(Bilderberg + Imperial Germans) × (Inner Earthers + Yaldabaoth / extraterrestrials or creator ‘gods’) = Return to Eden?

in aliens •  4 years ago 

"Imperial Germans - Die Dritte Macht - and their return in a few years."

"The Imperial Germans are the Germans that live in the Inner Earthen colony of New Swabia. The capital city of New Swabia is New Berlin."

"A number of whistleblowers reveal a very different agenda behind the Bilderberg Group – a covert global takeover spearheaded by breakaway Nazi/German groups who allied themselves with extraterrestrials during the Second World War."

"plot involving the Fourth Reich taking over the world and depopulating it so that the white Aryan race can rule supreme in a “Garden of Eden” like setting"

"The core concept in the Illuminati belief system, according to Jones, is that humanity was created by a group of ancient astronauts, and global elites are the direct descendents of these extraterrestrials or creator ‘gods’."

" Yaldabaoth said to his subordinate demons:
Let’s create a man according to the image of God
And our own likeness
So that his image will illuminate us.”

Each one through another’s Power created aspects of the man;
Each added a characteristic corresponding to the psychic factors
They had seen in the Image above them.
They made a creature of substance
In the likeness of that perfect First Man

And they said, “Let us call him Adam, so that his name will give us the power of light.”"

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