600 million dollars worth of stolen crypto currency returned

in algorand •  4 years ago 


Would you return 600 million dollars?

Do you guys think law enforcement will pursue the thieves?

Are they even thieves if they have given most oif not all of it back?

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They hacked it and returned also , so i think they are not thieves.

Thanks for sharing

Hope you enjoyed reading

You are welcome.
Yes, I enjoyed this interesting news very much.

So what do you think about their hacking.? Why they do so.?

This news make me surprised , because i have never heard to return the hacked assets.

It doesn’t, it takes some nerve to steal that much money. Returning it takes even more.

Yes. It's easy to find hackers when the return assets.

Holding cryptocurrency is being risky for hackers.

Where there is a will, there is a way.

You are right.

You are right. The more risk crypto has, the more possibility it also has.

It seems, they are great hearted hackers.🤣

It does seem like their motive was not robbery. Thanks for sharing :)

They may be trying to alert us.

Since they have returned the assets so i think law enforcement will not pursue the thieves and it's not easy to reach them.

You make a great point. Thanks for sharing :)

You are welcome.

The hackers were recently offered $500000 as a bounty for exposing flaws in the system. They were also offered jobs, but I do not know if they have accepted those.

That's a good news for every crypto related person.

Thanks for sharing this

I am seeing you again after a big gap. You were absent.

I dont understand if they stole those currency why even they returned it back? Fear to get caught?

We might never find out. But it’s possible they were trying to prevent future theft by altering to the issue. By showing the weakness for the world to see.

Yeah, it could be. I didnt saw news like this, they are really good at this, so brave that can challenge the system.

May be there are a lot of reasons. But which is the exact reason that is hard to find out.

We will know soon i think, they will confess anonymously if they are good person i mean if they just wanted to challenge the security of it.

Yes it was hacked but surprisingly it was found again which surprised everyone very much which people have never seen before.Maybe they thought it would be more risky to keep it, so they gave it back.

Who knows…

We mostly see such things in a movie. But in the real life its seems very good. Indeed they hacked but the good thing is they returned also.

Though the bad hackers are doing bad, but i amaze to see their skill. Anyway it is a good news.

It is surprising that they have returned them, it would be good to know the truth of why they returned them. Greetings.