A fun and Engaging Surprise Request of Clarification

in agorism •  3 years ago 

The Simple Request


The other day, my t-shirt business received an inquiry from a random person.

Here is what was asked:

"I love how genuine and authentic your designs and product descriptions are. your shirts are hilarious and i’d plan on buying a bunch. obviously you hate the government (as do i), but i must ask. where does your brand stand politically? i’m sure a free-thinker like you would understand that i wouldn’t want to give money to a brand i don’t agree with."

So, while I was caught by surprise by this random persons request, I was more than happy to oblidge with my answer, in as succinct as possible a reply as I could muster. It wasn't an unreasonable request in my opinion, and in the event that the person was sincere, I wanted to make a genuine effort to answer them properly. Plus it makes for a good blog post, so what the heck?


I Entertain Fun Requests

I find questions like this fun to answer and delve into it deeper than the average person would. But hey, the 'average person' of today is a mask wearing coward, witless lemming, order follower, and government trusting - TV educated manchild. And I am none of those things! Also, as a psychology practitoner, I like meeting interesting examples of the various people in the world. I hope this person is sincere and real, because I am always sincere and real about my business, as we all should be!

Is this Dangerous?


It could be some SJW cunt trying to set me up, it could be a hater I pissed off on Odysee or some other place, it could be a filthy pig fed investigating me, or it could actually be a concerned potential customer! What kind of business man would I be, to let a potential committed customer slip away?


In the event it's an 'etsy' investigastor trying to look for a reason to kick me off the platform, the jokes on them. I'm already going to my own eCommerce site, ever since the bastards censored a few of my shirts that were anti-mask/anti-vaxx. Corporate whores and pigs the lot of em!

Damn the risk, I'm going in without a rubber or lube!

Here is what I replied:

Where does my brand stand Politically? Good question, I hope this helps.

I am highly allergic to garbage like 'politics'.


Politics is a system of expressing slavery and subservience to a perceived authority. It's a game that silly children play, to make themselves feel like big adults. I don't have political standing. Government is slavery, and I don't condone slavery or submit to it. No left, no right, no 'trust the plan', no 'its the Nazis fault', no 'its the Jews fault', etc.

It's the peoples fault for losing sight of what makes a human free. And for deferring their self ownership over to others, for some perceived lessening of their personal responsibility. I don't believe in authority, and I am not a slave. That's my 'political stance'. If you're sincere, and not a fed or some troll, then I hope that I answered your question sufficiently. If ya need more info, I'm always happy to clarify.

Here's a preview -

I am ANTI the following things (but not limited to, of course, and in no particular order), meaning they are not in my life and never will be for as long as I draw breath. I don't condone, support, or allow these things to exist in my life, no exceptions, no backing down.

They are:

  • Gun Grabbers
  • Communism or communists, socialism, etc.
  • Flat Earthers
  • Q-Tards
  • Statists of any kind (left, right, center, troop supporters, pig lovers, voters, bootlicks, etc.)
  • Human parasites (politicians, SSI, government workers, welfare queens, madden kings, etc.)
  • Vaccines
  • Masks (and the moron slaves who wear them)
  • Order Followers
  • Pharmaceuticals (oil based allopathic trash)
  • Tiktok, instagram, Facebook, twitter, etc.
  • Social Justice (a fairy-tale for thumb suckers)
  • Tel-Lie-Vision, Hollyweird, Sports, music, bread and circus, mind control mechanisms, etc.
  • Sodomy and licentiousness
  • Escapism and man-baby culture
  • Hedonistic pleasure seekers and disinterested buffoons.
  • Trans-Humanism (melding with machines)
  • Circumcision and other human mutilation rituals
  • Idolatry and the cult of personality applied to anyone or anything
  • The cult of atheism
  • The cult of veganism
  • Race politics
  • Fake Christians, fake Jews, Fake Muslims, fake posers and leeches in any group, etc.
  • Sissy men and clamorous women
  • Crony capitalism (AKA fascism)
  • The ADL, SPLC, KKK, BLM, Neo Nazi's and other cointelpro race pimp parasite groups.
  • satanists, pedos, etc.
  • ......

The list in a mile long. You should get the picture quite well by now though. I honestly wouldn't want to take money from any of those institutions, groups, or kinds of people either, to be quite honest. So, heres hoping you aren't on that list! Have a great day either way, I know I will, because I am free! =)

I am now posting this list here, online, for future people who are interested in my views and what my company stands for. All of these things and more are non-negotiable, sealed in blood. I will NOT submit to authority, and neither should anyone who truly loves themself.

Agorism till death!

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Hey brother. Keep being & sharing THE LIGHT.

Have you ever looked into the drama triangle?

No, what is it?

It is the idea that most humans are constantly toggling between the three roles of victim, hero, and perpetrator. Each carries a profit. The victims is pity. The hero's is praise. The perpetrators is power/control. The solution is taking full responsibility as mature men and women. A researcher I enjoy, Harald Kautz Vella, postulates that the dynamic is Satanic in nature. It keeps one's consciousness in a state of perpetual suffering. I've found it to be helpful in my continued process of awakening.

That's very interesting stuff. any book recommendations in particular on this? I will search that guy for his stuff if not.