Stealth JADE II B-21 Capable Of Swarm Seek And Destroy

in aircraft •  3 years ago 

"The II generation of JADE has the capability for two way communication with drones through the OCCOM technology which is one of the next generation integrations to this system."

"In addition, these autonomous weapons are capable of swarm seek and destroy based on the shared hive based AGI learning platform…they learn from warfare scenarios."

"Unlike the B-2, the Raider is designed to revive updates to its software quite literally on the fly, helping to ensure that the bomber is optimized for whatever mission it faces in near-real-time."

"The new B-21 Raider “will provide the United States with a strategic asset capable of penetrating enemy air defenses and reaching targets anywhere in the world — something approximately 90 percent of the nation’s current bomber fleet is incapable of doing,” Northrop Grumman said."

"As the U.S.’s traditional adversaries flex their territorial muscles, there are more public announcements about new secret programs and the analysts at Forbes believe a drone-carrying B-21 stealthbomber is a possibility."

"The Cluster Swarm project is developing a missile warhead to dispense a swarm of small drones that fan out to locate and destroy vehicles with explosively formed penetrators or EFPs"

"With many countries announcing what they call “swarms,” at some point—and arguably that point is now—this technology will pose a real risk: In theory, swarms could be scaled to tens of thousands of drones, creating a weapon akin to a low-scale nuclear device."

"The Air Force can’t afford to keep buying all the piloted bombers and jets it plans, the service secretary says, so he’s considering a hybrid force of drones operating in tandem with aircraft like the new B-21 stealth bomber.

“I’m looking at things that would introduce unmanned platforms” that could be sacrificed in combat, would “complement some of our more expensive high-end platforms” and would “give us the quantity we need at a reasonable cost,” Air Force Secretary Frank Kendall said in an interview this week.

Among the conceptual possibilities, Kendall said, is using the B-21 being built by Northrop Grumman Corp. in a quarterback role directing pilotless systems."

"Thanks to our colleagues Steve Trimble and Marcus Weisgerber, The War Zone's long-standing assertion that the Air Force's new B-21 Raider stealth bomber would work as a central C3 node for tactical aircraft, including networked swarms of UCAVs, was all but outright confirmed by the Air Force's Chief of Staff. Once again, we are talking about an interconnected family of systems here."

"The U.S. Navy has destroyed a surface vessel with a swarm of drones for the first time. The strike, disclosed in a briefing on April 26, was carried out during the Unmanned Systems Integrated Battle Problem (UxS IBP) 21 exercise conducted off the coast of California.

The swarm attack, which was directed against a target identified by an unmanned surface vessel, was one of several unmanned systems teaming operations during the exercise. These included a combination of unmanned aircraft and boats identifying an enemy vessel that was engaged with an SM-6 anti-ship missile from the guided-missile destroyer USS John Finn."

Stealth (2005) Official Trailer 1 - Jessica Biel Movie

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Stealthing with detox. It's going to be amazing, especially with that beautiful pilot there.