On the subject of moral philosophy:
A multidimensional geometry experienced from fewer dimensions, appearing as movement. The unified vibrating field create patterns. A set of patterns that self-resonate, and a set of patterns that does not self-resonate. Supporting patterns interfere constructively, creating new patterns of standing vibrations. Opposing patterns interfere destructively, and ends up as chaotic vibrations, relative to its environment. In another area of space, what would be self-resonant and not would differ, depending on what the geometry is doing locally, affecting curvature and the fundamental constants.
A standing pattern in an area interferes with incoming vibrations and patterns. Some act constructively, and some act destructively. As if some are good, and some are evil. Reflected widely throughout, such as: plus and minus poles, chaos and order, or other dualities and spectrums as colour or feelings.
Combinations of vibrations and patterns interact to form new standing patterns. A standing pattern seeking to stay standing by evolving functions to seek away from destructive interference, and towards constructive interference when it is interacted with, permeates greater than those who do not. Seeking away from danger and harm, a standing pattern continues to stay and introduce order, by taking up the area it is in and that pattern being a definition of order relative to its environment. In other regions in space, the most effective standing pattern is another, and the fundamentals for the laws of physics may differ. Nevertheless, a standing pattern must not be the locally optimal resonance to continue, and might evolve towards more effectiveness.
Chaos and order level each other out upon interaction, viewed by us through events unfolding. Tension, as an offset in chaos and order, build up over time caused by incoming vibrations and patterns, relatively constructive or destructive to the standing pattern. And is released on different scales, such as: chemical and physical reactions, friction or electromagnetic waves dissipating through heat, heated discussions, natural disasters, nuclear explosions, or supernovas. Over time, entropy forms knots or probabilistic quantum states in timelines forcing scenarios to unfold, releasing built up tension as happenings on individual, global, and universal scale.
Situations occur where disorder is discharged, or order is restored. By withholding flow, bad karma is introduced. Bad karma as destructive interference, and good karma as constructive interference. By acting for good karma, the whole system becomes better.
By not introducing destructive interference, good will uphold greater as the dominant pattern. If a different pattern had been the main standing pattern in the area, than a reflection of that would have been good instead. Across all I believe it to be a balance of what we in this local area of space and geometry perceive as chaos and order, disorder and balance, matter and anti-matter. Act to minimize and reduce evilness, and act to maximize and increase good karma.
Law of Cardamom:
One shall not bother others
One shall be nice and kind
Otherwise one may do as one pleases
And it's many variants
Ofc having a heated discussion will make Eta Carinae blow up faster, duuuh
-Common Sense