In 2016 a lot of dreams died, including the dreams of Black Americans and perhaps of the entire Black race. Eight years of a gay white dude pretending to be a straight Black dude changed nothing, the world was the same. This is not what was foretold in the prophecy. The kid from Honolulu would unite the clans and change destiny forever. Instead the kid from hono changed nothing. The world came, the world saw, the world ignored. A nobel here, constant adulation there, but the world was not changed. The clans were united but they were united before. The clans were united but destiny was not changed, that is why it is called destiny. When the kid from hono sat down in the Oval Office and opened the big middle drawer he did not find a piece of paper with the words Secret Plan To Keep The Blacks Down on it detailing all the things being done to make America a country where Jews make 55% more than average, Asians make 19% more than average and whites make 5% more than average. So the kid from hono looked through the other drawers, he looked through the file cabinets and he examined the shoe boxes in the back of the closet. He never found the secret plan. Because there is no secret plan. There never was.
In 2016 the dream died, electing a Black skinned President with an accent that sounds nothing like Honolulu changed nothing. There was as much change as there was Honolulu in his voice. That little. It wasn’t supposed to be this way. The prophecy said he would unite the clans and change destiny. But destiny was not changed. When Obama started Blacks made 30% less than average. When he finished Blacks made 30% less than average. Nothing changed, nothing got better, no good number went up and no bad number went down. The prophecy was disproven. It’s not because Obama isn’t really Black, it’s because all cultures aren’t really equally successful. The dream that the Black race would overcome this truth and fool the world came to a close. The dream that the Black race does not have to catch up and instead was always where it needs to be died. The dream that Black culture doesn’t need to change died in 2016. A lot of dreams died in 2016, and all of them involved never having to change. Only the dead have seen the end of change.
Human instinct evolved in a world where all wealth comes from nature but in the modern world most wealth comes from human labor. Every bad decision made by the unsuccessful cultural groups would have been a good decision in a world where all wealth comes from nature, the world where our instincts evolved. That world is gone. To succeed in today’s world you need counter instinctive cultural progress and this progress has progressed unevenly across groups leading to uneven success. This is a fact that cannot be changed, a destiny that cannot be changed whether the clans are united or not. Success in a world where most wealth comes from human labor requires different decisions than success in a world where all wealth comes from nature. Counter instinctive cultural progress is the destiny that cannot be changed. This progress is unequally distributed in today’s world, this will not last. Eventually the world will understand what makes a culture successful, this will someday be understood and implemented by all. And then the clans will truly be united, the true prophecy of world peace. What the Black race hopes for is a false prophecy, that there is nothing to be learned that the Black race does not already know. Because in the White House in the big middle drawer is a piece of paper and on the top is says Secret Plan To Keep The Blacks Down. This secret plan is the real reason Blacks make 30% less. It’s not because counter instinctive cultural progress has progressed unevenly across the world. This is the dream and it died on 2016. Eight years of a Black President of the United Folks of America and nothing, not one damn thing. No good number went up and no bad number went down. Nothing.
Black people could have done it. It could have worked. They could have fooled the world. I know they could have, it would have been easy. In the 60s, the parent decade of our era, Africa became independent and the Civil Rights movement triumphed. That was the time, the time to unite the clans and claim the prophecy. It would have worked. I give you my word, it would have worked. If at that time the Black race across the world had started moving forward, started progressing, it would have worked. Their past poverty would have been blamed on the white Christian men who get blamed for everything and it would have worked. The Black dream of never having to admit the Black race has things to learn from the rest of the world would have worked. After becoming independent, after gaining Civil Rights, the Blacks stopped being poor, see, it was never their fault. Except they didn’t stop being poor. It didn’t work. But it could have.
