How to Cultivation Watermelon

in agriculture •  7 years ago  (edited)


Basically the cultivation of watermelon seeds and seeds are almost identical, distinguishing in the phase of seedling and marriage of flowers.


Seeding can be done directly to the seeding trai. But if the percentage of low growing power can be done before the seedling precowing because non-seeded watermelon has a unique character. Seeds of non-seeded watermelon have weak germinating power. Seeds of non-seeded watermelon are more susceptible to fungi than watermelon seeds because the seeds of non-seeded watermelon seedlings when seedlings release mucus that facilitate the growth of fungi. To increase the percentage of seeds that grow required pre-sowing treatment:

  1. Media seedlings: damp soil (not wet)
  2. Seed Temperature: 28-30 ° C
  3. Before seedling, seeds are pre-sowing
  4. Break the skin slightly with the base of the nail clippers, be careful not to break the contents in the seeds
  5. Soak the seeds in warm water (37-38 ° C) for 1 hour
  6. Drain the seed to dry (10 minutes)
  7. Pre-sowing seeds in wet paper for 2 days without direct sunlight (28-30 ° C)
  8. Seeding seeds after the pre-sowing


Non-seeded watermelon does not like rainy weather, continuous rain makes little flower production. Continuous planting of watermelon in the same place is not recommended, because the percentage of plants that will get the disease will be more

  1. Seedlings ready in planting move after 8-12 days after seedling
  2. The ideal time to move planting is in the afternoon before sunset
  3. pH soil: 6-7 (neutral) dolomite calcification is required if planting is too acidic
  4. because the non-seeded watermelon has a barren flower, the female flowers should be mated with a seeded watermelon as the pollinator. 1 seeded watermelon plant can supply the need for 10 non-seedled watermelon plants
  5. Fertilization:

Manure is given once as a basic fertilizer. Per plant 3 kg.
Basic fertilizer: ZA = 30 TSP = 25: KCl = 40: Urea = 15 Total = 110 gr
Stap 1: ZA = 10 TSP = -: KCl = 10: Urea = 5 Total = 25 gr
Stap 2: ZA = 50 TSP = 15: KCl = 35: Urea = 25 Total = 125 gr
Stap 3: ZA = 65 TSP = -: KCl = 25: Urea = - Total = 90 gr
Stap 4: ZA = 15 TSP = -: KCl = 20: Urea = - Total = 35 gr
Total: ZA = 170 TSP = 40: KCl = 130: Urea = 45 Total = 385 gr / plant

Fertilization time:

Basic fertilizer 3 days before planting, mix well on planting beds, if the koak system stirred until blended on koakan.

A 7-10 days after planting is given on the left and right side of the plant or around the plant (half circle) with a distance of ± 10-15 cm from the base of the stem

A 14 days after the first fertilizer. Given on the front of the plant (direction of plant spreading) Distance ± 20 cm.

A 14 days after the second follow-up fertilizer, given behind the plant (near the gutter) Distance ± 20 cm.

A 10-14 days after the next third fertilizer. Given around the plant. Distance ± 20 cm.

The timing of fertilizer should be done after irrigation. So when the soil is still a bit wet and after fertilizing, then the fertilizer is closed again with the soil.
The above fertilization is for sandy soil, so when used on other soil types (kinda clay) fertilizer can be given 80-90% of the dose.


  1. Pollination temperature: 25 ° C
  2. The ideal time of morning pollination
  3. The marriage is performed manually by the man by marrying the female flowers of the non-seeded watermelon with the male seedling watermelon flowers
  4. Ideal temperature enlargement temperature: 30 ° C
  5. Maintain fruit in the position of 1 meter more than the base of the stem. (2-3 pieces / plant)
  6. Avoid direct contact of the fruit with soil, use straw as a fruit base

Harvest time 60-65 days after planting.




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