ADSactly on ADSACTLY - On Advertising - Part 2

in adsactly •  6 years ago 

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ADSactly on ADSACTLY #69

On Advertising - Part 2


There is a number of mechanisms that work behind commercial brainwashing. You've probably heard that 'when repeated a thousand times, a lie becomes truth', right? It is usually attributed to Goebbels, Hitler's minister of war propaganda, but in reality, it is much older than him. It comes from the ancient world and Goebbels was merely citing it. Nothing new under heavens. That sentence describes the rule of repetition, which implements new truths in person's mind by compounding.

'Yeah, but I am smarter than that, I don't accept bullshit when I hear it,' I can hear you say right now.

Well, the bad news is that, unfortunately, you are accepting it every single day. There are states of mind in which we don't really know what we hear but our mind registers and automatically accepts what has been said without our unconscious involvement.

For example, you might be reading this article but the TV is turned on behind your back. There is a seductive voice speaking of faraway islands and the necessity to feel the thirst because it is beautiful and hot there. It ends with a suggestion of a kiss with a beautiful partner after you've drunk a bottle of Coke. All this unconsciously enters your mind whether you like it or not, whether you're listening to it or not. At one point, after enough repetition, it will all become truth in your mind and adventurous allure of travelling far and finding love will be connected with - Coke. You will order Coke unconsciously at certain occasions without knowing why. The craving becomes an emotion-based drive, not a logical decision.


Most of the times it works even deeper. Advertisements compound one upon another. Instead of making you buy something and consume a certain product, they create lifestyles, opinions, points of view and general directions of thinking. Seeing people taking loans and smiling on TV for a thousand times will make us believe that it is a good idea to take a loan or at least the most normal thing there is. Many will readily go for an instant gratification material desires (which were also created by the same system) and sooner or later, they'll be paying off one or two. We could make a similar example from every single commercial there is.

Did you notice that majority's opinion on general subjects has radically changed during the last 40-70 years? Do you think this happened by chance? Nope, it didn't. They are constantly working on people's opinions by means of advertisement (most tv shows fall in the same category), washing our brains, creating desires, defining what is right or wrong in a society, making sure that we cannot tell good from bad, except in a way they need us to see the difference. Soon, imposed opinions start coming right out of millions of mouths as 'own thoughts'. Imposed and regurgitated truth becomes the real truth and people start living it.

All this serves to slowly conform masses to the needs of privileged. From their point of view, it is understandable that they need the majority to be ignorant and obedient.

The question is: Are you aware of this process?

Tell us what you think!

Thank you for following "On Advertising" series of articles. We hope you enjoyed them and learned a thing or two. If not, then we hope they at least remind you of something you already knew deep down and can use it as food for thought.

Image Source for all images, unless stated otherwise, is Pixabay. or Pexels.


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ADSactly on ADSACTLY - Part # 66 ADSactly - Value Of Time Part 4
ADSactly on ADSACTLY - Part # 67 ADSactly - Value Of Time Part 5
ADSactly on ADSACTLY - Part # 68 ADSactly on ADSACTLY - On Advertising - Part 1


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It is true advertising sugestion is a direct programming to our mind. Without it the food and commercial industries in general would not sell the amount of poison and garbage that today occupies our life and makes us suffer many diseases. Excellent post congratulations

Yes, I am aware. I use the Nancy Reagan defense. Just say no. The TV isn't on over my back. I pay to be able to stream the music I want to listen to with out commercial interruption. I also know that I am not only in the horrible minority but that I am still bombarded relentlessly.

Thanks for the continuation of this series. I'm looking forward to more.

hi you say realy well and so good♥

In reality, the irony is that many of us really believe that this does not concern us. In our thoughts, we think that we are above all this and we have no influence. But in the depth of the soul everyone is aware that it is impossible to live in a society, a system and be completely independent of this. Even if in the beginning you resist these attitudes (I do not accept it) then eventually you will still get under the influence. Advertising everywhere, even more. Advertising is even in the minds of other people. They willingly discuss new products and encourage each other to try them. Therefore, all this hypnotic system took its roots very deeply.
We all want to live better. Many seek to look successful people. Society artificially create standards of success. These norms are followed by the majority and if you stay away from this then you are considered a failure.
We are taught the simple slogan "To live here and now." or "Get everything out of life!". To receive all it is impossible. But to get imposed values ​​under which the word "All" is implied is possible. But you need money for this. And where to get the money? Of course, there is a new advertisement that talks about an incredibly profitable loan.
As a result, a person gets what he is forced to and become a debtor. As a result, you have to pay for everything.
The masses of people do not have the mind. They are easier to manage.

when repeated a thousand times, a lie becomes truth',...