Western politics cooperates with the dream. Saying Blacks have nothing to learn fits into the dominant themes of the West. In Europe it is the socialist vision of history which denies the bourgeois cities, the free towns, the imperial cities were wealthier than the rest of Europe due to culture. The Bourgeois Archipelago of Magdeburg Law, Cologne Law, Lubeck Law is not richer than the surrounding countryside and the non bourgeois cities due to culture. This is the dream of Europe, a dream which will also die. And in America the dream is religious, there is nothing to learn, nothing to do. Simply have faith and you will be saved, Martin Luther promised. Nothing to learn, no progress to be made. Simply choose to believe that all Catholics go to hell and there, just like that you will succeed. And the Blacks have made that choice. Just ask Martin Luther King. The choice has been made, the Blacks have learned Protestantism, the only thing they need to learn. Now they will succeed, now they will rise. And the dream dies. 2016 was the year all the dreams died.
The dreams died because they were never real. Europe is wrong, the Bourgeois Archipelago is rich for the reasons they deny. The Protestants are wrong, salvation by faith alone saves nothing. On page three of Max Weber’s book, it says it right there. The distribution of wealth by region in Europe is currently the same as before the Reformation. It’s on page three of the book. The distribution is the wealth is where the Bourgeois Archipelago is. The dream dies. The descendants of the Ulster-Scots who came to America are the poorest whites in the country and the only whites with below average incomes. Yet they are more devoted to salvation by faith alone than any group in history. The dream dies.
The dream has died for the Black race. A race has no right to dream when it can’t even run its own affairs. The race is now in the hands of the Halfrican Dynasty. First the kid from hono, pretending to be straight, pretending to be Black, pretending to be Christian, pretending to be American. And he becomes the official head African in chief. The kid from hono isn’t even Black. And now the torch passes to Kamala Harris with a Hindu mother. You are what your mother is. The kid from hono is white because his mother is white and he was raised without contact with his father. Kamala is Blacker than that, but she isn’t Black. Last time I checked 75% of Black students at Harvard were really half Black, it’s probably higher now. That’s almost entirely Black on the father’s side. The side that really matters wasn’t Black. And most of the rest are recent immigrants. The Black race can’t even produce its own leaders. It is led by the Halfricans because they have the advantage of white culture from the mothering they received. This proves more than any income statistic that culture does matter. The differences between Black and white child rearing are well documented, I will refer to them in other writings. But when two people look the same and one had Black mothering and the other had white mothering the Halfrican wins. Because culture does matter and the Black race does need to catch up. The dream dies. Things are so bad that the smartest Black man in America is Shaun King, he’s just like Roger from What’s Happening. And Rachel Dolezeal used to be the smartest Black woman, now its Kamala Harris. Or is Lani Guinier? Her mother’s Jewish, you know how smart they are. How many half Blacks are there and why are they in charge? The dream dies, because culture does matter.
The Protestants own this country, its theirs. I love this country, but I don’t own this country. The Protestants own it and they view Blacks as the children of Protestantism. More importantly as the test case for Protestantism. On page three of the book it says the regional distribution of wealth in Europe is the same as it was before Protestantism was even invented. Capitalism and the Protestant Work Ethic, the Newest Testament. On page three of the Newest Testament it says Protestantism made no changes to the regional distribution of wealth in Europe. On page three. Don’t worry, the Blacks will be the test case. They have no prior history as Catholics. They have no prior history in Western Civilization to take the credit for their success. They will succeed on faith alone. The people who own this country wanted the dream to live, because in a way it was their dream. The dream that a Western Civilization that is thousands of years old and not five hundred years old is not the answer, the cause, the wellspring of progress. It is Martin Luther who is the cause. And Martin Luther King will prove it. But now we have Shaun King and nothing is proven, the dream dies.
Dreams died in 2016, dreams of never having to change. The world was a play reading from a script planned centuries in advance. There would be no more surprises, everything will go as planned. And then Trump moved the stationary targets. The bull fight turned into a real fight. Trump changed everything, history has gone off the script. And dreams are dying. The Black dream was already dead. When the king of Black America isn’t even Black the dream is already dead.