Traffic Jam- Harvest Time 🚜

in agriculture •  7 years ago 

Country Life

A couple days ago, I was trying to go pick my son up from football practice and I got stopped by this. It is harvest time here. They are harvesting green beans in this photo, and they are being quite careless, there are pounds of green beans on the ground. You can always see a trail of produce when they harvest. Most of the crops around here are actually potatoes, corn, and hay. There are so many dairy farms around here, so many of the fields here are filled with corn and hay to feed the cows. You can not drive more than 10 miles without coming across a field of crops where I live. Some of the potatoes that they make Lays Potato Chips with are actually grown about 10 miles from my home.

Potato Festival

Potatoes are so popular here they have a festival to celebrate them, complete with a parade, a carnival, and even a pageant. I actually placed in the pageant one year, I won Miss. Congeniality. I found the festival quite odd when I moved to this area two decades ago, actually I still find it weird. It actually breathes life into the town for the weekend though. The last couple years they have had Monster Truck Shows, a couple years before that they ran a Rodeo.

Just wanted to Show a bit of my Country Life to you!

Hope you Enjoyed it!

All the Love-

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I live in West Yorkshire, UK, which is basically a massive field with a few major cities dotted around. When I was 17, my parents moved out to the arsehole moors of nowhere. My dad grew up on a farm, but I hated moving there at the time.. but now I must admit I love bottle feeding baby lambs, and having big cows blocking the road.. just good practise for life.


Tons of farm animals here. I don't have any but my neighbor has goats, sheep,ducks and chickens. My father in law has cows and a friend of mine has a dairy I am able to go visit animals whenever I desire :)

I’d like to have a taste of the country life too @krazykrista! ☺️ Must be a breather for somebody like me who’s in the city.

We're potatoe addicts too! We even have whole week of potatoe holidays (for high/midle schoolers) Hehe. :)