That’s true! In most cases it works until the truth is revealed. However, there will always be someone who doubts the truth and believes in lies. It is much easier to believe lies than the truth. Because lies are created to falsely satisfy our emotions, our needs. For example Germans would rather believe they were stabbed in the back than that they actually lost a fair fight. And anyone would rather blame someone else for his mistakes. It’s because the truth is hard. The truth sometimes hurts. It’s easier to believe in lies. Advertising companies figured that out long ago. Even MSM did figure it out long time ago. They rely on our subconscious thinking, they rely on our easier way to believe in lies...

Advertisement is very much connected with psychological factors. We start going after our Desires when our need is fulfilled and this is where Advertisements are coming off indirectly motivating, encouraging our desires to overwhelm and make the demand

  • As “human being” we don’t have any boundary to explore and grow, As well as the population keeps growing the market becomes more competitive.

  • In order to survive and lead the market Business Firms are expertising more and more on “How to convince people to make them buy our product” It might be based on * Psychological factors: Giving them a next level hope of improving their lifestyle * Physical Factors: Physically applicable products & services * Social : Products that takes your social status higher etc

So All the competitors are targeting same way to the same target customers and Boom there we go ! We become the ultimate victim.

Competition is always very healthy for any market as we get the ultimate benefit as end-user. Competition is what takes our market to the next level at a high speed.

They Just sometimes misuse advertisement & make people feel the demand of unnecessary.

Adsactly, resource of huge video for learners......Keep it up Bro.

good information.........

Ads do serve their purpose, and if repeated long enough, they do get their points across. Unfortunately a lot of people don't know that they're being fooled by some of them.

good information.........

  ·  6 years ago Reveal Comment

The amount of ignorance here (both the post and in the comments) is astounding.

Here's my perspective as a consultant/ freelancer/ small business.

If I don't advertise, I don't get clients, I don't get money, I don't get to put food on my table.

If I do advertise, I get to do these things. And maybe grow my business.

Advertising is necessary, because for people to buy from you, they need to be aware you exist, they have to be interested, and only then they can make a decision to either buy or not.

The massive ideological changes that've taken place over the last 70 years are largely due to the counterculture movement which was subsidized by US agencies. It's a well known fact that Osho, Terrence McKenna, Anton LaVey, Aleister Crowley, Michael Aquino and others had deep connections with the intelligence community.

To claim that it's advertising itself that's bad is to completely miss the point.

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

One thing is to pass information about a business, completely another to create emotions in people and subconsciously manipulate their opinions on a massive scale as stated in the previous part which you've probably not read. You are proving the point. Thank you.

One thing is to pass a message, and completely another is raping people's minds with thousands, tens of thousands emotional based, desire-creating vehicles that don't even work on the conscious level of logic.

And you're completely missing the point that all decisions we make as people are based on emotions, while logic and reasoning remain dormant as a rationalizing mechanism.

Of course if I want to sell my services or my client's products, I will appeal to emotions, just as you are appealing to emotions in your original post.

Why do you think so many agree with you?

It's because you're presenting your opinion in a biased way, which elicits feelings of outrage and agreement with you against "Them" (whether you believe it's the Illuminati, the Rothschilds, the NWO, NSA, CIA, Chinese, or Reptilian aliens).

The reality of the situation is much more simple. Businesses and business people advertise because it brings in money. And they do it in the way that is most effective - by appealing to emotions.

Just as they have always done.

Returning to the subject of advertising suggestion, as well as a movie or a song can provoke feelings, an advertisement can generate desires or reactions that make us buy something that we do not really need. But this is not the most worrisome, but the fact to what extent they can, in some way, control our mind, in order to exhaust the stock in their sales.
This reminds me of the phrase that my grandparents always used to say "If you repeat a lie so much, it will soon be true." I suppose that everyone at some point in our lives has heard about subliminal messages.

Wow, Very good information. Thanks for sharing @adsactly

Wow amazing,, thanks so much for sharing @adaactly
Upvoted and Resteemed

Exciting theme! The familiar and commercial inerpersonal relationships are not easy to cope with, since coexistence leads to the existence of several types of lies, those that are natural, even those that are justified by illnesses, of course those that are repeated a thousand times. Sometimes, there is no problem, people who have criteria do not suffer, because they are the ones who, every time they hear something, analyze and verify it!

Exciting theme! The familiar and commercial inerpersonal relationships are not easy to cope with, since coexistence leads to the existence of several types of lies, those that are natural, even those that are justified by illnesses, of course those that are repeated a thousand times. Sometimes, there is no problem, people who have criteria do not suffer, because they are the ones who, every time they hear something, analyze and verify it!

Congratulations @adsactly!
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