in alcohol •  7 years ago 
  1. Genesis 9:20-26 - Noah became drunk; the result
    was immorality and family trouble.
  2. Genesis 19:30-38 - Lot was so drunk he did not
    know what he was doing; this led to immorality
  3. Leviticus 10:9-11 - God commanded priests not to
    drink so that they could tell the difference between
    the holy and the unholy.
  4. Numbers 6:3 - The Nazarites were told to eat or
    drink nothing from the grape vine.
  5. Deuteronomy 21:20 - A drunken son was stubborn
    and rebellious.
  6. Deuteronomy 29:5-6 - God gave no grape juice to
    Israel nor did they have intoxicating drink in the
  7. Deuteronomy 32:33 - Intoxicating wine is like the
    poison of serpents, the cruel venom of asps.
  8. Judges 13:4, 7, 14 - Samson was to be a Nazarite
    for life. His mother was told not to drink wine or
    strong drink.
  9. 1 Samuel 1:14-15 - Accused, Hannah said she
    drank no wine.
  10. 1 Samuel 25:32-38 - Nabal died after a drunken
  11. 2 Samuel 11:13 - By getting Uriah drunk, David
    hoped to cover his sin.
  12. 2 Samuel 13:28-29 - Amnon was drunk when he
    was killed.
  13. 1 Kings 16:8-10 - The king was drinking himself
    into drunkenness when he was assassinated
  14. 1 Kings 20:12-21 - Ben-Hadad and 32 other kings
    were drinking when they were attacked and defeated
    by the Israelites.
  15. Esther 1:5-12 - The king gave each one all the
    drink he wanted. The king was intoxicated when he
    commanded the queen to come.
  16. Psalm 75:8 - The Lord’s anger is pictured as
    mixed wine poured out and drunk by the wicked.
  17. Proverbs 4:17 - Alcoholic drink is called the wine
    of violence.
  18. Proverbs 20:1 - Wine is a mocker, strong drink is
  19. Proverbs 23:19-20 - A wise person will not be
    among the drinkers of alcoholic beverages.
  20. Proverbs 23:21 - Drunkenness causes poverty.
  21. Proverbs 23:29-30 - Drinking causes woe, sorrow,
    fighting, babbling, wounds without cause and red
  22. Proverbs 23:31 - God instructs not to look at
    intoxicating drinks.
  23. Proverbs 23:32 - Alcoholic drinks bite like a
    serpent, sting like an adder.
  24. Proverbs 23:33 - Alcohol causes the drinker to
    have strange and adulterous thoughts, produces
    willfulness, and prevents reformation.
  25. Proverbs 23:34 - Alcohol makes the drinker
  26. Proverbs 23:35 - Alcohol makes the drinker
    insensitive to pain so he does not perceive it as a
    warning. Alcohol is habit forming.
  27. Proverb 31:4-5 - Kings, Princes, and others who
    rule and judge must not drink alcohol. Alcohol
    perverts good judgment.
  28. Proverbs 31:6-7 - Strong drink could be given to
    those about to perish or those in pain. Better
    anesthetics are available today.
  29. Ecclesiastes 2:3 - The king tried everything,
    including intoxicating drink, to see if it satisfied. It
    did not. (Ecclesiastes 12:8)
  30. Ecclesiastes 10:17 - A land is blessed when its
    leaders do not drink.
  31. Isaiah 5:11-12 - Woe to those who get up early to
    drink and stay up late at night to get drunk.
  32. Isaiah 5:22 - Woe to "champion" drinkers and
    "experts" at mixing drinks.
  33. Isaiah 19:14 - Drunken men stagger in their
  34. Isaiah 22:12-13 - The Israelites choose to drink;
    their future looks hopeless to them.
  35. Isaiah 24:9 - Drinkers cannot escape the
    consequences when God judges.
  36. Isaiah 28:1 - God pronounces woe on the
    drunkards of Ephraim.
