal cortex, which helps people to tame impulses. The more an addict uses a drug, the harder it becomes to stop.

“The idea behind behavioural economics, that we can change the behaviour of others not via drugs or hitting them on the head, but by putting them into particular situations, is controversial. We are telling other people what is good for them, which carries risks. Training people via systems to release dopamine for certain actions could even cause situations where people can’t then get away from the system. I’m not saying technology companies are doing bad things. They may be helping. But I would be careful,” Schultz says.

I don't know what my fellow @ADSactly society members think about all this but I can show you my hand and let you know that all this honestly scares the crap out of me!

If you've already got rid of your Facebook I commend you. These days I mainly still use it for messenger services only and I wish there was an alternative to that which also gave me access to friends and family members!

What do you think about the potential abuse of dopamine and addiction forming strategies scientifically applied to social network platforms? Should we blame Facebook for operating in this manner? Do you see this scientific application being applied to future software?

Here's a chance for the @ADSactly community to leave their thoughts and opinions on this topic!

Thanks for reading.

Authored by: @techblogger

In-text citations sources:

"Has dopamine got us hooked on tech?" - The Guardian

Image Sources:

The Guardian, Pexels

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I bookmarked this post for a more thorough read. It's very informative. I think for some people, it's easy to get hooked when they usually find something new. If you tend to check your social media acct. everytime you're bored, there's a possibility that your dopamine level is getting low and you're already craving the appropriate trigger. As far as I remember from a video in this article, they have already isolated different sets of dopamine-release triggers for native hunter-gatherers and farmers. I guess popular social media appeal to people with "hunters' genes" because they're offered something new most of the time. I think it's all about finding exciting, unpredictable content. Farmers, on the other hand may check social media every day because it has become 'routine' with a particular purpuse, depending on the person's preference. This is just my deduction but still, they have a reason to stick around. That's probably why something goes mainstream. Scientists have studied how to appeal to the vast majority with different beliefs, genetic makeup and temperaments.

I hope you enjoy reading this article. I spent a lot of time researching and doing the write-up. Its scary to think that there is something sinister going on behind the scenes of FB and the big social networks. Its all about attention, the more they can grab, the more they are worth. Then things like my gf complaining about not getting enough likes on a photo or something like that resonates with what I learned from researching this topic. Guard your mind well or they will make a gambler / addict out of you yet!

They get us because they create a loop with the process and then the loop becomes a habit in our brain. Once it becomes a habit, then we do it without thinking and that is what they want. That is why facebook spent so much money for instagram because instagram had perfected the habit loop. They are using artificial intelligence to better predict our behavior and then use it against us. That is why I do not use either. Read the book habit and you will learn about this dirty secret they are using against us.

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    That means, what you understand, but with Steemworld you will see.
    Also as a example i saw this, it looks like something a bot will say, because it's Offtopic and you did say that exact same sentence in another Blog.

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Happy learning i #learntosteem too😉


Its the same with steemit when your comment gets upvoted or your blog no different.

Yes and no. Facebook actually makes you sign a TOS in which they own the information you supply them. They then have partners they can sell that data to and turn a tidy profit. What do you get in return?

Those are some good points. But if you want to take it to the next level...start paying people to engage and post content. When like translate into money we have a new beast on our hands. User beware. Lol 😂 Thanks for the post!

Haha, are you being sneaky here? Did you just describe Steem / Steemit? Very clever!

Social media using Dopamine to get people addicted to their platform a machevellian move.

When we do not know what to do with his time, we kill him!
Teenagers would "scroller" immensely on social networks, closing in on themselves and suffering from comparison with their peers who stage their everyday life on Facebook or Instagram. They could not even get rid of their laptops at night, some researchers talking about "nomophobia" - for "no mobile phobia". A problem that does not spare adults, but that affects even more young people who grew up with a phone in their hands.

hy @adsactly
i already upvote and resteem your post please help me to upvote back my post Aina Firnanda

Hi brother @adsactly, Dopamine is important in all nerve responses that are related to the expression of emotions. The level of dopamine regulates many brain functions, such as concentration, mood and movement. However, an excessive amount of this neurotransmitter produces serious mental and physical problems. so you should be very careful with this.

