Finally it seems the sleeping giant everyone has been yap yaping about had awoken, never again in the African life time has her people felt this amazing ownership of the continent like now .
Just like the name Africa suggests "the land of the black" symbolizing a true ownership of the real owners of those who reside within the the continent.
This may sound ratio but actually it's not just like Europe belongs to Europeans Africa belongs to African. I SOMETIMES BACK I HEARD some white guys saying because Africans din't know their land was full of resources back then then this resources perhaps belong to anyone who got there first.
Perhaps this guys should have asked do Africans have a history if so then , they should go ahead and ask what happened to the African history ,why was it deliberately ormmited from the current education system .
#MansaMusa is the perfect example of the African empires plus there are are still more documentation note recorded.