The gift of understanding... yourself (partially inspired by Human Heart Cosmic Heart)

in addiction •  24 days ago 

Emotion. Energy, IN motion... it was an unusual definition, and yet profound. It helped me understand how careful I need to be about whose energy I allow to redirect mine.

I thank God for the gift he gave me... the gift of addiction lets you begin to see a focus on yourself so long, you can't HELP but begin to truly understand. Addiction is the gift OF UNDERSTANDING ripped to shrededs... and those shreds begin to look increasingly FAMILIAR the longer you spend trying to piece them back together and make sense.

Let me say that with a bit more weight of understanding.

If you suffer addiction, it is one of the most tragically sublime Gifts God could have ever given you.

If you can begin to let it, it can be the doorway to discovering HOW you begin to UNDERSTAND how to OWN a little (deceitful (??)) little(?) heart.
And, how to change the direction, focus, concentration, and vibration of your energy in a heartbeat, in due time.

Ownership preparation.

Addiction prepares you for and GALVINIZES YOUR journey of LIFE and time FULL of discovery with NO looking back...

Regrets, no matter the weight in the beginning, will NEARLY always begin to pull you under....

Unless you can learn to allow your heart of understanding to MELT into EVERY loose EMOTIONAL hurt, you will continue to CONSUME every single opportunity, and render it a reget.

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