#Air-clinic writing contest- Marijuana uses and abuses

in air-clinic •  7 years ago  (edited)


There was a deliberation on the 5th-7th of May 2002 in the Federal republic of Nigeria about the legalization of marijuana. Youths were invited to the House of Assembly to air distint views about legalising such drug in the country. This case intrigued my attention while watching it on news.

The case was adjourned for weeks which made the Senate discuss about.


Waking up in morning in my ghetto street with smokes of marijuana sniffing through my nose discomforted my morning. Seeing mentally deranged youths wandering my street in Lagos became rampant due to the excessive intake of marijuana. Illicit characters that is prompted by the abuse of this drug increased the rate of smugglers and touts.


Addicts becoming very poor and homeless as a result of obsessiveness of marijuana provoked the eagerness in me to attend the scheduled deliberation by the Senate in order to air my view about marijuana and it's bad effect in the country.

It's was 5th of May, I was dressed in my native attire and sat egoistically in the conference hall with so much readiness to air my view that I thought would be validated since it's obvious that there is no advantages of marijuana. Sets of doctors were assigned to enlighten us about the subject matter but I found it unnecessary.
The conference commenced with a Doctor Who highlighted about the merits and demerits of marijuana. In his words,
"Speaking about its merit, Marijuanna has seen to be of help with children who have seizures(epilepsy). Also it has been evident that a chemical in marijuana reduces the spread of cancer to other cells. Marijuana has been useful for patients with chronic pains and arthritis displeasures. For the sake of time, I would stop here but if there are clarifications you need, meet with us after the conference. To it's demerits,......."

At this point, my mouth was widely opened with surprises. I never knew the good effects of marijuana. Then I realizes it's the abuse of marijuana only that is harmful.

Word count: 348

In conclusion, it's usage is medically approved but the abuse is what becomes detrimental to the health. In giving reference to the doctors claim about the advantages of marijuana, you can read more by clicking here merits and demerits of marijuana which shows the medical proofs that backs it up

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It's @magatha and air-clinic indeed rocks!

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