A new form of heroin is circulating on the streets of Greater Sudbury, warns the Sudbury and District Health Unit. Sold under the name "purple" or "purp", this variant of heroin is cut with fentanyl and can be fatal.
The public health service recalls that fentanyl or carfentanil can be added to many illegal drugs, and that a small amount may be enough to cause an overdose.
The agency is also in the process of developing a digital alert system capable of automatically preventing the population when the number of opioid overdoses exceeds the average.
The organization hopes to implement an automated data collection system that will trigger this reporting by spring
Symptoms of an overdose:
- blue lips or nails
- dizziness and confusion
- cold and moist skin
- choking, gurgling or snoring
- difficulty staying awake
- slow, weak, or nonexistent breathing
Source: Health Canada
In the meantime, the Sudbury & District Health Unit recalls that naloxone kits are available at its branch at the Rainbow Mall.