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Glad to see Nigeria leading the Park. Our collective efforts are paying off afterall.

if only I could understand anything related to this post.. yet I wonder why I decided to checkout this post..

Maybe his SMT is called Aggrandizement and just getting some early promotion in.

Buy some Aggrandizement tokens to kickstart your steem career!

New hype word Aggrandizement

좋은 정보 잘보았어여.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

I'm glad I was part of the aggrandizement movement.
P.S. You should use more tags for better visibility and aggrandizement.

I'm still an aggrandizement noob.

Oh, your message in the chat makes more sense now, lol. I thought that was just a word you made up to fuck with us, to be honest.

Dammit, I googled what it means too lol :DD

Today i learned new english word


I am proud to be a member of this community. Yes we did it, we did it together :)

good post dear thanks for sharing...

just imagine when China and Russia start to light up on that map, that's a lot of users. has grown tremendously since launching on July 4, 2016, now recording close to 1 million unique users daily and about 10 million unique users monthly. While much of the content on the platform is related to cryptocurrency,

I'm not gonna lie, I did indeed Google that word to get a definition of it!

This amazing...Good

Or..... Maybe I need to get a better understanding of this particular post. Lol.

what is this 'aggrandizement' and this data about?

Steemers are trying real hard to support eachother and make its place bw all other social networks.... @acidzapps i bet it'll succeed even more with time..... support and consistency of steemers is much needed

New hype word Aggrandizement


Wow... this is simply a great news.... Many congratulation to you and your team... you guyz deserved it...

Africa loves crypto ❤️

woot woot!

Wow! 😯

My steem account keeps going down. :(. When I look at the market chart I thought Steem was going up. Oh well, I'll catch on soon. :). Joy


This is fabulous. I didn't even think to look this up, but I did just pop back into that post and saw that some 11k people have viewed it.

I don't always google things but when I do it words like aggrandizement

Bravo. Standing ovation. This thing is true social media with a slew of purposes at its I can't wait to see where this all goes

All aboard the Aggrandizement train!

  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment