For anyone who is not aware of how to make money online, it can be somewhat confusing, but the key is to understand how to make money online like we have been taught in this course.
Affiliate marketing isn’t just free money you earn from promoting someone else’s stuff on a website:
In fact, there are three main ways to make affiliate marketing work for you:
Creating your own product: If you sell a product or service yourself, you can get paid commission every time someone buys it via your link.
Using Amazon’s affiliate program: Amazon has two affiliate programs for affiliate marketers who want to use their platform to sell other people’s products.
Negotiating for sales on your own: If you have a blog or website, you can offer to buy the product or service of someone else, and receive a percentage of the sale price in own product: If you sell a product or service yourself, you can get paid commission every time someone buys it via your link.