When Metal meets Tolkien 7-Day Music Challenge: Your Top Albums - Day 4 - Nightfall in Middle-Earth by Blind Guardian

in albumchallenge •  7 years ago 

For this (totally consecutive) 4th day I WILL NOT FUCKING FUCK AROUND MAH BOIS!!! I will share with you the amazingly EPIC merge of METAL and the Tolkien Legendarium, yeah, you read that right, my children an entire conceptual album themed In The Silmarillion, and the best part is 22 TRACKS LONG Let's fucking go!!!



Made by (A BUNCH OF GENIUSES) BLIND GUARDIAN in April 1998 lined-up by Hansi Kursch at the vocals, Andre Olbrich on the lead guitar, Marcus Siepen on the rhythm guitar and Thomas Stauch hitting the drums (yeah no bass players, there were no bass guitars in the Middle-earth), took their passion for Tolkien's literature and made an entire album about a portion of The Silmarillion and honestly you can't get much more METAL than a German band playing songs about Balrogs.

Don't fear the eyes of the Dark Lord!

NIGHTFALL is the 4th track on the album, this song is a heavy metal ballad in all its right, sorrowful and dark, it depicts the pain of the elves when the Dark Lord Morgoth with the help of Ungoliant killed and devoured the trees of light and stole the Silmarils, betraying the elves and enraging Feanor and his sons who pledged an oath to see the final doom of their enemy... hey HEY!!! are you following me there? Oh, c'mon man, don't tell me you haven't read that book... You guys always ruin my joy...

The 13th track on this album is called TIME STANDS STILL (AT THE IRON HILL) and you immediately know it will be amazing when it has the second part of its title in parentheses, this time the story is a bit simpler but is the most epic of them all, this song tells the moment when Fingolfin, the High King of the Noldor (a branch of the elves that left Valinor to... nevermind) challenge Morgoth to a singular fight, the song gets perfectly the atmosphere of dread from the Dark Lord and the glorious sacrifice by Fingolfin... yeah shit went south really fast but it is EPIC AS FUCK... You don't know who Morgoth is? Well, you remember Sauron from The Lord of the Rings? Well, he was Morgoth's bitch

WHEN SORROW SANG is one of the most powerful songs in the album (and that's high praise in an album packed with feelings and metal) telling the story of Beren and Luthien the OG ElfxMan couple (you're good Aragorn and Arwen but get fucked you didn't stole jewelry from Morgoth), mainly the moment when Beren dies and is separated from Luthien who tried to convince Mandos (literally like the angel of death) with a song to give her beloved back. What? How do I know all this shit? Wel...

For me this is a MUST HEAR if you like the Power Metal genre, or if you like Tolkien's literature, this album captures like no other the tragic and dark atmosphere and events previous to The Lord of the Rings (yeah, this is a tragedy, happy endings are for sissies), and if you don't like any of those things... NOW YOU DO, HEAR THE WHOLE SHIT, I COMMAND YOU!!!


  • You need to pick your 7 all-time favorite albums. Post one every day for seven days in a row. (EASY)

  • One song (at least) from each album has to be in your playlist currently. Oh yeah, you also have to share this song with us through YouTube. (piece of cake)

  • The Cover of the Album has to be the main theme of your post each day. (GG,EZ)

  • No need to explain why the specific album is a favorite of yours, but if you feel like it, please do! (Nah, do it, that's the fun part)

  • Use #albumchallenge as a tag. (mmm just because I like you)

  • Last but not least, nominate a different steemian each day. (SO, YOU'RE THE RESPONSIBLE FOR THIS YOU LITTLE...)

This day I want to nominate @gabymusica because I know she likes Dream Theater but I really think she needs some epic shit in her life... I want my pizza btw...

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