You are a friend, thinking excessively will damage the nerves of the brain. When the brain's nerves are damaged then other activities will be hard to do.

That is very correct friend @adsactly, I agree with you.
A hug brother, and move on.

Nice information, waiting for your next post...

very good writing..

my dear friend @adsactly..
thank you for sharing with us..

Nice bobblehead friend! Very impressive bobbling going on here!

What social-media really becomes after years of use is a constant stream of information both verbal and visual that at first drenches the mind, quenching its thirst for knowledge, and subduing its curiosity slowly but surly transforms into a torrent that renders the brain heavy and the mind restless.

this post is awesome .if you agree please upvote

Nice Post and Cool.

UpVote For Re-Upvote

Thats good nyc information


Thanks for sharing a nice post as such...
I'd suggest you open a discord channel to aid in exchange of ideas and also contributions.
Information is power!
Weekly headlines could as well be listed in the discord group

Check out the link to the discord channel. It's there.


science is very useful for all who want to read it, @adsactly, I am very happy to get into your post, because it really makes me clever.

Great post .Keep it up

You are very right @adsactly. Social media is known throughout the world and people become addicted to it day in day out.
Even in my country (Nigeria) here, you can see some people chatting and doing other stuff on social networks while walking beside the road.

Some people give more attention to social media than there actual work.
But I understand the fact that rewads we get push us to do more and more. Example is someone who post a picture on facebook and gets numerous likes and nice comments, such person will go on post another the other day.

Those people who invented social media platforms have good knowledge about what pleases human being .thanks for sharing this information


Good Post

Thanks for sharing is news

Well, when I was in high school my social networking was completely personal and P2P, we didn't even have phones in my town.

This tech addiction issue has been on my mind (or attacking my mind) a lot lately, thanks for writing about it so elegantly @adsactly. Being "social" while staring into a small screen by yourself is a contradiction in terms. When humans are isolated and divided, under the guise of unity and progress, we're weakened, more consumer than creator. And then there is the other side of fb, what they do with your data. I just wrote a post here on this—fb is being sued for storing non-users facial recognition data, finally. I deactivated my account almost 2 years ago (no assurances my data is gone, I'm sure it's been stored and traded) & wish I had never entered that swamp to begin with.

Wow that's Great Post. Thank You

social media nowadays controlling our lives,our choices our careers and separate us from people surrounding us.

good software :)

We should not blame Facebook or anybody else for this. It's just that we have become habituated to distracting our minds from ourselves. If there was no social media, we would be filling our minds with something else, because to be alone feels scary to most of us :D

The storage capacity of our brain can not be measured God is great

Nice post

When you copy/paste or repeatedly type the same comments you could be mistaken for a bot.

Tips to avoid being flagged

Thank You! ⚜

Thanks for the info, extremely useful.

Hello @adsactly. This is a nice innovation...Thanks for sharing


What a well written and thoughtful post on what I perceive as a huge problem.

Like you, I use FB as a message medium only, and wish there were an alternative to it. I haven't found a solid answer except a return to an old bulletin board with some of them.

I almost hesitated to comment on this because of all the trash comments. It's pretty discouraging.

Thanks for a timely and well written post. I truly appreciate it.

Wow great post i like it thanks for the good information keep up it

a very good post adds insight

Prof Geoffrey Bananington290x321.png
Oh yes. And that dopamine hit is functioning to the nth degree here on steemit. We not only look for upvotes on our posts, but potentially gain financial rewards for them.

Then there are the hoped-for replies, just like one hopes for comments on Facebook. But here on steemit, those replies also come with possible financial reward.

On social networking sites like Facebook, users are mostly trying to expand their social network and connect with others of like mind, though admittedly some are using it as an advertising platform to steer people to their products and offerings.

Here on steemit, users might be trying to network with people with whom they share interests, but are also often actively seeking out people with clout; to network with them may bring (again) financial rewards.

