Kurdish Doctor Kidnapped and tortured by Turkey-backed Syrian armed groups

in afrin •  6 years ago 

Doctor Adnan Bustani Kurdi was kidnapped (for second time) by Erdogan's mercenaries in Afrin. Held for a week & tortured for $10,000 ransom. After his release, he's apparently forced to clear his torturer from blame, even though Faylaq al-Sham media director admitted to pro-rebel outlet SMAT News one of their members, known as abul-'Izz, and three members Faylaq al-Majd did the kidnapping and torturing.


[I am doctor] Adnan.

The ones took me from the clinic were Faylaq al-Majd, three,

under supervision of abul-’Izz, [from] Faylaq al-Sham,

in my village, Bilaliko, Rajo district.

That talk is all nonsense.

The one that took took me, Faylaq al-Majd,
under supervision of abul-’Izz.

They returned me to the village,
and gave me what’s needed.

Second video:

This is a dear friend of mine; abul-’Izz; Faylaq al-Majd.

This is my friend.

The one took me, Faylaq al-Sham, abul-’Izz, in Bilalico;
Maydan Akbaz.

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