Aging cat: features of care

in age •  2 years ago 


FROM age at cats getting worse exchange substances, start worse work domestic systems and bodies. How passes process aging,depends from sets factors, beginning With breeds pets, finishing nutrition. are changing With age and habits, to example, animal starts less move, more sleeping, or becomes unnecessarily capricious.

What kind signs indicate on the then,what cat getting old :

  1. Not always responds, when name is, So how hearing deteriorated.
  2. stumbles on the items from-per problems co eyesight.
  3. Often asks food, but drinks few. food discovers not straightaway due to blunted smell.
    four. Mood sharp is changing. Aggression is replaced caress or vice versa.
  4. Wool loses shine. On the view becomes oily or dim. On the body appear bald spots.
  5. Less moves, rarely climbs up. Gait becomes uncertain.

When becomes clear, what cat got old, her well-being gradually getting worse, need change care per her. To begin costs With diet. Also pet necessary provide peace, to she is could calmly rest afternoon in silence. It is forbidden let children and others animals in home bother her.

How look after per aging cat:

  1. giving feed With high content proteins, vitamins and minerals. Desirable buy quality expensive stern.
  2. If a defecation difficult, animal suffers from-per constipation, add fiber in diet, translate fully on the wet feed.
  3. water change several once in day, washing out bowl.
  4. inspect paws once in week,cut bent, damaged claws, to they not drank in pads.
  5. Comb out how can more often, removing drop-down wool. After procedures wet napkin remove leftovers hairs. shear mats.
  6. Play although would half an hour in day, So how sedentary pet will start recruit extra the weight, muscles may atrophy, start Problems With joints and constipation.
  7. If a appetite decreased, stimulate his, Giving favorite food. Use spices and other additives, to call interest to food.
    eight. Arrange place, where aging cat resting. It must be at the bottom, So how jump her difficult.
  8. carry on the inspection in veterinary clinic although would once in six months.

setting off in travel,in guests to relatives on the several days, aging cat better leave at home. Can ask neighbors or friends, to came once in day change water and pour big portion stern. Pets declining age very difficult endure road, change. Drive maybe perniciously affect on the well-being.

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