Yes, it's well known that the steemit platform incorporates a financial component and cryptocurrency. But to have it direct so much of the users' experience and actions? It feels that something's off here.

Very good post

Is that why Apple is called Apple? No one seems to care we are being controlled. It blows my mind how ok everyone is with this. Great writing, thank you!

#Thank you for the information

Nice article writing

please votes me thanks


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Wow.. i like this post beautiful..thanks for you..


Great post
Keep posting
Thanks for post

The world has change dramatically and the human brain is truly interesting

haha... I remember party lines. When we were kids on a sleepover we would call and listen in on people and then I remember when whomp there it is came on and someone said... whomp there it is?! We were like... you can hear us?! Everyone ran home and called the number and we were all just having regular chats over this party line thinking it was hilarious. The next month the bill came. Apparently we were calling Costa Rica and the charges were about $200. Still remember the chores I had to do for months to pay that bill.

Ha! Wow I guess I'm not too old yet, at least there are other members of my generation that can connect with me about stuff like that still!! Sorry about the bill but it does sound like you had your fair share of fun!

Well it was worth reading. Wanna add something that you are right its somewhat distracting because posting any post on fb kr any social app generated a reward mechanism in your body which results in releasing of certain hormones in our body which could have harmful affects.


  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Yep, back in the day, we used psychedelics to stimulate those dopamine receptors. Much less manipulable!

"Now if you're tired or a bit run down,
Can't seem to getcha feet off the ground,
Maybe you oughta try a little bit of L.S.D.

Only if you want to

Shake your head and rattle your brain,
Make you act just a bit insane,
Give you all the psychic energy you need"

  • Country Joe MacDonald and the Fish

So true... you've made some solid points. I find I don't go on my social media sites/apps as often as I am on here anymore... it's my new favourite "drug".

Holy shining Kitten of truth!!!
Sorry for that, but for some reason i already did suspekt or know about the manipulating truth about the Social Networks all along but i couldn't explain or make such a really pretty dang awesome Blog. So i just had to re-steem and upvote it!

wish there was an alternative to that which also gave me access to friends and family members!

I do have the same wish but with the difference that i only use my Safe Networks and if my Friends/Family want to talk to me or simply chat with me they HAVE to use the same Safe Networks as i do. I just can't trust those dang information hungry Social Networks... Did you know? even Facebooks like-button is spying on you!

it gathers information about which users visit what websites. This form of functionality, a sort of web beacon, has been significantly criticized for privacy.
Source: wiki see Facebooks like-button

These Alternatives i do use and recommend

  • Wire a Safe and awesome Skype alternative from the same Dev as Skype but without Microsoft or Advertising stuff...
  • And for a great WhatsApp alternative that won't send your address book to Facebook... I use Signal, it was once known as Textsecure a app that even Edward Snowden is recommending, so It's very Safe!

Facebook is really huge with the manipulating, and tricking people into trusting it so these give them all of the valuable informations for free, i am pretty sure, even if the People know about all of this they don't care at all... One of these reasons could be the Games Facebook provide (to distract and creating trust/more addiction), who knows?

i agree with what you have said in this..and through this i learnt many things about how this social media impact in our lives

A write technology addiction very nice
Thanks for information

dear your blog very nice and beautiful knowledgeable for peoples ,,
Please sir
Give me a votes follow me back , nothing will happen to you but I will get the benefit

informative post. keep it up. waiting for your onward post

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This is sad but true! I often hear Facebook being referred to as a social 'slot machine' - always scrolling for that next dopamine hit.

Steemit is probably similar to be honest but atleast I learn alot more from the content - more than just selfies, family photos and holiday photos!

Hello! I have not been able to understand the subject, but I read and try to interpret. For that, come to Steemit to learn from you and in this case from Dopamine. Hopefully, it activates many rewards in knowledge and knowledge. I want the neurocerebral sensations to transmit my contents soon to be published, which will not have much on these similar topics. But the important thing is that today I stopped to look for what she was dopamine and what effect it causes on human beings. You endeavor to make us understand your subject with examples.

thanks for sharing! i will start following your exciting posts! Checkout my posts as well