Who got hurt by Zach Merrett Concussion last night? Do medicos over cautious?

in afl-fantasy •  7 years ago 

Ok put your hand up who put Merrett in their Fantasy side?

I know I did as he is a Fantasy beast, so safe to say I am a little bias on my views on concussion right now.

Are medico's over cautious with concussion?

My view is, the players are warriors and if they have copped a light concussion like so often happens, I think they should be aloud back on the field, like they were for over 100 years in our game.

Of course medico's should take a common sense approach.
If a Player has a history of concussions throughout his career or it was such a heavy blow that he was out cold then yeah, obviously keep him off.
How many times does the player on the sidelines seem fine, want to go back on but medicos decided he hasn't quite done well enough on the concussion test and sideline them?
It's so frustrating for not only fans but I am sure the player himself.

They are supposed to be tough and they are. Players who sign up for an AFL Career know the obvious dangers.
They are paid very, very well and are given the best medical care.
All AFL players know the risks and know they will take scar's out of their time in the game, it's part of the deal.

Part of the deal also should be that medico's understand sometimes players are going to take a whack, they will feel fuzzy for a few minutes but they can get on with it.
God knows I did and that was only in juniors.
Medico's should just monitor them closely to make sure no obvious effects as they play on for the rest of the game.

I am probably a bit old school and need to get with the 2018 Medical science program.
I also concede this was Merretts 2nd concussion in under a fortnight but no doubt they would of pulled him last night even if it wasn't.

Anyway, I am eager to hear what you all think, are medico's going too over cautious with concussion protocols?

Or am I just being an ass?

I look forward to finding out off you all!

Also before I go, if you are in our Classic Comp but haven't joined @O07 and I in the Mondays Draft comp, we still have 3 spots we need to fill!
The league code is FK2NKHC4 so if you are keen just go ahead and jump on in.
Reply if you have any questions.

Thanks for reading

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It's mainly a liability issue. The AFL are worried about the future law suits so they are trying to minimize the damage

Looking at the replays of it again he seemed fine but I agree with you, the law suits later could be killer.
Still, its a shame.
I think the afl needs to introduce the sub back but as the 23rd man.
Losing players early in games is killer for any injury not just concussion

Yeah but it's no different to players being lost to any other sort of injury.

The problem with the sub rule is that in practice it ends up having little to do with injury, as coaches hijack it to make a change to their side in then 3rd/4th quarter. So a concussion after the sub has already been made means we're back at square one.

hmmm, you talk sense and I find myself agreeing with you.

Ok, maybe, since the AFL and medico's are so concussion sensitive, you make a sub specifically for Concussion only. 'Concussion Sub.'
Now this sub can only be used in the event that Medico's consult with AFL steward on boundary and rule a player out of the game for concussion only.
This way coaches can not hijack it for tactical purposes and it would also serve the purpose of ensuring they continue to take the conservative option with concussions as the consequences of an in game situation not as severe.
We saw with Kennedy in the finals I think it was last year, miraculously pass a concussion test and if that was a final, I reckon Merrett would of passed the test too.

Furthermore to bring this back to us Fantasy players, If you lose a guy to concussion you automatically get the points of the concussion sub!

what u think? I genius or what?

The only problem with a sub in that circumstance, where they would most likely not be used, is that the player who is a sub probably won't get a game that weekend.

That player would be better off in the VFL

As a Bombers supporter I was torn. He is arguably our most valuable player - certainly top 3) - so you want him protected for the sake of his career longevity in the Red and Black, but when we were 20 points down at 3 quarter time I wanted nothing more than him to come back on to help get us over the line. Luckily we didn't need him.

As for taking players out of the game, society has become a lot more litigious over the last decade or so, so medicos and clubs are protecting themselves against being sued down the track as much as anything.

they should all sign waivers or something but I have heard they dont hold up in court years down the track.
Can't believe the bombers ran over the top of Crows late despite losing him. amazing win

Hands up! Zach Merrett is in my team.

After reading your post I searched to see what happened exactly and I made this screenshot from a video in http://www.sportingnews.com/au/afl/news

hope that he is fine now.
I keep watching my points and rank, I found increasing of points and decreasing in the number of ranking, I guess it is fine, right? :-)
but since I don't know much about the game ...I can't evaluate my team and how :-)
I can see a smile on your face :-)

kulate please turn auto picks on or log into draft. i feel myself ageing every time your 2 min timer runs through to the end

haha, we if you had Zach Merrett you must know a little about the game as he is a great fantasy player - when he is not getting concussed!

Just make sure you auto fill your pre list for tomorrows draft and let their average points guide you on best selections to make. I look forward to seeing how you go!

OK, I will, thanks :-)