'Afterlife' Feels 'even More Real Than Real,' Researcher Says

in afterlife •  7 years ago 

Bolette L NDE 5437 was told during her NDE on the other side that she and her current husband would eventually divorce because they both had other paths to pursue. After his experience, he said crossing over to the other side will be a major wake-up call for people who don’t accept that the spirit world is a separate world from the mind, earthly knowledge, and logic. In his study Ring found that 80 percent out of thirty-one blind people who had a near-death experience were able to see during their experience. The study found that of the 344 patients, 62 patients or 18 percent reported having a near-death experience. A Light shone. I turned toward it, and was aware of its similarity to what others have described in near-death experiences. I have been reading the discussion of "The Golden Rule" as presented in Chapter 16 of Napoleon Hill's "Law of Success" and have had an epiphany! While there have been a lot of wonderful NDEs, I've never come across another that demanded as much serious consideration. When all else shut down, I was still there. In my mind, all experiences should be valued-even if they are imagined, for we lack the ability to prove that there is no after-life.

We read all of the "exceptional NDE cases" on the NDERF site and selected what we believe are the most fascinating to share with our readers. Following the surgery, Pam reported a classic NDE, including a veridical OBE that has been considered one of the most important in the NDE literature. Whilst some may be genuine, without a solid foundation in the truth and discernment from the Holy Spirit, reading these experiences can lead to confusion which is a number one tool in the arsenal of Satan. She can verify that I really was dead. Before this time, I had become increasingly despondent over the nuclear crisis, the ecology crisis, and so forth. People are bending over it. I’m sure they would say they believe in that, since it’s certainly scriptural to do so, but why then has it not been visible in AOG churches that I’ve gone to over decades of years?

Question: Why is your name TEMPERANCE? The fallen history of the flesh being of the soil or the history being the soul of light? In such a situation, your credit history becomes a proof of your irresponsible financial behavior. Let's take a fascinating foray into one of the most magical, mysterious phenomena that has served to perplex both scientists, clergy and armchair philosophers alike for the past 25 years - the Near Death Experience. It may be a very real appearing illusion for sure, but rest assured it will not be an actual death experience and it will be short lived. If administered properly, a survey on NDEs will be a collection of responses from a representative sample of individuals; one would therefore expect a wide variety of answers. The Near Death Experience Research Foundation (NDERF) has the largest collection of NDEs in the world-over 4000 in more than 23 languages. This is where we note the significant difference in Near Death Experiences (NDEs).

The NDERF FAQ page addresses these questions and more, providing a helpful overview of NDEs. Questions about the spiritual world, life after-death, and the existence of a "soul" become a proved reality in the minds of some near death survivors. Laureys doesn't want to speculate on the existence of heaven or hell, but he does say that only a small minority of near-death experiences are horrifying. You're about to go to "heaven" and live to tell about it. It's high time for more hard science, Laureys said. When oxygen was cut off from their brains, they had out-of-body sensations, Laureys said. In the case of coma patients, the brain producing the NDE may be functioning minimally, but it is still alive, Laureys hypothesized. What happens during a NDE (near death experience)? For example, Joan's parents were very religious and her NDE didn't fit with their beliefs. They are intricate illusions, dramas created from beliefs given some form, craftily prepared by the inner self, to satisfy the beliefs of the dying, whether right or wrong.

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