  37. Isaiah 28:3 - Proud drunkards shall be trodden
  38. Isaiah 28:7 - Priests and prophets stagger and
    reel from beer and wine, err in vision, and stumble
    in judgment.
  39. Isaiah 28:8 - Drinkers’ tables are covered with
    vomit and filth.
  40. Isaiah 56:9-12 - Drinkers seek their own gain and
    expect tomorrow to be just like today.
  41. Jeremiah 35:2-14 - The Rechabites drank no
    grape juice or intoxicating wine and were blessed.
  42. Ezekiel 44:21 - Again God instructed the priests
    not to drink wine.
  43. Daniel 1:5-17 - Daniel refused the king’s
    intoxicating wine and was blessed for it along with his
    abstaining friends.
  44. Daniel 5:1 - Belshazzar, ruler of Babylon; led his
    people in drinking.
  45. Daniel 5:2-3 - The king, along with his nobles,
    wives, and concubines, drank from the goblets which
    had been taken from God’s temple.
  46. Daniel 5:4 - Drinking wine was combined with
    praising false gods.
  47. Daniel 5:23 - God sent word to Belshazzar that
    punishment would be swift for the evil he had
  48. Hosea 4:11 - Intoxicating wine takes away
  49. Hosea 7:5 - God reproves princes for drinking.
  50. Joel 1:5 - Drunkards awake to see God’s
  51. Joel 3:3 - The enemy is judged for selling girls for
  52. Amos 2:8 - Unrighteous acts of Israel included
    the drinking of wine which had been taken for the
    payment of fines.
  53. Amos 2:12 - Israel is condemned for forcing
    Nazarites to drink wine.
  54. Micah 2:11 - Israelites are eager to follow false
    teachers who prophesy plenty of intoxicating drinks.
  55. Nahum 1:10 - The drunkards of Nineveh will be
    destroyed by God.
  56. Habakkuk 2:5 - A man is betrayed by wine.
  57. Habakkuk 2:15 - Woe to him that gives his
    neighbor drink.
  58. Habakkuk 2:16 - Drinking leads to shame.
  59. Matthew 24:48-51 - A drinking servant is
    unprepared for his Lord’s return.
  60. Luke 1:15 - John the Baptist drank neither grape
    juice nor wine.the-spiritual-consequences-of-alcohol-consumption-315788-2.jpg
  61. Luke 12:45 - Christ warned against drunkenness.
  62. Luke 21:34 - Drunkenness will cause a person not
    to be ready for the Lord’s return.
  63. Romans 13:13 - Do not walk in drunkenness or
  64. Romans 14:21 - Do not do anything that will hurt
    your testimony as a believer.
  65. 1 Corinthians 5:11 - If a Christian brother is a
    drinker, do not associate with him.
  66. 1 Corinthians 6:10 - Drunkards will not inherit the
    kingdom of God
  67. Galatians 5:21 - Acts of the sinful nature, such as
    drunkenness, will prohibit a person from inheriting
    the kingdom of God.
  68. Ephesians 5:18 - In contrast to being drunk with
    wine, the believer is to be filled with the Spirit.
  69. 1 Thessalonians 5:6-7 - Christians are to be alert
    and self-controlled, belonging to the day. Drunkards
    belong to the night and darkness.
  70. 1 Timothy 3:2-3 - Bishops (elders) are to be
    temperate, sober, and not near any wine.
  71. 1 Timothy 3:8 - Deacons are to be worthy of
    respect and not drinkers.
  72. 1 Timothy 3:11 - Deacons’ wives are to be
    temperate and sober.
  73. Titus 1:7-8 - An overseer is to be disciplined.
  74. Titus 2:2-3 - The older men and older women of
    the church are to be temperate and not addicted to
  75. 1 Peter 4:3-4 - The past life of drunkenness and
    carousing has no place in the Christian’s life.
    GOD 1 COR 6,10.
    God Loves you
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