One Eye Covered Meaning (The Black Veil 9)

in allseeingeye •  6 years ago 

Click the picture to watch the video for lots of examples of the celebrities showing the one eye covered and I’ll explain how they are outside of the physical realm looking in on what you are doing.

When you see the pictures of celebrities with one eye covered, apart from being told that ‘in the land of the blind the one eyed man is king,’ you’re actually being given another important message as well. When you ascend from the 3rd dimension into the 5th dimension, i.e. the 3rd density into the 4th, you will be able to leave your physical body and travel through the walls, you can travel enormous distances instantly. In this state of awareness you can see what is happening in the rooms all around you, should you be so inclined to watch what the neighbours are doing, you can.

Right now, all the internet trolls think they are hidden safely behind their keyboards as they try to block information in the truth community, little do they know that millions have already ascended and can see everything they are doing, not that this really matters though because everything is recorded anyway. You have never taken a shit or had a single private thought that is not displayed in the Akashic records, every single misdeed you have ever committed is recorded and will be balanced. Understand, anybody, and that means literally anybody that can access the higher dimensions can watch exactly what you are doing right now, even your thoughts are open to be listened to.

The only ways to overcome Karma are to pay it back or genuinely learn your lesson. When you genuinely learn your lesson it means that you will not commit the same ‘wrong’ again. This principle is explained religiously as asking for forgiveness, or pleading the blood of Christ. You are forgiven for every single thing given that you truly want forgiveness for and that you prove to the universe (or God if you want to call it that) that you are actually fixing your shit.

The celebrities that have one eye covered have been awoken under The Black Veil. As explained in “The Black Veil 1 - The Light-side vs The Dark-side,” the people that ascend will lift the veil that cloaks the higher dimensions and be able to see through the walls etc. But the people that descend will have the same ability but they will be enslaved. In the video to this blog I use examples from an Ariana Grande video, and a Paramore video that are actually showing this. All the celebrities with one eye covered can tune in to you and watch exactly what you are doing. This exact thing is what “The Candles” were depicted as doing in Part 2 of this Black Veil series called ‘Bimbo’s Initiation.’ You have this ability! Bimbo failed his initiation unfortunately, rather than ascend into god and become the light, he descended and became assimilated into the darkness.

There are no secrets! Your physical body is your person, it is not you, but identifying as it we create a persona. The reason they say the world is a stage is because it is, and you are the actors, this is also depicted in movies like ‘The Truman Show,’ ‘Cabin in the Woods,’ and of course what we’ve just mentioned, ‘Bimbo’s Initiation.’ Persona means, “Actors mask.” Identifying as the body is a form of ego identification, we must let go of the ego to rise up, we must remove the actors mask.

One of the reasons that racism is so ridiculous is that when they disconnect from the physical body, the white man and the black man are exactly the same essence, they are light in the ether. We all have the ability to lift the veil and tune in to higher dimensions, I personally have been saving my sexual energy to transmute which helps the process. I have also not eaten animals for nearly two years. That’s not to say that I won’t ever eat meat again but after nearly 2 years without it I still feel pretty good.

Anyway, the reason you are seeing the one eye covered all of the time and that there is a major obsession with the eye, like on the dollar bill etc. is because they are showing you ‘the all seeing eye,’ something which you in fact have, you just must learn to access it.

Thanks for reading this short explanation of what I explain in the video at the top of this page, thank you for liking and subscribing, much appreciated! Look after yourself you sexy people.

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